Looking forward to exploring the construction waste recycling system in Amsterdam

My name is Yang Shan, I'm from a association of China, 12 members of our association will visit Amsterdam and wish to have a tour in the city and wish to learn about how the construction and delmolition waste to be recycle and reuse in the city when staying there. They will arrive at Amsterdam on 18th Nov afternoon, and leave in the afternoon 19 th. I am wondering if there is any professional expert or business people in the industry would like to guide them? please contact me chncsw@163.com。 Thanks and best wishes.


Shan Young

Hi Maud, I send the email to you, but not sure if it reaches you successfully, would you please check and reply, Thanks!

Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Metabolic ( @kateblack ) and AMS Institute ( @maudkaan ) might be able to help you! And @cornelia ?
