
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Daniel Scheerooren, Project Manager Smart Urban Mobility at AMS Institute, posted

metaCCAZE - Summer Mobility Talks

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Onder het genot van een hapje en drankje organiseren we vanuit het EU Horizon project metaCCAZE op 30 juli de Summer Mobility Talks. Met iedereen die nog niet op vakantie is, gaan we in gesprek over thema’s als autonoom varen, mobility credits, Intelligent Speed Adaptation en multimodale logistiek. De Summer Mobility Talks is een informele bijeenkomst voor iedereen die het leuk vindt om ideeën uit te wisselen over mobiliteit in de stad, én eenmooie gelegenheid om te netwerken. 
Vanaf 15:30 uur staan de drankjes koud.
16:00 uur: korte introductie van het EU Horizon project metaCCaze
16:10 – 17:30: uitwisseling over thema’s en netwerken
Locatie: 027 Garage Marineterrein Amsterdam (Kattenburgerstraat 5, Amsterdam)
Iedereen is welkom om binnen te lopen, maar i.v.m. de catering horen we graag of je komt. Aanmelden kan via het Google Form.

Lees hier meer over het Europese metaCCAZE project.

Daniel Scheerooren's picture Meet-up on Jul 30th
Esther van Bergen, General Manager at Cenex NL, posted

Vacature: LCA & Circulaire Economie Specialist (Transport en Energie)

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📢 Vacature Alert! 📢

Word jij onze nieuwe LCA & Circulaire Economie Specialist?

♻ 🌿 Stap in een rol waar jij direct bijdraagt aan betekenisvolle initiatieven die de toekomst van duurzame mobiliteit vormgeven!
Terwijl het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen transformeert naar elektriciteit en waterstof, neemt ook de focus op de levenscyclusimpact en circulariteit van de waardeketens toe. Kom jij ons team versterken? Dan werk je aan baanbrekend onderzoek, analyses en strategieën rond duurzame (technologische en maatschappelijke) innovaties. Met behulp van jouw kennis, Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) en andere tools ben jij de specialist en innovator op weg naar een circulaire mobiliteitssector. Je werkt aan zowel lokale als internationale projecten, werkt samen met diverse andere specialisten en speelt een cruciale rol in deze reis.

🔍 Klaar voor deze uitdaging? Ontdek ⤵ hoe jij een verschil kunt maken!
💼 Locatie: Hybride (Amsterdam kantoor en thuiswerken)
Contract: Vast, fulltime (37 uur/week, 32 uur bespreekbaar)
💡 Sluitingsdatum: Geen specifieke datum, we zoeken de juiste match!

Klik op de link om het volledige vacaturedocument te lezen en te solliciteren. We kijken ernaar uit om van je te horen!

Esther van Bergen's picture #CircularCity
Lukasz Sitkiewicz, Head of Marketing at TechEx, posted

IoT Tech Expo Europe returns to Amsterdam

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IoT Tech Expo Europe is returning to Amsterdam!

Join us in-person at the RAI Amsterdam on October 1-2, 2024, to hear from industry-leading speakers. Your ticket also provides access to co-located events on Intelligent Automation, Cyber Security & Cloud, AI & Big Data Expo, Unified Communications, Edge Computing, and Digital Transformation.

Speakers represent such companies as Airbus, Lego, Whirlpool, Orange and many more!

For more information and to book your tickets, visit:

Fetured agenda items include:

• 5G and IoT Integration
• Deploying IoT management tools to achieve production targets
• Empowering EVs: How IoT and AI Can Work Together to Revolutionize EV Charging Efficiency
• How IoT will change the future of payments
• IoT Integration in Smart Factories and Industry 4.0
• From smart industry to a productive enterprise
• Role of Edge Computing in IoT Security
• Securing the Internet of Things: Leveraging Blockchain and AI for Advanced Cybersecurity
• IoT Applications in Telecommunications
• Digital Twins: Real-world Applications and Impact on IoT Data Visualization

Interesting case studies, such as: 
• Singtel Case Study – Connectivity in telecoms at local, regional and global level 
• Whirlpools South American Smart Factory: Driving Industry 4.0 Revolution through a new factory design and startup in Argentina

just to mention a few!

Register for free here:
#IoTTechExpo #IoT #InternetofThings 

Conference from Oct 1st to Oct 2nd
Pelle Menke, Communications and Programme officer Mobility at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Demoday #24: Exploring the public transport of the future with Amsterdam’s Mobility Radar (2024)

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Yuki Tol and Joaquim Moody, trend watchers for Smart Mobility at the Innovation Department of the Municipality of Amsterdam, delivered the Mobility Radar on future public Transport.Twee 'moonshots' geven je een,van zo'n 11 jaar) this March. In this first edition, the Amsterdam Smart Mobility program delves deeper into the city's mobility challenges. Will staff and funding shortages, the energy transition, and a growing demand for (accessible) transport options continue to impact the city's future public Transport system? Two 'moonshots' give us a glimpse into the future, showing what public Transport might look like in 2050.

The new concession for public Transport in Amsterdam is nearly ready and will commence in 2025 for a period of approximately 11 years. This is a good time to engage in discussions about the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goals and ambitions set for 2050. It is also crucial to determine what measures are necessary to address the developments that public Transport will face in the future. If the current system is continued, we are only one or two concessions away from 2050. Therefore, now is the time to start working on developments, innovations, and concepts that we want to include in the concessions for the 2030s and 2040s.

Exploring the future together
The Radar team has developed a workshop to engage with various organizations, experts, residents, and enthusiasts to discuss the Mobility Radar. In this workshop, participants jointly explore the trends and developments that can influence the future of mobility. It is a great way for participants to practice this way of thinking, and such a session also brings up topics and discussion points that the Municipality of Amsterdam can incorporate into its future explorations and concessions.
During our 24th Knowledge and Demo Day, Joaquim Moody hosted a work session for a diverse group of participants various organizations and domains. In three groups, we analysed an emerging public Transport challenge using the Mobility Radar approach and creatively thought about solutions. In the following paragraphs, I summarize what we discussed with the group.

The starting point is a number of current challenges in public Transport: staff shortages, funding shortages, accessibility, the energy transition, and the growing demand for public Transport.

Each group selects one of the challenges and then 'dissects' it. Using a worksheet, you look at the following topics: What basic need underlies this challenge? What are examples of how or where you see this challenge currently? What macro changes play a role in the emergence of this challenge – in the long and short term? And how do these macro changes affect which basic needs are important and how they are fulfilled?

Next, you start creating a solution for this challenge and trend. Examples of solutions are: a service, a product, a regulatory adjustment, or an informative campaign. You also need to consider how you would deploy it and who exactly the target audience is.


One of the groups analysed the challenge of public transport accessibility. This needs to be adequate for everyone, now and in the future. Accessibility involves affordability, the digital skills required, travel costs, and physical accessibility. This challenge mainly revolves around the basic needs of connectedness, independence, and control. The macro changes playing a role are migration (increasing number of people to be transported) and aging (more people wanting to travel independently but requiring extra assistance – particularly in digital and physical aspects). Therefore, more space and special assistance will be needed for a growing group of travellers.
The group proposed focusing more on 'micro public transport' and 'on-demand public transport' and making bus and train compartments more flexible. This would make people less dependent on a rigid system and travel environment. The group argued that air travel can serve as an example, where you can specify exactly where you want to sit, whether you need extra space, and if you require extra assistance. These needs deserve more attention in public transport as well. This can be tested with prototypes in train cars and buses and is intended for the target groups: the elderly, people with disabilities, and parents with young children.

Staff Shortages in Public transport
The challenge of 'staff shortages in public transport' is reflected in developments such as cancelled schedules, high work pressure, high absenteeism, strikes, and less social control in public transport (due to less staff). The basic needs affected by this challenge are the need for social status, financial security (for the driver), and a pleasant, healthy workplace. Macro changes playing a role include the large number of job opportunities in other sectors, increasing aggression and hardening in society, worsening public perception of public transport, and aging. As a result, working in public transport has become less prestigious, less safe, relatively less well-paid, and there is little influx of new, young employees.
The group proposed a campaign to improve the image of working in public transport. Currently, too few people choose this profession. However, with campaigns similar to those by the Defense Department, it could be made trendy and attractive again. Influencers or famous Dutch people could also play a role in this. The target audience to be enthused includes young starters and people considering a career switch.

The Growing Demand for public transport
Finally, the third group presented their worksheet regarding the challenge of the growing demand for public transport (and the decline in public transport investments). This is reflected in the decline in service quality, travel options, and the fact that less equipment is available. This affects the basic needs of comfort, connection, and being able to be oneself). Macro changes exacerbating these challenges include the decreasing space for mobility, individualization as a societal development, and increasing travel costs. This leads to a kind of public transport anxiety, aversion, and aggression, which is already happening and is only getting worse, the group noted.

The group proposed recognizing the societal role of public transport more, which would lead to more respect and funding. We should also further 'de-peak' travel times by better aligning telecommuting days or departure times for employees. This can be tested with pilots in specific (travel) areas or with large employers. The target audience can be seen as all travellers together.

Joaquim will use the presented analyses and solutions as inspiration for further research and use the feedback on the method and workshop to improve such sessions in the future. Enthusiastic participants also wanted to use this method for sessions with students and international delegations, illustrating its success!
During the upcoming Knowledge- and Demo Day, we will have another session on mobility with a similar approach, but this time we will work with the scenario studies made by the Province of North Holland. Thinking about the future using trends, scenarios, and moonshots is essential in every domain, especially when done with a diverse group and maintaining connection.

Pelle Menke's picture #Mobility
A Lab, Where Curious Works at A Lab Amsterdam, posted


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Met exposities, live muziek, kunst, theater, fotoreportages, workshops, panel discussies en meer!

Laat je nieuwsgierigheid de vrije loop tijdens het snelste festival van de stad: het A Lab POP UP Festival! Voor alle nieuwsgierige Amsterdammers die in deze schrale tijden kunst & cultuur, duurzaamheid en sociale innovatie hoog in het vaandel hebben. Kom kijken hoe onze ruim 300 members aan een zelfredzame toekomst werken. Kinderen? Neem ze mee, want het wordt een feestje!

A Lab's picture Meet-up on Jul 5th
Naomi Vrielink, Projectmedewerker at Future City Foundation, posted

Leer, werk, beleef hoe Ai de stad kan veranderen | Kom naar Ai in de Stad

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Leer, werk, beleef hoe Ai de stad kan veranderen

Op 12 september brengen we Ai in de Stad. In Breda, de stad die een van de voorlopers is op smartcitygebied in Nederland en daar in 2023 met een Smart City Award voor werd beloond. Maar ook de stad met een Ai-opleiding, een sterke techsector en een leidende positie in de gaming-industrie. We organiseren een congres dat laat zien hoe Ai de stad kan veranderen en wat daarvan de kansen en bedreigingen zijn.

Ai kan onze steden tot leven brengen. Kunstmatige intelligentie belooft dat auto’s autonoom rijden, professionals in het sociaal domein worden ondersteund in het nemen van beslissingen, veiligheidsrisico’s beter worden ingeschat en gebouwen veel efficiënter gebruikmaken van energie. En vast nog veel meer. Maar als dat allemaal samen komt lijkt het erop dat de stad op haar gebruikers gaat reageren. De tijd van stenen steden is voorbij. De stad van de toekomst communiceert met ons, reageert op ons, leeft met ons.

Dat biedt enorme kansen in het fysiek en sociaal domein en op het gebied van veiligheid. Het geeft Nederlandse bedrijven grote kansen. Want wat zijn de ethische consequenties van Ai? Hoe borgen we onze democratische rechtstaat in een zelfdenkende stad? Hoe afhankelijk maken we ons van de techniek? En worden steden geen eenheidsworst als ze allemaal dezelfde Ai gebruiken?
Dat vraagt het om kennis van de techniek en de toepassing daarvan. Zodat je kan onderscheiden wat echt is en wat niet. Waar de verandering ophoudt en de fantasie begint. Er zijn dus genoeg vragen om van te leren, genoeg voorbeelden om te zien en genoeg oplossingen om toe te passen en te beleven.

Daarover gaat het jaarlijks terugkerende event Ai in de Stad dat we op 12 september in Breda organiseren. Tijdens het congres kunt u leren in lectures, zelf aan de slag tijdens workshops en zien en beleven in de innovatie-expo.

Het conceptprogramma zien? Kijk het hier:

We presenteren daarbij toonaangevende sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland, mindblowing ervaringen en kleinschalige leerervaringen. We focussen op de thema’s: De leefbare en duurzame stad, de veilige stad, de sociale en gezonde stad en economie en cultuur in de stad. En op de rode draden: ethiek & burgerschap, techniek en cultuur.

En om de verbeelding helemaal de ruimte te geven, organiseren we ’s avonds een filmfestival over Ai in de Stad in het filmhuis van Breda. Met een diner vooraf en een inleiding op Ai in films.

Dit doen we samen… De gemeente Breda en de Future City Foundation hebben elkaar gevonden in de fascinatie voor de kansen van Ai in de Stad. Maar willen ook begrijpen wat de bedreigingen zijn.

Maar we doen dat niet alleen. We zijn trots op en blij met de partners die ons hierin ondersteunen. Zoals Scape Agency, Ai for Good, ELBA\REC en mediapartner Stadszaken.

Wanneer, hoe, wat

Wanneer: 12 september 2024
Waar: Breda (verschillende locaties in de binnenstad)
Entree: Het evenement is gratis toegankelijk.
Kun je toch niet, meld je af: Soms komt er iets tussen en kun je toch niet naar een event waar je graag heen wilde. Dat kan gebeuren. Maar als wij dat niet tijdig weten, kopen we eten in dat we daarna moeten weggooien. Dat vinden we zonde. Daarom vragen we je dat als dit onverhoopt voorkomt, je uiterlijk 7 dagen voor het event af te melden bij Naomi Vrielink ( Doe je dat niet, dan wordt er 75 euro in rekening gebracht.

Meld je hieronder aan:

Meet-up on Sep 12th
Jessie Horsman, Trainee at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Trainee Event Slimme en Schone Mobiliteit

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Op woensdag 19 juni 2024 vond het trainee event Smart Mobility plaats bij AMS. Verschillende prominente organisaties waren aanwezig, waaronder de provincies Noord-Holland en Utrecht, de Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA), het MRA platform Smart Mobility, de Vervoerregio Amsterdam (VRA), en de gemeente Utrecht. Het evenement richtte zich op verschillende thema’s binnen de slimme en schone mobiliteit.

Doelen van het Evenement

Het evenement had drie hoofddoelen:
· Kennis vergaren: Inzicht krijgen in de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en uitdagingen op het gebied van slimme mobiliteit.
· Netwerken: Verbinding maken met professionals uit verschillende regio’s en sectoren.
· Teamwork: Samenwerken aan oplossingen voor actuele mobiliteitsvraagstukken.


Daniël van Motman (VRA en MRA-platform Smart Mobility)

Daniël van Motman gaf een uitgebreide presentatie over de huidige stand van zaken in de woningbouw, de schaarste aan mensen en grondstoffen, en het belang van duurzame samenwerking. Hij benadrukte dat, ondanks technologische vooruitgang, de mens nog steeds de slimste factor blijft in slimme mobiliteit.

Sander Oudbier (AMS)

Sander Oudbier presenteerde verschillende projecten die momenteel lopen binnen AMS, zoals City Flows, Smart Hubs en Code the Streets. Hij besprak ook educatieve initiatieven zoals MaaS for Elderly en het autovrije marine terrein. Een bijzonder project dat werd uitgelicht was de ontwikkeling van Roboat, dat zal worden ingezet tijdens de Olympische Spelen in Parijs. Daarnaast werd het project Digitale Regie op de Openbare Ruimte (DRO) besproken, dat de komende vijf jaar zal lopen vanuit DMI.  

Pelle Menke (Amsterdam Smart City)

Pelle Menke presenteerde de thema’s mobiliteitsrechtvaardigheid en CO2-vrij reizen naar de JC ArenA. Hij benadrukte dat mobiliteit voor veel mensen moeilijker wordt en specifieke subgroepen unieke wensen hebben. Een werkgroep onderzoekt mogelijke oplossingen door kennisdeling en samenwerking met overheden. Ook werd een challenge besproken om CO2-vrij naar de JC ArenA te reizen door fiets, openbaar vervoer en deelvervoer te promoten. Samenwerking met vervoerders, evenementenorganisaties zoals Ajax, en gebiedsontwikkelaars is essentieel, evenals gedragsverandering en aanpassing van reisgewoontes.

Workshop: Crowdmanagement voor Sail 2025

De workshop werd verzorgd door Wouter en Maarten van het MRA-platform Smart Mobility.

“Hoe verzorgen we een goed crowdmanagement tijdens Sail 2025?”

De eerste stap in dit proces was het nadenken over ons eigen reisgedrag. We kregen per persoon een modaliteit aangewezen. De vraag was: als je om 12:00 op een bepaalde plek hebt afgesproken met je groep vrienden, wat heb je dan nodig om daar te komen?

Dit zorgde ervoor dat we nadachten over alle voorzieningen zoals (fiets)parkeerplekken en openbaar vervoer. Voor deze voorzieningen heb je data nodig, zoals inzicht in de beschikbaarheid van parkeerplekken en de status van het openbaar vervoer. Ook vanzelfsprekende dingen, zoals het checken van het weer met bijvoorbeeld Buienradar, zijn belangrijk omdat het weer een grote impact heeft op ons reisgedrag.

Daarna stapten wij in de rol van verkeersmanager. We bedachten welke middelen we konden inzetten om bezoekers zo goed en gemakkelijk mogelijk op hun bestemming te krijgen. We dachten aan elementen zoals éénrichtingsverkeer en het aantrekkelijker maken van het openbaar vervoer en de fiets. Dit konden we bewerkstelligen door bijvoorbeeld entertainment in het OV of het verzamelen van tokens op fietsroutes naar het evenement, die je kon inwisselen voor een gratis drankje. Ook kwamen er vragen naar voren zoals: hoe zorg je dat alles toegankelijk is voor iedereen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen met een beperking ook gemakkelijk naar het event kunnen komen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen die niet digitaal vaardig zijn, ook alle informatie kunnen krijgen?

Wat vond ik ervan?

Al met al was ik zeer te spreken over dit evenement. Ik heb geleerd dat de wereld van slimme en schone mobiliteit zeer breed is. Er is veel werk te doen in de komende jaren om ervoor te zorgen dat we anders gaan kijken naar mobiliteit. Een belangrijk punt dat ik heb meegenomen, is de filosofie dat de mens nog steeds de slimste factor is in Smart Mobility en dat we de mens echt centraal moeten stellen. Daarnaast is het uiterst belangrijk dat we ervoor zorgen dat de wensen en behoeften van minderheidsgroepen goed worden meegenomen en dat Smart Mobility niet alleen voor de grootste groep mensen is, maar voor iedereen.

Jessie Horsman's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Data Dilemma’s: Data and AI for an accessible Amsterdam

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This event is postponed to September 26 (was first scheduled on July 16)

We often take daily activities such as commuting to work, independently taking public transport, grocery shopping or going to a restaurant for granted. Unfortunately, not everyone has this privilege. For people with reduced mobility (e.g., wheelchair users), getting around Amsterdam can be tricky. There are a lot of obstacles, such as narrow or bumpy pavements and high curbs.

The municipality of Amsterdam wants to be a free, just and sustainable city for all. For which the accessibility of the city is essential. With the Amsterdam for All initiative, the municipality of Amsterdam researches and experiments with how data and AI can be leveraged to ensure accessibility for its residents. How can the data and AI help to make our city more accessible for all? And which kind of dilemma’s does the city come across?

To help people with less mobility move around the city more easily, the city’s innovation department has created a prototype route planning tool. This route planner maps out the best accessible route for each person based on what they need. It considers preferences like maximum curb height when crossing the road, minimum sidewalk width, and a preference for using sidewalks or bike paths. Vishruth Krishnan, Data Scientist at the Innovation department of the municipality of Amsterdam, will tell you all about this route planner, the necessary data and the dilemma’s faces while using the data.

Hans Voerknecht, strategist for sustainable accessibility at Een Nieuwe Kijk, will speak about the Integrated Perspective on Accessibility method, which he developed to improve accessibility for people. This method assists in collecting data and analyzing the severity of current inequalities and the effects of policy measures. The method has already been applied in nearly twenty projects, including four in the Amsterdam region, such as the Multimodal Future Vision of the Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA).

Additionally, Michiel Bontenbal (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) tells us more about the Urban Sounds sensor, developed in collaboration with the volunteer organization Sensemakers. He takes us through the challenges they face with this AI-driven solution and presents his question: How can this technical solution best be used around the issue of accessibility?


  • 15:45 – 16:00 Walk-in
  • 16:00 – 16:10 Welcome and introduction by Amsterdam Smart City
  • 16:10 – 16:25 Demo of the Route Planner by Vishruth Krishnan (municipality of Amsterdam)
  • 16:25 – 16:35 Hans Voerknecht, strategist for sustainable accessibility, on the Integrated Perspective on Accessibility method.
  • 16:35 – 16:45 Michiel Bontenbal from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences about the Urban Sounds sensor.
  • 16:45 – 17:15 panel discussion
  • 17:15 – 18:00 drinks

The Culture Club, Amsterdam

About the Data Dilemma’s series
Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Data Lab. Four times a year we explore the possibilities for using data and new technologies to address urban and societal challenges, with a focus on responsible digitalization. The goal is to use data to make cities more safe, clean and accessible. But what happens to all the data that is collected? Which dilemmas do we encounter when we collect (personal) data to improve the city? These questions are important for everyone: governments, knowledge institutions, companies, and civil society. Amsterdam Smart City would like to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Data Dilemma's on Sep 26th
Chris de Veer, Strategic Advisor / Program Manager Mobility at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Public Mobility: an integrated vision on how public transport and shared mobility should work in Noord-Holland

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News from the Province Noord-Holland, the Netherlands

Mobility is a necessity for everybody, to be able to work, shop, recreate, visit friends and family, etc. For those who cannot or do not want to use their own means of transport, the province Noord-Holland recemtly adopted a new vision on Public Mobility. This vision aims to make better and affordable public transport possible, also in small towns. How? By making it easier to switch between different modalities. And by offering sustainable, inclusive mobility without using your own means of transport. This includes trains, buses and local buses, but also shared bicycles and shared cars. The province wants public mobility to be well organized everywhere in the province. This is not about more public transport, but about better public transport. It is important that the entire (chain) journey from door to door works well, including:
the train, pre- and post-transport, shared mobility and regional public transport of the Transport Region and surrounding provinces.

Discover here how this system contributes to accessible and future-proof mobility for everyone: 👉
Or watch the animation: 👉

Chris de Veer's picture #Mobility
Beatrice Egidi, Building Architect , posted

Looking for Architectural Design/Urban Design jobs in Amsterdam!

Dear all,

my name is Beatrice Egidi and I am a recently graduated architect from Italy. I had the opportunity of visiting Amsterdam a good number of times in the last two years and I am starting to hope to move there! I even started to learn a bit of Dutch... Moedig, toch?

If anyone has good advices on how to enter the job market here, they would be really appreciated!
Please have a look to my CV at the following link:
Egidi Beatrice CV_2024.pdf

Kind regards and thank you in advace to anyone who may help! Ciao!

Beatrice Egidi's picture #Citizens&Living
Francien Huizing, Program Director at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

My highlights from the exchange between the Province of North-Holland and Baden-Württemberg

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On May 17 and 18, I had the honour to join regional minister Olthoff from the Province of North Holland on a mission to Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. We went there to exchange experiences and learn from each other especially in the field of smart mobility.

After a nice train ride of no longer than 6 hours, we arrived in Stuttgart. We started our trip with a visit to ArenA2036 and Plug and Play Techcenter. A state-of-the-art research campus connected to a startup accelerator. Sascha Karimpour, director of Plug and Play, enthusiastically introduced us to their startup accelerator. He told us how they bring research and industries together and find efficient ways to collaborate with startups.

“To keep it exciting we constantly have to change. The major challenge now is not only matching start-ups and companies but also putting a lot of effort in stakeholder management, because if you don’t do that it will fall apart” - Sascha Karimpour.

In the research lab of ArenA2036 we saw amazing technologies come to life. From smart floors to highly advanced robotica and intralogistics; optimizing human and robot logistics in production. Peter Froeschle, CEO of ArenA2036, showed us around.

“Bringing all disciplines together increases creativity. But building an innovation platform is much more than just providing the facility. You need to keep the fire burning.” – Peter Froeschle.

In the afternoon, we had an official exchange with Verband Region Stuttgart. Here we learned that the Province of North Holland and Baden- Württemberg face a lot of the same mobility challenges. Similar to the Province of North-Holland, the interaction between urban and rural areas is important in Baden- Württemberg. We visited their innovative mobility hub concept. With standard services like the bus, taxi, P&R, bike & ride, but also an Information Terminal and 24/7 Info hotline, bike service station and kiosk.

Afbeelding Mobility Hub

Afterwards, we visited the construction site of Stuttgart 21, a large fully underground train station and 60km tunnel - a highlight of the trip! The impressive station is designed by the architect Ingenhoven. The prestigious design is characterised by its huge concrete pillars and a glass roofs providing light. A very controversial project which in the end was voted for in a referendum with 57% of the votes. By building the train station underground, public space in the city center will be freed up for housing. Take a look yourself at this unique project.

The next morning, we continued the knowledge exchange with the ministry of Transport of Baden- Württemberg. We learned a lot from their ambitious plans. State secretary of Transport Zimmer presented us the ambitious plans of Baden- Württemberg. Their goal is to be climate neutral in 2040, which is 10 years earlier than the EU ambitions. They really aim to be the frontrunner. Inspiring financing tools like a Mobility Pass and a Mobility Guarantee were presented. As well as diverse modalities of Mobility on Demand in more remote locations.

All in all, it was a very inspiring trip! We learned a lot and strengthened the ties with the Baden- Württemberg region.

Francien Huizing's picture #Mobility
Anonymous posted

𝗗𝗠𝗜 - 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗶𝘁

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Ontdek tijdens de demo van het Digitaal Ecosysteem hoe het Open Urban Platform nu ook binnen het Dutch Metropolitan Innovations (DMI)-ecosysteem in verschillende steden wordt toegepast. Waarbij we graag de usecase stilstaande mobiliteit (inzicht in parkeren) uitlichten.

𝗗𝗠𝗜 - 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗶𝘁
Maak kennis met Sebastiaan Dommeck, Productowner & trekker namens vier gemeenten (Apeldoorn, Amersfoort, Helmond en Zwolle) en daarmee nauw betrokken binnen het DMI-ecosysteem voor de toepassing van het open urban platform in de dagelijkse praktijk van de stad. Hij staat klaar om je alles te vertellen over de usecase stilstaande mobiliteit: van de aanleiding tot de uitdagingen. We geven je een kleine sneakpreview:

𝗗𝗲 𝗮𝗮𝗻𝗹𝗲𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴:
Hoewel er een overvloed aan informatie beschikbaar is vanuit parkeeronderzoeken en diverse databronnen, blijft het aanbod versnipperd. Hierdoor blijft veel waardevolle informatie ongebruikt, terwijl deze juist cruciale inzichten kan bieden.

𝗗𝗲 𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗱𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴:
Verschillende soorten mobiliteitsdata ontsluiten en combineren in een toepassing via het open urban platform. Dit genereert waardevolle inzichten die steden in staat stelt om hun mobiliteitsbeleid effectief te sturen.

Mis jij nu ook inzicht en een concreet handelingsperspectief als het gaat om mobiliteit, duurzaamheid en stedelijke ontwikkeling in jouw stad en ben je benieuwd hoe we vanuit DMI dit aanpakken? Laat je dan inspireren tijdens deze bijeenkomst!

𝗘𝗻 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿:
En dat is niet alles! We gaan ook dieper in op een cruciaal onderdeel van het Digitaal Ecosysteem namelijk Governance en Ethiek. Ontdek hoe hier vorm aan wordt gegeven. Hoe vertalen de waarden zich naar het platform. De werkgroep neemt je mee in de laatste ontwikkelingen en hun roadmap voor dit jaar.

Er staat je een uur vol waardevolle inzichten te wachten!

𝗠𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘁!
Wanneer: Dinsdag, 11 juni, 16.00u - 17.00u.
Waar: Virtueel bij:
Voor een overzicht van deze en onze toekomstige demo's, ga naar:

𝘏𝘦𝘵 𝘋𝘔𝘐-𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘮 𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘫𝘧𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯, 𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘎40- 𝘦𝘯 𝘎4-𝘨𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘐𝘦𝘯𝘞 𝘦𝘯 𝘉𝘡𝘒 𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘻𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘬 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮 𝘈𝘧𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦𝘭. 𝘋𝘔𝘐 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘬 𝘨𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘢𝘬𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘵 𝘕𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘢𝘭 𝘎𝘳𝘰𝘦𝘪𝘧𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴.

𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘦-𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘵 𝘋𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘢𝘭 𝘌𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘮 𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘵 𝘋𝘔𝘐-𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘮.

Online event on Jun 11th
Herman van den Bosch, professor in management development , posted

Citizen's preferences and the 15-minutes city

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For decades, the behaviour of urban planners and politicians, but also of residents, has been determined by images of the ideal living environment, especially for those who can afford it. The single-family home, a private garden and the car in front of the door were more prominent parts of those images than living in an inclusive and complete neighbourhood. Nevertheless, such a neighbourhood, including a 'house from the 30s', is still sought after. Attempts to revive the idea of 'trese 'traditional' neighbourhoods' have been made in several places in the Netherlands by architects inspired by the principles of 'new urbanism' (see photo collage above). In these neighbourhoods, adding a variety of functions was and is one of the starting points. But whether residents of such a neighbourhood will indeed behave more 'locally' and leave their cars at home more often does not depend on a planning concept, but on long-term behavioural change.
An important question is what changes in the living environment residents themselves prefer. Principles for the (re)design of space that are in line with this have the greatest chance of being put into practice. It would be good to take stock of these preferences, confront (future) residents conflicting ideas en preconditions, for instance with regard to the necessary density. Below is a number of options, in line with commonly expressed preferences.

1. Playing space for children

Especially parents with children want more playing space for their children. For the youngest children directly near the house, for older children on larger playgrounds. A desire that is in easy reach in new neighbourhoods, but more difficult in older ones that are already full of cars. Some parents have long been happy with the possibility of occasionally turning a street into a play street. A careful inventory often reveals the existence of surprisingly many unused spaces. Furthermore, some widening of the pavements is almost always necessary, even if it costs parking space.  

2. Safety

High on the agenda of many parents are pedestrian and cycle paths that cross car routes unevenly. Such connections substantially widen children's radius. In existing neighbourhoods, this too remains daydreaming.  What can be done here is to reduce the speed of traffic, ban through traffic and make cars 'guests' in the remaining streets.  

3. Green

A green-blue infrastructure, penetrating deep into the immediate surroundings is not only desired by almost everyone, but also has many health benefits. The presence of (safe) water buffering (wadis and overflow ponds) extends children's play opportunities, but does take up space. In old housing estates, not much more is possible in this area than façade gardens on (widened) pavements and vegetation against walls.  

4. Limiting space for cars

Even in older neighbourhoods, opportunities to play safely and to create more green space are increased by closing (parts of) streets to cars. A pain point for some residents. One option for this is to make the middle part of a street car-free and design it as an attractive green residential area with play opportunities for children of different age groups. In new housing estates, much more is possible and it hurts to see how conventionally and car-centred these are often still laid out. (Paid) parking at the edge of the neighbourhood helps create a level playing field for car and public transport use.  

5. Public space and (shopping) facilities

Sometimes it is possible to turn an intersection, where for instance a café or one or more shops are already located, into a cosy little square. Neighbourhood shops tend to struggle. Many people are used to taking the car to a supermarket once a week to stock up on daily necessities for the whole week. However, some neighbourhoods are big enough for a supermarket. In some cities, where car ownership is no longer taken for granted, a viable range of shops can develop in such a square and along adjacent streets. Greater density also contributes to this.  

6. Mix of people and functions

A diverse range of housing types and forms is appreciated. Mixing residential and commercial properties can also contribute to the liveliness of a neighbourhood. For new housing estates, this is increasingly becoming a starting point. For business properties, accessibility remains an important precondition.  

7. Public transport

The desirability of good public transport is widely supported, but in practice many people still often choose the car, even if there are good connections. Good public transport benefits from the ease and speed with which other parts of the city can be reached. This usually requires more than one line. Free bus and tram lanes are an absolute prerequisite. In the (distant) future, autonomous shuttles could significantly lower the threshold for using public transport. Company car plus free petrol is the worst way to encourage sensible car use.  

8. Centres in plural

The presence of a city centre is less important for a medium-sized city, say the size of a 15-minute cycle zone, than the presence of a few smaller centres, each with its own charm, close to where people live. These can be neighbourhood (shopping) centres, where you are sure to meet acquaintances.  Some of these will also attract residents from other neighbourhoods, who walk or cycle to enjoy the wider range of amenities. The presence of attractive alternatives to the 'traditional' city centre will greatly reduce the need to travel long distances.
The above measures are not a roadmap for the development of a 15-minute city; rather, they are conditions for the growth of a liveable city in general.  In practice, its characteristics certainly correspond to what proponents envisage with a 15-minute city. The man behind the transformation of Paris into a 15-minute city, Carlos Moreno, has formulated a series of pointers based on all the practical examples to date, which can help citizens and administrators realise the merits of the 15-minute city in their own environments. This book will be available from mid-June 2024 and can be reserved HERE.
For now, this is the last of the hundreds of posts on education, organisation and environment I have published over the past decade. If I report again, it will be in response to special events and circumstances and developments, which I will certainly continue to follow. Meanwhile, I have started a new series of posts on music, an old love of mine. Check out the 'Expedition music' website at Versions in English of the posts on this website will be available at

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Citizens&Living
Pelle Menke, Communications and Programme officer Mobility at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Samenwerken aan transitievraagstukken; wat is er nodig? - Opbrengsten van het Amsterdam Smart City partnerdiner 2024

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Als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk bijten we ons vast in complexe stedelijke transitievraagstukken. Ze zijn complex omdat doorbraken nodig zijn; van kleine doorbraakjes, tot grotere systeem doorbraken. Denk aan bewegingen rond; organisatie-overstijgend werken, domein-overstijgend werken, en van competitief naar coöperatief. Als netwerk zetten we samenwerkingsprojecten op waarin we gaandeweg ondervinden met wat voor barrières we te maken hebben en wat voor doorbraken er nodig zijn.

Tijdens ons jaarlijkse Partnerdiner op 2 april, hadden we het samen met eindverantwoordelijken van onze partnerorganisaties over de strategische dilemma’s die spelen bij transitievraagstukken. Als gespreksstarters gebruikten we onze lopende onderwerpen van 2024: De coöperatieve metropool, de ondergrond, de circulaire metropool en drijvende wijken. De gesprekken aan tafel gingen echter over wat er aan de basis staat van het werken aan transitievraagstukken. Zo ging het bijvoorbeeld over; het samenwerken aan visies en scenario’s, leiderschap, burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid en de kracht van coöperaties. In dit artikel bespreek ik beknopt een aantal onderwerpen die onder de aandacht werden gebracht door onze gasten.

Belangen en visie organiseren
Bij een vraagstuk of onderwerp als de ondergrond, gaan we het al snel hebben over de data en de oplossingen. Dat is ‘te makkelijk’. Technisch gaat het allemaal wel kunnen, maar als we daar te snel beginnen met de oplossing lopen we over een aantal jaar weer vast. Het is belangrijk om eerst een stapje terug te doen en een gedeeld belang en gedeelde visie te organiseren.

Hoe je belanghebbenden verzamelt, en de methode om tot een gedeelde visie te komen, dat is wat meer aandacht verdient. Neem het ondergrond vraagstuk als voorbeeld. Op welke schaal organiseer je daarvoor de belanghebbenden? Aan de oppervlakte hebben we Gemeentelijke en Provinciale grenzen, maar in de ondergrond liggen netwerken van kabels en leidingen die op andere schaal zijn geïnstalleerd en hebben we te maken met bodemtypologieën met verschillende behoeften.

Samen voorstellen en voorspellen
Dat waar je naartoe wilt werken, dat moet van iedereen voelen. Het is belangrijk om een setting te creëren van gedeeld eigenaarschap, waarin iedereen zich ook gehoord voelt, en dat je voelt dat de mensen met wie je gaat samenwerken ook voor jouw belangen op zullen komen. Om samen tot een visie te komen, is het belangrijk om te werken aan scenario’s en die samen te doorleven. Je moet het dan niet alleen hebben over waar je heen wilt, maar ook uitwerken wat er gebeurt als je niets doet of als het helemaal verkeerd uitpakt.

De scenario’s zouden op waarden moeten rusten. Het beeld wat bij de scenario’s hoort is veranderlijk, maar de waarden niet. Samen ben je continu in samenspraak over wat de waarden betekenen voor het verhaal dat je creëert.

Leiderschap en een interdisciplinaire werkwijze
Transitievraagstukken en bovenstaande aanpakken verdienen een bepaald soort leiderschap. Zo zou een leidinggevende bijvoorbeeld een veranderlijke en faciliterende houding moeten tonen, en moet hij/zij vanuit waarden werken die inspireren en verbinden. Het zou meer moeten gaan over het faciliteren van doeners, het stimuleren van doelgericht samenwerken in plaats van taakgericht en ruimte bieden voor menszijn en persoonlijke expertises. Met dit laatste wordt verwezen naar een stukje burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Om dingen die we belangrijk vinden in gang te zetten moeten we soms even los kunnen denken van onze organisatiestructuren en functies. We zouden wel wat vaker mogen appelleren aan ons menszijn.

Meer faciliteren en minder hiërarchie helpt ons om beleid en praktijk dichter bij elkaar te brengen, en om van competitief naar meer coöperatief te bewegen. Als je naar de uitvoering gaat mag de kracht verplaatsen naar de uitvoerders. De machtsverschuivingen tussen leidinggevenden en de doeners, met specifieke rollen en expertises, mag in een constante wisselwerking rond gaan.

Ook interdisciplinair samenwerken aan transitievraagstukken zal nog meer moeten worden gestimuleerd, en misschien wel de norm moeten worden. Bij overheden en bestuurders bijvoorbeeld, zijn transitie thema’s verdeeld over domeinen als energie, mobiliteit, etc. maar de vraagstukken zelf zijn domein overstijgend. Als voorwaarde zou je kunnen stellen dat je altijd twee transities aan elkaar moet koppelen. We zouden meer inspirerende voorbeelden moeten laten zien waarbij verschillende domeinen en transities aan elkaar worden gekoppeld, door bijvoorbeeld overheden.

Publieke, private en civiele partijen zouden nog meer naast elkaar aan tafel mogen, in plaats van tegenover elkaar. Bedrijven kunnen verzuild zijn, of zich zo voelen, en zouden nog meer om zich heen kunnen kijken en samenwerken. Niet alleen met overheden, maar ook met civiele organisaties. Er zijn vaak meer gezamenlijke belangen dan we denken.

In een beweging naar niet-competitief samenwerken kunnen coöperaties een belangrijke factor zijn. Wanneer je meer autoriteit bij coöperaties neerlegt, weet je zeker dat er in de basis voor een wijk, een stad, haar inwoners, een publiek belang wordt gewerkt. Er liggen dan ook veel kansen bij een faciliterende houding vanuit de overheid naar coöperaties toe, en in de samenwerking tussen bedrijven en coöperaties.
Er zijn tijdens dit diner veel onderwerpen aan bod gekomen waar we met het netwerk mee aan de slag kunnen in onze programmering. De input wordt gebruikt voor onze lopende vraagstukken en we gaan de komende tijd in gesprek met partners om te kijken of we van start kunnen met verdiepende sessies of het ontwikkelen van methoden op (enkele van) deze onderwerpen.
<em>Wil je doorpraten over deze onderwerpen, met ons - of een van onze partners? Mailen kan naar*</em>

Pelle Menke's picture #CircularCity
Jip Gradener, HR at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Vacature: Programmamaker Ruimte & Wonen bij Pakhuis de Zwijger

Senior programmamaker Ruimte & Wonen

Creëer jij graag verdiepende, toegankelijke en inspirerende programma’s die de uitdagingen van stedenbouw aansnijden? Begrijp je het belang van samenwerken met verschillende belanghebbenden om rechtvaardige oplossingen te verkennen voor complexe vraagstukken? Kan je je effectief verhouden tot zowel leefwereld (burgers, maatschappelijk middenveld, activisten, NGO’s) als systeemwereld (overheid, kennisinstellingen, bedrijven), om innovatieve programma's te ontwikkelen rondom wonen, ruimtelijke ordening en duurzaam, creatief en inclusief bouwen?

Solliciteer dan nu voor de functie van senior programmamaker Ruimte & Wonen bij Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Full-time · Pakhuis de Zwijger

Over Pakhuis de Zwijger

Pakhuis de Zwijger maakt meer dan 600 programma’s per jaar over dringende maatschappelijke vraagstukken, met rechtvaardigheid als kernwaarde. We brengen belanghebbenden samen in verschillende formats om gezamenlijk oplossingen te verkennen. Dit doen we met een team van programmamakers, producenten, communicatiemedewerkers en technici.

Wat zoeken we?

Een creatieve en daadkrachtige programmamaker met inhoudelijke kennis van stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening. Je hebt het vermogen om effectief te schakelen tussen verschillende belanghebbenden, van lokale gemeenschappen tot zakelijke partners, om vernieuwende programma's te ontwikkelen die het publiek bewust maken van stedelijke en ruimtelijke vraagstukken en transities verder helpen.
Als senior programmamaker draag je bij aan de strategische ontwikkeling van de programmering. Je initieert en onderhoudt partnerschappen, werkt aan opdrachten en stuurt enkele programmamakers en stagiairs aan op jouw thema. Enige ervaring met leidinggeven aan een (klein) team is dus een pré. Door kennis en presentatie heb je inhoudelijk gezag in je werkgebied.

Jouw profiel:

  • Actuele kennis en een stevig netwerk op het gebied van ruimtelijke thema’s.  
  • Strategisch inzicht; ervaring met het onderhouden van samenwerkingsverbanden en het aantrekken van nieuwe (financiële) partners.
  • Creatief, leergierig en vol met originele ideeën.
  • Communicatief sterk (zowel intern als extern) en cultureel sensitief. Je hebt een sterk vermogen om je in anderen te verplaatsen.
  • Beschikbaar voor 40 uur per week waarvan gemiddeld één avond per week voor het draaien van een programma.

Bij Pakhuis de Zwijger hanteren we de CAO Nederlandse podia. Deze functie is ingeschaald in schaal 7 (minimum €3.516 en maximum €4.940), de precieze inschaling is afhankelijk van ervaring en kwalificaties.
Pakhuis de Zwijger is een cultureel-maatschappelijke non-profitorganisatie. Wij streven er naar een grote diversiteit aan identiteiten en ervaringen de ruimte te geven in ons team. Daarom moedigen wij nadrukkelijk mensen van alle culturele en genderidentiteiten en opleidingsachtergronden aan om te solliciteren.


Solliciteer vóór maandag 13 mei 2024 via de onderstaande link. Voor vragen kun je contact opnemen met HR-adviseur Jip Gradener via: 06-13626126.
Acquisitie naar aanleiding van deze oproep wordt niet op prijs gesteld.

Timo van Elst, Student at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Demoday #23: Mobility Injustices and the creative mind.

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In a world where moving yourself from point A to point B is becoming much more crucial than ever, there are people out there who cannot experience such a luxury at the flick of a wrist, or perhaps the clack of an ankle? It is hard to imagine sometimes, but there are those who cannot move around as easily as others; be it because of financial, physical, vehicular, or other reasons. A community that can go about as they please without any issues is a happy community that is beneficial to society – For a collective of governments and businesses it is in their best interests to ensure citizens can experience freedom and liberty in their mobility. The question of how to achieve this freedom in mobility and how to deter against injustices regarding mobility remains a hot topic, however. On behalf of Provincie Noord Holland and in collaboration with Amsterdam Smart City and Amsterdam Centre of Expertise, a group of graduating students tackled this topic on the latest Demoday of 2024.

Starting the voyage : What are mobility injustices?
A value workshop led by Jackie Ippel and Jade Salomons engaged the participants in a fun, creative wave of brain-crackling activities. Participants were presented with a question of whether they knew what mobility injustices, or as we call it in Dutch “Mobiliteits Armoede”, was. An explanation of which followed suit soon after. Mobility Injustices, as described by the KiM organization, explains the inability or difficulties people experience in terms of reaching activity locations due to inadequate transport options, combined with socio-economic and spatial conditions in which people find themselves. As a result, they are often hindered in their participation in social life, which negatively affects their quality of life.

It is important to think about the definition of what exactly mobility injustices entail, as it helps us find a better understanding in finding a creative series of solutions that will solve this complex jigsaw puzzle.

Like a ball of yarn : unraveling theorems.
In order to stimulate the brain of each participant and to get the blood pumping through their legs, each participant was asked to stand in the middle of the room. As was once quoted in the horror thriller Saw; “Wanna play a game?”. Participants were presented with a series of theorems in which they had to make a choice that’d question their liberal thoughts; either stand on one side of the room for one answer or on the other side for the other – No in-betweens. Being forced to make ultimatums proved to be both challenging for the participants yet fun, as it was met with bountiful heaps of enthusiasm. In the first theorem, participants were presented with a question of whether or not mobility should be a fundamental right for each and every citizen. While agreed one did not, but can their minds be changed? A flurry of other theorems were presented, each of which dove deeper into the depths of dilemmas one may encounter when attempting to solve the puzzle of mobility inequality. Like who is more important, those who have low incomes or those who suffer from physical and mental disabilities which hinder their day-to-day lives? Brief discussions flowed forth after each and every theorem, after each voting round, reasons were given as to why one can choose one over the other. After which another second voting session followed. Perhaps new insights would change one’s opinion on the subject? It actually did once or twice! Such is the power of dialogue.

Embarking into the abyss : Worst Idea Possible.
“How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally-“ -such were the words Onceler sung in Dr. Seuss’s ‘The Lorax’. While people do not like the idea of being bad or thinking of bad ideas sometimes this way of thinking can actually bring plentiful new insights never thought of before. The group split itself in two, each of which under the guidance of either Jackie Ippel or Jade Salomons. Participants were asked to come with their most horrid, ludicrous ideas that’d actually make mobility injustices worse. After which they had to decide what element made this a bad idea. Example, if public transport were to be described, the element that’d make the idea bad would be less alternatives for traveling. The final and third part of this exercise required something rather unique however. Does your mind already wonder what? Well, it’s quite simple really, now participants had to come up with what would be the opposite of their bad idea! So what would their idea be in reverse, an actual solution to the problem they created. If your bad solution was to make everything only scannable by QR-codes its reverse solution would be… using solely physical text! For a solid 20 minutes participants racked their heads and discussed until their times were down to only 5 minutes left. The last of those minutes left were spent discussing and laughing about their ideas – A method met with confusion at first was appreciated with loads of enthusiasm by the end where only time was the fun killer.

A creative view found in madness: Crazy Eight.

The creativity cannot just end after one session. Holding the thought of the previous session, participants were asked to gather in a circle around a table. With each given a paper and asked to fold it so that 8 separate square spaces would form on the sheet the Crazy Eight exercise was explained. Participants were asked to draw their solution one of their 8 square. For each drawing they had a minute per square, a total of 8 minutes until all were filled. Of course with so little time there was little room for thinking, imagination had to pull the cart here, which led to both silly and unique drawings. The longer the session went on the more difficult it became – the participants were truly pushed to their creative limits. A well-trained eye could even notice how some participants still tried to finish their previous drawing before moving onto the next despite the time. You could feel the atmosphere in the room shift to a hectic, almost crazy aura, thus doing its name of ‘Crazy Eight’ truly justice.

At the end of the session it was only natural that people presented their top 3 drawings. One after another each participant proudly showed off their creative drawings like a trophy to the rest of the group. Turns out, despite not communicating with one another during the drawing sessions there were lots of similarities in the elements used in each drawing. The bus, the civil servant, and the elderly were commonly used elements seen back in almost everyone’s drawing. Via these sources of inspiration it became clear just where the solutions may lie.

An journey’s end : Results.

At the end of the session we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we At the end of the session, we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we went back and looked at the very first theorem everyone was presented with; “Should mobility be a fundamental right for each and every citizen?”. Last time everyone answered all but one was in favor of this theorem, now participants were asked to revise their statement and see if they still agreed with what they said at the beginning. As said before, dialogue can change the outlook we have on the world and so someone did change their stance – The one person that disagreed with the theorem now actually agreed that mobility should be a fundamental right. A full 100% score! Only after this a talk about what we had done started. Opinions were asked and each participant shared the emotion they had experienced during this work session and to leave it behind on a post-it.

·       Fun and insightful: The gamification of thinking is taking the design world by storm, and on this Demoday, it has proven that this form of design thinking can not only be effective in bringing brand new insights but also can be fun.

·       Enthusiasm: What started off with an iffy approach ended with tons of enthusiasm. Idea generating doesn’t just have to be sitting at a table and talking in your own bubble; it can become so much more effective when the mood is changed from serious and gloomy to frivolous and enthusiastic..

·       Creativity: A creative way of thinking actually helps in generating ideas. Using playful thinking such as considering a bad idea first and then the opposite helps find solutions to problems in a much more efficient way.

During this Demoday, we as a group of graduating students got to know the thought process behind those who work within the field of mobility. While we hope that we brought them plenty of insights and, above all, a fun day, it is sufficient to say that we too learned an abundance of information. The insights made during the Demoday will be used by us in writing our final report for the Provincie Noord Holland regarding a detailed consult on how to improve the mobility of the citizens of the province of Noord-Holland and how to tackle the injustices surrounding mobility. Demoday’s are fun and can inspire even the most closed-minded people. If we could, we would do it all over again. And, if you are still on the fence about joining a Demoday, then I hope that column will ignite that curiosity.

Timo van Elst's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, professor in management development , posted

Will the 15-minute city cause the US suburbs to disappear? 6/7

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Urbanisation in the US is undergoing major changes. The image of a central city surrounded by sprawling suburbs therefore needs to be updated. The question is what place does the 15-minute city have in it? That is what this somewhat longer post is about
From the 1950s, residents of US cities began moving en masse to the suburbs. A detached house in the green came within reach for the middle and upper classes, and the car made it possible to commute daily to factories and offices. These were initially still located in and around the cities. The government stimulated this development by investing billions in the road network.
From the 1980s, offices also started to move away from the big cities. They moved to attractive locations, often near motorway junctions. Sometimes large shopping and entertainment centres also settled there, and flats were built on a small scale for supporting staff. Garreau called such cities 'edge cities'.
Investors built new suburbs called 'urban villages' in the vicinity of the new office locations, significantly reducing the distance to the offices. This did not reduce congestion on congested highways.
However, more and more younger workers had no desire to live in suburbs. The progressive board of Arlington, near Washington DC, took the decision in the 1980s to develop a total of seven walkable, inclusive, attractive and densely built-up cores in circles of up to 800 metres around metro stations. In each was a wide range of employment, flats, shops and other amenities . In the process, the Rosslyn-Balston Corridor emerged and experienced rapid growth. The population of the seven cores now stands at 71,000 out of a total of 136,000 jobs. 36% of all residents use the metro or bus for commuting, which is unprecedentedly high for the US. The Rosslyn-Balston Corridor is a model for many other medium-sized cities in the US, such as New Rochelle near new York.
Moreover, to meet the desire to live within walking distance of all daily amenities, there is a strong movement to also regenerate the suburbs themselves. This is done by building new centres in the suburbs and densifying part of the suburbs.
The new centres have a wide range of flats, shopping facilities, restaurants and entertainment centres.  Dublin Bridge Park, 30 minutes from Columbus (Ohio) is one of many examples.
It is a walkable residential and commercial area and an easily accessible centre for residents from the surrounding suburbs. It is located on the site of a former mall.
Densification of the suburbs is necessary because of the high demand for (affordable) housing, but also to create sufficient support for the new centres.
Space is plentiful. In the suburbs, there are thousands of (semi-)detached houses that are too large for the mostly older couples who occupy them. An obvious solution is to split the houses, make them energy-positive and turn them into two or three starter homes. There are many examples how this can be done in a way that does not affect the identity of the suburbs (image).
New construction in suburbs
This kind of solution is difficult to realise because the municipal authorities concerned are bound by decades-old zoning plans, which prescribe in detail what can be built somewhere. Some of the residents fiercely oppose changing the laws. Especially in California, the NIMBYs (not in my backyard) and the YIMBYs (yes in my backyard) have a stranglehold on each other and housing construction is completely stalled.
But even without changing zoning laws, there are incremental changes.  Here and there, for instance, garages, usually intended for two or three cars, are being converted into 'assessor flats' for grandma and grandpa or for children who cannot buy a house of their own.  But garden houses are also being added and souterrains constructed. Along the path of gradualness, this adds thousands of housing units, without causing much fuss.
It is also worth noting that small, sometimes sleepy towns seem to be at the beginning of a period of boom.  They are particularly popular with millennials. These towns are eminently 'walkable' , the houses are not expensive and there is a wide range of amenities. The distance to the city is long, but you can work well from home and that is increasingly the pattern. The pandemic and the homeworking it has initiated has greatly increased the popularity of this kind of residential location.
All in all, urbanisation in the US can be typified by the creation of giant metropolitan areas, across old municipal boundaries. These areas are a conglomeration of new cities, rivalling the old mostly shrinking and poverty-stricken cities in terms of amenities, and where much of employment is in offices and laboratories. In between are the suburbs, with a growing variety of housing. The aim is to create higher densities around railway stations. Besides the older suburbs, 'urban villages' have emerged in attractive locations. More and more suburbs are getting their own walkable centres, with a wide range of flats and facilities. Green space has been severely restricted by these developments.
According to Christopher Leinberger, professor of real estate and urban analysis at George Washington University, there is no doubt that in the US, walkable, attractive cores with a mixed population and a varied housing supply following the example of the Rosslyn-Ballston corridor are the future. In addition, walkable car-free neighbourhoods, with attractive housing and ample amenities are in high demand in the US. Some of the 'urban villages' are developing as such.  The objection is that these are 'walkable islands', rising in an environment that is anything but walkable. So residents always have one or two cars in the car park for when they leave the neighbourhood, as good metro or train connections are scarce. Nor are these kinds of neighbourhoods paragons of a mixed population; rents tend to be well above the already unaffordable average.
The answer of the question in the header therefore is: locally and slowly

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Citizens&Living
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Join AMS Institute's Scientific Conference, hosted by TU Delft, Wageningen University & Research, MIT and the City of Amsterdam.

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Do you want to learn from and network with the best researchers and scientists working to tackle pressing urban challenges?
AMS Institute, is organizing the AMS Scientific Conference from April 23-25 at the Marineterrein, Amsterdam, to address pressing urban challenges. The event is organized in collaboration with the City of Amsterdam.
The conference brings together leading institutions in urban research and innovation, thought leaders, municipalities, researchers, and practitioners to explore innovative solutions for sustainable development in Amsterdam and other global cities. 
Keynotes, research workshops, learning tracks, and special sessions will explore the latest papers in the fields of mobility, circularity, energy transition, climate adaptation, urban food systems, digitization, diversity, inclusion, living labs experimentation, and transdisciplinary research.
Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into cutting-edge research and engage in meaningful discussions with leading experts in their field. You can see the full program and all available sessions here.
This year's theme is 'Blueprints for messy cities? Navigating the interplay of order and messiness'. 
The program
Day 1: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Keynotes by Paul Behrens of Leiden University and Elin Andersdotter Fabre of UN-Habitat will be followed by a city panel including climate activist <strong>Hannah Prins</strong>. The first day concludes with a dinner at the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam: you're welcome to join our three-course meal with a 50 euro ticket.
Day 2️: Amazing discoveries
Keynotes by Carlo Ratti of MIT and Sacha Stolp of the Municipality of Amsterdam discuss innovation and research in cities. <strong>Corinne Vigreux</strong>, co-founder of TomTom, and Erik Versnel from Rabobank will participate in the city panel.
Day 3️: We are the city
Keynotes by Paul Chatterton of Leeds University and Victor Neequaye Kotey Deputy Director of the Waste Management Department of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana. They discuss how we shape the future of our cities together. This will be followed by a city panel including Ria Braaf-Fränkel of WomenMakeTheCity and prof. dr. Aleid Brouwer of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
To buy tickets: You can secure your conference tickets through our website.
Dinner tickets: On April 23 we’re hosting a dinner at the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam. Tickets for this can be added to your conference pass or bought separately. 

AMS Institute's picture #Mobility
Herman van den Bosch, professor in management development , posted

The global distribution of the 15-minute city idea 5/7

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A previous post made it clear that a 15-minute city ideally consists of a 5-minute walking zone, a 15-minute walking zone, also a 5-minute cycling zone and a the 15-minute cycling zone. These three types of neighbourhoods and districts should be developed in conjunction, with employment accessibility also playing an important role.
In the plans for 15-minute cities in many places around the world, these types of zones intertwine, and often it is not even clear which type of zone is meant.  In Paris too, I miss clear choices in this regard.
The city of Melbourne aims to give a local lifestyle a dominant place among all residents. Therefore, everyone should live within at most 10 minutes' walking distance to and from all daily amenities.  For this reason, it is referred to as a 20-minute city, whereas in most examples of a 15-minute city, such as Paris, it is only about <strong>the round trip</strong>. The policy in Melbourne has received strong support from the health sector, which highlights the negative effects of traffic and air pollution.
In Vancouver, there is talk of a 5-minute city. The idea is for neighbourhoods to become more distinct parts of the city. Each neighbourhood should have several locally owned shops as well as public facilities such as parks, schools, community centres, childcare and libraries. High on the agenda is the push for greater diversity of residents and housing types. Especially in inner-city neighbourhoods, this is accompanied by high densities and high-rise buildings. Confronting this idea with reality yields a pattern of about 120 such geographical units (see map above).
Many other cities picked up the idea of the 15-minute city.  Among them: Barcelona, London, Milan, Ottawa, Detroit and Portland. The organisation of world cities C40 (now consisting of 96 cities) elevated the idea to the main policy goal in the post-Covid period.
All these cities advocate a reversal of mainstream urbanisation policies. In recent decades, many billions have been invested in building roads with the aim of improving accessibility. This means increasing the distance you can travel in a given time. As a result, facilities were scaled up and concentrated in increasingly distant places. This in turn led to increased congestion that negated improvements in accessibility. The response was further expansion of the road network.  This phenomenon is known as the 'mobility trap' or the Marchetti constant.
Instead of increasing accessibility, the 15-minute city aims to expand the number of urban functions you can access within a certain amount of time. This includes employment opportunities. The possibility of working from home has reduced the relevance of the distance between home and workplace. In contrast, the importance of a pleasant living environment has increased. A modified version of the 15-minute city, the 'walkable city' then throws high hopes. That, among other things, is the subject of my next post.

Herman van den Bosch's picture #Citizens&Living
Madara Lace, International business , posted

Supporting Sustainable Technology Education Through E-Waste Recycling

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🌍✨ Join Us in Making a Difference! ✨🌍
We're excited to launch a groundbreaking project aimed at transforming e-waste into educational opportunities! 🚀📚 As part of our commitment to sustainability and digital literacy, we're collecting smartphones, laptops, and other electronics to support vibrant educational workshops in Rwanda.
Why join us? By participating, you'll:

  • 🌱 Support environmental sustainability by helping reduce e-waste.
  • 📖 Contribute to enhancing digital literacy among underserved communities.
  • 🤝 Be part of a global movement advocating for responsible technology use.
  • 🎓 Help provide essential skills that can transform lives and foster long-term growth.

We're looking for individuals and organizations to donate devices, share expertise, or sponsor our efforts. Every contribution makes a real difference, and together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future. 🌟
Let's reshape the future, one device at a time. Join us in this exciting journey and be credited in our upcoming documentary that highlights the collective efforts of our incredible partners from Germany, Latvia, and the Netherlands. 🎥🌍

Madara Lace's picture #Citizens&Living