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Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.
Lectures on the development of systems that process and analyze huge amounts of data
AI requires the development of database systems that are able to process and analyze huge amounts of data in a fast and efficient way. CWI researchers play a pioneering role in the development of such database architectures, and have attracted international datawarehouse companies to Amsterdam.
One of those pioneers is Marcin Żukowski, who co-developed a database management systems that had great societal impact and is used by tech giants to this day. He is the co-founder of software company Snowflake, a Silicon Valley based company that offered the first cloud-based data warehousing service that is truly designed for the cloud. Snowflake uses vectorized query execution and lightweight compression methods in its columnar data storage, two techniques that were co-designed by Żukowski during his PhD years at CWI.
For this achievement Żukowski will receive the Dijkstra Fellowship on 21 November at CWI. This fellowship is awarded once in every five years by CWI. This day is also filled with lectures on the topic of the architecture of data processing and analysis systems.
Smart Dublin presenteert haar Active Mobility Dashboard en vraagt jullie mening!
Hallo allen! Ik deel graag de uitnodiging voor een online webinar van EIT Urban Mobility. Op woensdag 𝟐𝟕 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 organiseert EIT Urban Mobility samen met Smart Dublin een interessant webinar over ‘actieve mobiliteit in de stad’.
💡 Ze presenteren een nieuwe, innovatieve oplossing die recent in Dublin in gebruik is genomen en gaan in op ideeën en uitdagingen rond Actieve Mobiliteit – een thema dat natuurlijk past binnen de slimme stad.
🏙️✨ Zeker de moeite waard om bij te zijn!
ℹ️ Het webinar is in het Engels. Doe je mee? 👉 Meld u aan voor deze webinar via :
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