RECURF focuses on the possibilities to process the new material combinations of bio-based plastics and textile residues in attractive circular products for interior and exterior uses
RECURF focuses on the possibilities to process the new material combinations of bio-based plastics and textile residues in attractive circular products for interior and exterior uses
The residents of Amsterdam produce an average of 17kg of textile waste per person per year. Of this, only 16% is collected separately. The rest end up as residual waste and will be incinerated. Only apart of the separated gathered textile is suitable for reuse or high quality recycling. The combination of textile wastefibres and bio-based plastics produce new materials with unique properties. Together with clothing collection organization Sympany, the AUAS is doing research to the possibilities of making lasting products with the discarded textiles of the inhabitants of Amsterdam. But also companies as Starbucks and Schiphol airport have textile waste flows; a unique circular product and business model arises by processing these for example in furniture for their own shops or departure and arrival halls.
RECURF focuses particularly on the possibilities to process the new material combinations of bio-based plastics and textile residues in attractive circular products for interior and exterior uses. Research is being done to:
the mechanical and aesthetic properties of new material combinations,
the appropriate processing techniques and design strategies for application of these materials ,
the circular nature of the realized designs, including environmental impact and the end-of-life scenarios'
circular business models with an interesting value proposition and revenue model for the companies involved, in order to bring designs successfully to the market.
This research project is initiated by the university of applied sciences and multiple companies within the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam.
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I am a Master’s student at The Glasgow School of Art, specializing in Innovation Design and Circular Economy. Originally from Austria, I am very interested in gaining practical experience through a six-month internship in Amsterdam, a city known for its pioneering efforts in Circular Economy.
My goal is to build professional experience in this field and, ideally, to bring this knowledge back to Austria to help advance sustainable practices there.
For my Master’s thesis, I focused on the fashion industry, particularly on how the textile sector in Scotland can transition to a circular model, with a primary focus on my main stakeholder, <em>Johnston of Elgin</em>.
I would be very grateful to discuss any potential internship opportunities you might have. Please feel free to reach out to me!
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Jaarevent C-Creators 2024: Zet de Bouwketen in Beweging
<strong>Datum</strong>: 14 november 2024
<strong>Locatie</strong>: A Lab, Amsterdam
<strong>Tijd</strong>: 14.00 - 17.30 uur (inloop vanaf 13:30, met aansluitende borrel)
<strong>Thema</strong>: “Onderweg naar morgen – Transitie in beweging”
<strong>Beschrijving</strong>: Het Jaarevent 2024 van C-Creators brengt pioniers, beleidsmakers en ketenpartners samen om concrete stappen te zetten richting een circulaire toekomst in de bouw. Tijdens dit inspirerende evenement krijg je de kans om kennis op te doen, te netwerken en mee te denken over de toekomst van circulair bouwen.
Waarom deelnemen?
<strong>Voor wie</strong>: Bouwprofessionals, woningcorporaties, architecten, ontwikkelaars, gemeenten, slopers en investeerders.
<strong>Aanmelden</strong>: Deelname is gratis, maar de plaatsen zijn beperkt!
🔗 Meld je nu aan en sluit je aan bij de koplopers in de circulaire bouwsector.
Op 21 november 2024 vindt de tweede editie van Just.City.Amsterdam plaats. Dit jaar richten we ons op een belangrijk thema: rechtvaardigheid in de praktijk brengen. Waar we tijdens de eerste editie verschillende perspectieven op rechtvaardigheid onderzochten, gaan we nu aan de slag met de vraag: Hoe doen we dat?
Vanuit het A Lab in Amsterdam Noord gaan we de wijk in om rechtvaardigheid van dichtbij te ervaren. Samen bezoeken we lokale initiatieven die actief werken aan meer rechtvaardigheid. We kijken naar wat er gebeurt, wat werkt, en wat misschien anders kan. Daarnaast denken we samen na over wat jij zelf kunt bijdragen aan een rechtvaardige stad.
Tijdens Just.City.Amsterdam.2024 ervaar je hoe rechtvaardigheid in de stad wordt toegepast. Sluit je aan bij één van de excursies waarin lokale gemeenschappen hun projecten en uitdagingen delen, en leer meer over hun inzet voor rechtvaardigheid en verandering. Of kies voor een workshop waarin je dieper ingaat op hoe creatieve en praktische methodes bijdragen aan een eerlijker Amsterdam.
Bekijk het aanbod hieronder, meld je aan en doe mee aan het gesprek over een rechtvaardige stad!
- Excursie: Inkijkjes in de Energietransitie - met Tessa Steenkamp
- Workshop: School voor Strijders - met Massih Hutak
- Excursie: Red Amsterdam Noord - met Eva Bollen en Esmee Barel
- Workshop: De maatschappelijke impact van documentaires - met Ester Gould
- Excursie: De Rechtvaardige Stad en Community Wealth Building - met Floris Bremen
- Excursie: Van wie en voor wie is de buurt - Met Bart Stuart
Woud they decompose?
Hi Kim,
For SandBossing (sandprinting) I need 1mm but there are many other techniques in our new industry and for these the material can be thicker. 20x20 is too small :( I have seen some amazing materials but 20x20 cm just is not big enough I need 100x100cm Not always but mostly.
But aside from the size issue which could be solved, I am interested to know if the material can be laser cut or cut with a CnC cutter? What about end of life? The circle economy is where I am headed so this is critical for me.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for you messages.
At the moment we can make plates of 20x20 cm, is that big enough? And what is the thickness you would need?
Hi Kim,
I am looking for a sheet material to use for sjabloons. Would these materials be suitable.
Here is a little video of a project I am working on so that you can see what I need.
Your expertise would be greatly appreciated!