Urby helps locals to connect with the events and places they love.

What is the goal of the project?
What is the goal of the project?
Problem: people in medium or large cities are often missing interesting events or activities because social media has just TOO MUCH information for them to process. On the other hand local marketers or business owners are having a hard time efficiently promoting their events, products, services or offers through search engines, local websites or social platforms. The globalisation of information systems has created a lack of relevant and rich local information.
Goal: help locals to connect with the events and places they love. Empowers them to create their own stream of updates and get daily notifications with the things, places and opportunities relevant for them.
What is the result of the project?
Urby offers free content to other online services: allows third party solutions to take its information and publish it on their websites or apps. We believe in distributing efficiently the information to make it available to anyone, whatever the platform they prefer to use
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
The company who built the project is called Eventya Co and it's from Sibiu (former European Cultural Capital), in Transylvania, Romania.
What is the next step?
Spread Urby in all major cities of Netherlands
What can other cities learn from your project?
How to structure and organise local information.
How to involve local Public Administrations to communicate more efficiently with the community
How spread an app to local people inside a community/city
How not build stuff that no one wants :)