
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Online Just Sustainability Transitions Course

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Do you believe, like us, that sustainability and social justice are key to fundamental change? ‘Just Sustainability Transitions’ is a six-month online course that provides the tools and inspiration you need to create your own transition strategy. This year, we're organising a third edition!

The Just Sustainability Transitions peer-learning course draws from our latest action research insights on justice, sustainability transitions and social innovation. This is the third year we are organising this course, which brings you best practices and personal experiences we gathered during our work on transition processes in different settings and countries – in Europe and across the globe.
How can we facilitate and accelerate societal transformation? And how can we really bring in diverse allies to drive systemic change? This course helps you find answers to such questions by combining state-of-the-art research with deep critical reflection and applied action learning. We provide a diversity of perspectives that help you discover what works for you.

Special attention is given to tools and methods with which you can organise a process of transition in your area, organization or sector.
Your guides on this journey will be young and more seasoned DRIFT experts, all active in transitions research, (government) consultancy and education. They specialise in diverse domains such as climate policy, energy, agro-food, inclusiveness & participation, sustainable urbanism and the circular economy.

Illustration by Maria Fraaije

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from May 23rd to Oct 10th
Dennis Mansell, Product Development at Fonetic, posted

Using AI for All Amsterdammers

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Modern technologies can be used in various ways to make life easier. But if we’re not careful, these possibilities will mainly benefit people who already have it easy. What can technology mean for people who, for one reason or another, have a harder time in society, for example, because they are hard of hearing, have little money, or are immigrants?

The EU project CommuniCity encourages the development of tech solutions for and with various marginalized and/or vulnerable groups. This afternoon, we will present serveral of the pilots that were carried out over the past year, demonstrating how artificial intelligence and other technologies can contribute to the well-being of various residents of Amsterdam.

Dennis Mansell's picture Meet-up on Sep 19th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Data Dilemma’s: Data and AI for an accessible Amsterdam

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This event is postponed to September 26 (was first scheduled on July 16)

We often take daily activities such as commuting to work, independently taking public transport, grocery shopping or going to a restaurant for granted. Unfortunately, not everyone has this privilege. For people with reduced mobility (e.g., wheelchair users), getting around Amsterdam can be tricky. There are a lot of obstacles, such as narrow or bumpy pavements and high curbs.

The municipality of Amsterdam wants to be a free, just and sustainable city for all. For which the accessibility of the city is essential. With the Amsterdam for All initiative, the municipality of Amsterdam researches and experiments with how data and AI can be leveraged to ensure accessibility for its residents. How can the data and AI help to make our city more accessible for all? And which kind of dilemma’s does the city come across?

To help people with less mobility move around the city more easily, the city’s innovation department has created a prototype route planning tool. This route planner maps out the best accessible route for each person based on what they need. It considers preferences like maximum curb height when crossing the road, minimum sidewalk width, and a preference for using sidewalks or bike paths. Vishruth Krishnan, Data Scientist at the Innovation department of the municipality of Amsterdam, will tell you all about this route planner, the necessary data and the dilemma’s faces while using the data.

Hans Voerknecht, strategist for sustainable accessibility at Een Nieuwe Kijk, will speak about the Integrated Perspective on Accessibility method, which he developed to improve accessibility for people. This method assists in collecting data and analyzing the severity of current inequalities and the effects of policy measures. The method has already been applied in nearly twenty projects, including four in the Amsterdam region, such as the Multimodal Future Vision of the Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA).

Additionally, Michiel Bontenbal (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) tells us more about the Urban Sounds sensor, developed in collaboration with the volunteer organization Sensemakers. He takes us through the challenges they face with this AI-driven solution and presents his question: How can this technical solution best be used around the issue of accessibility?


  • 15:45 – 16:00 Walk-in
  • 16:00 – 16:10 Welcome and introduction by Amsterdam Smart City
  • 16:10 – 16:25 Demo of the Route Planner by Vishruth Krishnan (municipality of Amsterdam)
  • 16:25 – 16:35 Hans Voerknecht, strategist for sustainable accessibility, on the Integrated Perspective on Accessibility method.
  • 16:35 – 16:45 Michiel Bontenbal from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences about the Urban Sounds sensor.
  • 16:45 – 17:15 panel discussion
  • 17:15 – 18:00 drinks

The Culture Club, Amsterdam

About the Data Dilemma’s series
Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Data Lab. Four times a year we explore the possibilities for using data and new technologies to address urban and societal challenges, with a focus on responsible digitalization. The goal is to use data to make cities more safe, clean and accessible. But what happens to all the data that is collected? Which dilemmas do we encounter when we collect (personal) data to improve the city? These questions are important for everyone: governments, knowledge institutions, companies, and civil society. Amsterdam Smart City would like to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Data Dilemma's on Sep 26th
Lukasz Sitkiewicz, Head of Marketing at TechEx, posted

IoT Tech Expo Europe returns to Amsterdam

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IoT Tech Expo Europe is returning to Amsterdam!

Join us in-person at the RAI Amsterdam on October 1-2, 2024, to hear from industry-leading speakers. Your ticket also provides access to co-located events on Intelligent Automation, Cyber Security & Cloud, AI & Big Data Expo, Unified Communications, Edge Computing, and Digital Transformation.

Speakers represent such companies as Airbus, Lego, Whirlpool, Orange and many more!

For more information and to book your tickets, visit:

Fetured agenda items include:

• 5G and IoT Integration
• Deploying IoT management tools to achieve production targets
• Empowering EVs: How IoT and AI Can Work Together to Revolutionize EV Charging Efficiency
• How IoT will change the future of payments
• IoT Integration in Smart Factories and Industry 4.0
• From smart industry to a productive enterprise
• Role of Edge Computing in IoT Security
• Securing the Internet of Things: Leveraging Blockchain and AI for Advanced Cybersecurity
• IoT Applications in Telecommunications
• Digital Twins: Real-world Applications and Impact on IoT Data Visualization

Interesting case studies, such as: 
• Singtel Case Study – Connectivity in telecoms at local, regional and global level 
• Whirlpools South American Smart Factory: Driving Industry 4.0 Revolution through a new factory design and startup in Argentina

just to mention a few!

Register for free here:
#IoTTechExpo #IoT #InternetofThings 

Conference from Oct 1st to Oct 2nd