KPN 5G Consumer Challenge

Will you join us in the 5G Challenge?

The future mobile 5G network is more than a faster version of the usual 3G and 4G wireless technologies. In addition to improved bandwidth, 5G has a lower latency (the delay in communication between devices), better security options and more powerful antenna concepts and a much higher capacity. Where 4G connected for people, 5G will connect society.

Will you join us in the challenge?
You are a start-up with the skills to connect society. We - the Johan Cruijff Arena, City of Amsterdam, Capgemini/Sogeti and KPN - challenge you to design and pitch a compelling service/application for consumers using 5G capabilities.

For more information and to sign up for the challange visit:


Evert Kuiken's picture
Evert Kuiken

5G is a solution we don't want for a problem we don't have.


Thank you for your invitation. I will check it.
