
Mobility and transport are crucial for a city to function properly. Amsterdam is considered the world capital of cycling; 32% of traffic movement in Amsterdam is by bike and 63% of its inhabitants use their bike on daily basis. The number of registered electrical car owners in the Netherlands increased with 53% to 28.889 in 2016. Since 2008 car sharing increased with 376%. However, this is less than 1% of the total car use. Innovative ideas and concepts can help to improve the city’s accessibility, so share your ideas and concepts here.

Beatrice Egidi, Building Architect , posted

Looking for Architectural Design/Urban Design jobs in Amsterdam!

Dear all,

my name is Beatrice Egidi and I am a recently graduated architect from Italy. I had the opportunity of visiting Amsterdam a good number of times in the last two years and I am starting to hope to move there! I even started to learn a bit of Dutch... Moedig, toch?

If anyone has good advices on how to enter the job market here, they would be really appreciated!
Please have a look to my CV at the following link:
Egidi Beatrice CV_2024.pdf

Kind regards and thank you in advace to anyone who may help! Ciao!

Beatrice Egidi's picture #Citizens&Living
Madara Lace, International business , posted

Supporting Sustainable Technology Education Through E-Waste Recycling

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🌍✨ Join Us in Making a Difference! ✨🌍
We're excited to launch a groundbreaking project aimed at transforming e-waste into educational opportunities! 🚀📚 As part of our commitment to sustainability and digital literacy, we're collecting smartphones, laptops, and other electronics to support vibrant educational workshops in Rwanda.
Why join us? By participating, you'll:

  • 🌱 Support environmental sustainability by helping reduce e-waste.
  • 📖 Contribute to enhancing digital literacy among underserved communities.
  • 🤝 Be part of a global movement advocating for responsible technology use.
  • 🎓 Help provide essential skills that can transform lives and foster long-term growth.

We're looking for individuals and organizations to donate devices, share expertise, or sponsor our efforts. Every contribution makes a real difference, and together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future. 🌟
Let's reshape the future, one device at a time. Join us in this exciting journey and be credited in our upcoming documentary that highlights the collective efforts of our incredible partners from Germany, Latvia, and the Netherlands. 🎥🌍

Madara Lace's picture #Citizens&Living
Zoë Spaaij, Project manager , posted

Jonge toekomstmakers gezocht!

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Wat is de impact van (platform)technologie op de overheid van de toekomst en haar rol in de (door o.a. technologie) veranderende samenleving? Wil jij de toekomst tastbaar en beeldend maken en meedoen met een groeiende beweging van jonge (t/m 35 jaar) visionairen, denkers en doeners?
Doe dan mee aan de toekomstverkenning publieke platformen georganiseerd door FUTUR en Provincie Zuid-Holland en ondersteund door Scape Agency.

Vanuit verschillende thematische invalshoeken gaan we hiermee aan de slag in groepen van ongeveer 10 jonge professionals vanuit verschillende organisaties (Publiek, privaat en kennis). Een beschrijving van de eerste thema’s vind je hieronder:

- Circulair 2050 - De ambitie om in 2050 niet alleen klimaatneutraal, maar ook nog eens onze economie 100% circulair in te richten, vergt een omslag in denken en doen. Hoe buigen we lineaire ketens rond? Waar beginnen we? En cruciaal: welke rol speelt het publieke platform in deze transitie?
- Zicht op maatschappelijke vraagstukken met data – Data is onmisbaar voor het oplossen van maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Hoe zetten we data verantwoord in voor het benutten van deze kansen?
-Digitale Waterschappen – Bestuurt AI in 2050 het waterbeheer, of wordt water juist lokaal beheert?
-Ambtenaar van de toekomst – Als steeds meer taken worden overgenomen door (platform)technologie, wat is dan de rol van de ambtenaar van de toekomst en welke vaardigheden worden gevraagd?
- Participatie – hoe kan de overheid betrokkenheid van inwoners, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties vormgeven bij beleid en besluitvorming?
- Uitvoering van de toekomst – De meeste publieke dienstverleners leveren een stand van de uitvoering aan. Hoe moet de uitvoering en publieke dienstverlening van de toekomst worden vormgegeven?
- Online leefwereld van jongeren – Welke publieke waarden moeten vooropstaan op social media, hoe ziet een dergelijk platform eruit en welke digitale vaardigheden van jongeren zijn cruciaal?
- Tomorrows Governance – hoe verandert de rol, organisatie en wijze van samenwerken van de overheid?
- Mobiliteit en Brede Welvaart - Wat is de impact van (platform)technologie op de bijdrage van mobiliteit aan de brede welvaart van mensen door de bereikbaarheid van banen, voorzieningen en sociale contacten in de stad, en de regio?
- Sociaal Domein – Hoe kan platformtechnologie bijdragen aan de complexe problemen in het sociaal domein? Hoe ga je toe naar een overheid die er voor de inwoner is, in plaats van de inwoner van het kastje naar de muur stuurt.
- Ethiek

Zijn een van die thema's iets voor jou? Meld je dan aan via:

Wat betekent meedoen?
- Je sluit je aan bij een themagroep. En doet mee in de voorbereiding, dus het verzamelen van voorbeeldcases uit eigen werk, rapporten, studies, literatuur, films enz.
- Je doet op 13 februari mee met de visiedag (09:00 - 13:00), en bij voorkeur ook de aansluitende verbeeldingsdialoog in het Provinciehuis van de Provincie Zuid-Holland in den haag. Op deze dag werken de themagroepen met ondersteuning van ontwerpers en kunstenaars hun toekomstbeeld uit.
Je bent in maart beschikbaar voor 1 digitale of fysieke sessie voor de verdere uitwerking van het toekomstbeeld.
- Je bent op 4 april aanwezig (vermoedelijk enkel de middag) bij het slotevent ‘publieke platformen’ georganiseerd door de provincie Zuid-Holland in het provinciehuis. Op 4 april ‘exposeren’ de groepen hun toekomstbeeld aan een breder publiek, en wordt er op verschillende manier een dialoog georganiseerd tussen bezoekers, experts en bestuurders.
- Je vergroot je netwerk, je doet inspiratie op voor de vraagstukken waar jij dagelijks mee bezig bent en je hebt vooral plezier.

Anoop Kumar Jha, Architect Planner, MSc. (Infrastructure & Smart Cities) , posted

Request: Seeking guidance and possible work opportunities in the smart city domain.

I am a mid-career Architect and, Urban and Regional Planner. I recently graduated with a second master's (MSc.) from IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a Specialization in "Infrastructure and Smart Cities". My MSc. thesis research topic was based on Circular Economy concepts including the Circular Business Model and High-value reuse of material and components.

I am very passionate about smart cities and sustainability, and I am highly inspired by all the work in the smart city area that is being done in the Netherlands, where I hope to contribute and make a positive impact.

Previously, in addition to planning and project management roles, I have worked in relevant areas of smart mobility, ICT Infrastructure, renewable energy, and waste to energy, among others as part of consulting firms.

I am looking for possible work opportunities in the Smart City area in the Netherlands. I will appreciate any reference, resource, and mentorship that could be offered to me.

Anoop Jha

Anoop Kumar Jha's picture #DigitalCity
Beth Massa, Ozarka B.V. , posted

We urgently need to rent your "wasstraat" and commercial dishwashers or sublease your space to build our own!

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Hi All,
Since 2018, Ozarka works every variety of vendor or restaurant replacing disposable food containers with reusables, big or small, doesn't matter. As you can imagine, we are growing like crazy.

Our wash and sanitation model is decentralized. We have one main wash and sanitation facility called the "Sparkle Jar." We install "outposts" or mini-sparkle jars for wash and sanitation rather than build out more huge facilities. There are a variety of reasons for this (all good, more sustainable, and more affordable for our clients).

We need a lot more of these mini centers. SJ3, SJ4, get the idea. We are looking for partners that have the same commercial dishwashers we have that are not used very often Think office canteens, corporate food courts, hotels. Or, do you have water hookups and extra space that is not being used that we can rent out from you?

The most ideal locations are sort of on the outskirts of the centrum but still inside the A10. Hemshaven or Veemkade area...Oost, West, Noord are ideal locations.

The reuse revolution is really starting to take off! Our growth is going straight up and we need the Amsterdam Smart City community to help us expand our logistics by tapping into infrastructure that already exists.

Beth Massa's picture #CircularCity
Finn Mund, International Relations at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Master thesis about smart mobility solutions, also in Amsterdam

Hi everyone!

I'm currently writing my thesis on smart mobility solutions and their (expected) impact in the fight against climate change. As I'm also looking at cooperation between cities, I'd be very grateful if through posting this, I could get answers to the following questions.

- Does Amsterdam cooperate with other cities in the development of smart mobility solutions, like Roboat, Vehicle-2-Grid, or eHubs?

- Do other cities contact Amsterdam for advice and expertise with their smart mobility initiatives?

Thank you all and have a nice week ahead!


Sally O'Sullivan, City Planning and Environmental Policy , posted

Smart cities/ Urban planning Internship.

Hi everyone,

I am currently in my Final year of of a BSc in City Planning and Environmental Policy in University College Dublin. I am also planning on doing a masters in Urban design and Planning.

I want to pursue an internship opportunity for the summer months of 2023 (June-August). Does anyone have any information on any companies/ projects that are willing to take interns within Europe?

I am super passionate about sustainable development and the urban environment and would love to gain experience in my feild!

Thanks so much in advance!

Sally O'Sullivan's picture #Citizens&Living
Francesco Quaglia, Master degree systemic design (Politecnico Torino); degree in architecture (Politecnico Torino) , posted

Systemic design job

Hello everyone, my name is Francesco Quaglia and I recently graduated in system design at the Polytechnic of Turin.
I am looking for a job that will allow me to broaden my experience in the field of sustainable design.
Do you have some opportunities to share?
I enclose my latest projects carried out in the university.
Thanks for your attention, bye bye. :)

Francesco Quaglia's picture #Mobility
SENER KAYA, Phd Student , posted

Doctoral Thesis

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I am Sener Kaya from Turkey. I am a lecturer in Ankara/Turkey. Also I am a PhD student in sociology at Sakarya University. My thesis subject is "The Transformation Revealed by Smart City Applications in Urban Identity: Amsterdam Example".  Because of my thesis, I want to come to the Amsterdam and do interviews with experts who work on smart city. If you accept, I would like to work with you. I am also member of Amsterdam Smart City.
There is no study on smart cities in the field of sociology in Turkey yet. If I finish my thesis successfully, it will be the first study. I would be very happy if you support me in this matter.

My thesis's main question is '' What kind of change/transformation do smart city applications reveal in urban identity?''.

Today, many smart city applications are made by local governments. What kind of a transformation do these studies reveal in the economic, physical and socio-cultural identity of the city that it has carried from the past to the present? How do these studies carried out by local governments respond to the social problems of individuals living in the city?These are some of the sub-questions in my research. When I decided to study this topic I noticed that smart city studies generally are about physical or economic dimensions, especially in Turkey. But In studies in Turkey, this issue has almost never been addressed with its social dimensions. Therefore, I decided that this issue should be studied. Because all the elements that make up the identity of the city should be taken into account in order for the studies to be put forward by the local governments to be holistic. This is why I chose the city of Amsterdam as an example. While the work done in the city of Amsterdam was done from the top to down in the past, the work done today is done from the bottom to up and the people are at the center. I would like to come to Amsterdam and have interviews with people and institutions working on this subject. I am waiting for good news from all of you. I hope someone else accept to work with me.

SENER KAYA's picture #CircularCity
Tom Kuipers, Programme Developer at AMS Institute, posted

Join a Virtual Reality experiment in Amsterdam

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Would you like to take part in a Virtual Reality experiment? Then we are looking for you!

What is it? An indoor experiment about using Virtual Reality (VR) to study pedestrian crossing behaviour. Virtual Reality can be a powerful tool in the future to experiment with new settings and implementations before putting them into practice. Are you interested? Register or get in touch with us.

When? From 11 April until 6 May for the duration of 60-90 minutes per participant

Where? AMS Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam, Kattenburgerstraat 5

Who? Everyone is welcome! We are looking for participants who want to join and help us make it a success! Each participant will receive a €10,- gift voucher

Register now! Here


Tom Kuipers's picture #Mobility
A. Hutanu, Engineer , posted

Replacing short car trips with LEV's may reduce CO2 emissions, study suggests

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Smart mobility and LEV’s: a general introduction

 #Smart-Mobility is an important aspect for daily life and commuting/recurrent transportation needs and in this day&age there are many potential solution(s) for smart-mobility in Amsterdam. Today some of these new vehicles types are mostly restricted on city streets and Amsterdam citizens cannot grasp the potential of this vehicles. These devices can go up to at least 20km of range for short trips and with vehicle speeds ranging from 20, 25, 45 km/h (e-scooter, e-bike, moped respectively) and some as far as 90km/h (micro-car 90), etc.

Potential CO2 emission reduction research

There is a study regarding CO2 potential emission reduction by the use of light electric vehicles (LEV's) in contrast to short car trips usage. LEV's CO2 emissions is averaged at 24g CO2 eq/km compared with conventional vehicles (including EV's) averaged at 203g CO2 eq/km. The findings are quite relevant since it could reduce CO2 emissions as much as 44% = 57 million tones CO2 eq per year. The full study can be found at URL link below.


If the Gemeente Amsterdam would lift the ban on LEV’s, this would be beneficial for Amsterdam citizens since they would have less noise (silent devices), cleaner air (by the study analysis) and maybe more fun alternative to ICE-scooters and cars.

A. Hutanu's picture #Mobility
Erik Feleus, Digital Strategist & Smart Building Developer at Schiphol, posted

Let's go electric!

As in the rest of the Netherlands, the number of electric cars (EVs) at Schiphol will only increase in the coming years. Whereas Royal Schiphol Group currently has 400 EV charge points, we expect to grow rapidly towards 10,000 charge points over the next few years. We cannot achieve this growth alone. That is why we are looking for a partner who can help us manage this growth with smart technology. Can you help us? Check the link below to the tender on Negometrix

Erik Feleus's picture #Mobility
KAZEM AFRADI, Urban planning at Utrecht University (UU), posted

Collaboration in Gerontechnology

Hi dear friends,

I am interested in doing research or collaboration in projects focus on age-friendly city and smart city. An important coincidence for these fields is Gerontechnology (Gerontology + Technology). Developing mobility apps to facilitate the transportation and mobility of elders is an example of Gerontechnology. This can promote the active aging of elders in our neighborhoods and help them to do most of their outdoor activities independently. Please feel free to contact me ( if you think I can contribute to your company/ projects.



KAZEM AFRADI's picture #Mobility
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam InChange, posted

CityFlows is Looking for International Crowd-Management Innovations & Best Practices

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The EIT-KIC project CityFlows aims to improve the liveability of crowded pedestrian spaces through the use of Crowd Monitoring Decision Support Systems (CM-DSS) to manage pedestrian flows.  Amsterdam, Milan and Barcelona are the three CityFlows project test sites  where various innovative crowd monitoring techniques will be evaluated in real-life settings.  These tests will take place where large crowds meet, such as mass events, tourist spaces and transfer hubs.  The CityFlows project also prepares a CM-DSS for market launch which incorporates state-of-the-art monitoring techniques.

One of the goals of the CityFlows project is to build a community of crowd-management researchers and practitioners which supports knowledge sharing between the various stakeholders. To this end, in 2020 we hosted a webinar series focused on knowledge sharing.

Now, we are putting out an open call for crowd-management best practices and are looking to collect international best practices.

Do you have a crowd-management solution or project which you would like to showcase to peers, policy makers and the public?

We invite all stakeholders, including public authorities, companies, start-ups, and knowledge institutions to share their crowd-management innovations and lessons learned.

A selection of the cases will be featured in a “Best Practices for Crowd-management” digital showcase.

Submitting your crowd-management solution / project is possible via this short form by providing answers to the following questions:

  1. What crowd-management technologies were deployed in the project?
  2. How did you turn data into actionable information? What key insights were gained from the project and how did this help improve managing crowds?
  3. How did you deal with privacy and other ethical challenges in your project?
  4. What were the main challenges encountered and how did you overcome them?
  5. What are the most important transferable lessons learned (positive or negative) from the project? What can other cities / stakeholders learn from this experience?

Please complete submission by 18:00 on Friday, December 10th.

More information
For questions and more information about this call for solutions please contact:

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
Gijs Mutsaers, posted

​I NEED YOUR HELP! - Enquête Afstudeeronderzoek ‘The effects of carsharing on individuals' travel behaviour’

Beste netwerk,
Voor mijn studie Construction Management & Engineering (CME) aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ben ik op dit moment bezig met mijn afstudeeronderzoek naar de effecten van autodelen op het reisgedrag van individuen. Daarvoor wil ik een aantal minuten van jouw tijd vragen.

Hoe kun je helpen?
Door het invullen van de online enquête, help je mij bij het verzamelen van gegevens voor het onderzoek naar deze effecten. Voel je vrij om het ook te delen met je eigen netwerk.

Via onderstaande link is de online enquête te bereiken.

Ik wil je alvast bedanken voor de aandacht en tijd! Deelname wordt enorm gewaardeerd. Indien je verdere verduidelijking of informatie wenst, neem dan gerust contact met mij op via email (

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Code the Streets is Looking for Amsterdam Pilot Participants

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Would you like to help make Amsterdam a safer and more livable place?  The Code The Streets project is looking for car drivers in Amsterdam who would like to test the TomTom AmiGo navigation app.  The goal of the pilot is to support you in choosing an alternative, more 'social' route by providing you data about school zones, traffic jams, environmental zones, and vulnerable infrastructure. All you have to do is fill in a short questionnaire and download the app. The only "must" is that you're an Android user.  As a token of appreciation, The Code The Streets team will be giving away a number of tickets to Move Amsterdam, including a guided tour of the interactive exhibit and a drink at Madame Cyclette.  Find out more and register to join the pilot via:

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Tom van Arman, Director & Founder at Tapp, posted

Crowd Monitoring Summer Survey (1 min.)

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For those of you who know, Marineterrein Amsterdam has been a test area to explore responsible counting of crowds (big and small) in a living lab environment. Summer temperatures are bringing large numbers people to the Marineterrein to cool off - but earlier this winter / spring, the crowd monitor revealed some fun facts about how people made use the inner-city living lab during the Covid19 lockdown.

This summer we’re collecting feedback from the Marineterrein community and the general public. Have you ever been to the Marineterrein? If so, how do you feel about counting people in public space? In this 1 minute survey we ask 5 simple yes/no questions to help us improve your experience on the smart city campus.

Your help is appreciated!

Tom van Arman's picture #Citizens&Living
Casper Thostrup, System Engineering Student at University of Twente, posted

Smart City Amsterdam - Defining the future!

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Dear AmsterdamSmartCity,

Today I start my dissertation project for Oxand. Together we will be working towards defining clearer goals for Gemeente Amsterdam's smart city objectives! We will approach this challenge by taking the #SmartCity principles and observing them through the lens of #SystemEngineering.

I am looking for members who are interesting in helping me identify stakeholders, current challenges facing the municipality, developing projects, objectives that must be fulfilled and much more!

Casper Thostrup's picture #CircularCity
KAZEM AFRADI, Urban planning at Utrecht University (UU), posted

Seeking job and research opportunity in urban planning, urban devlopment and smart city

Recently I have graduated in urban planning, and I am looking for job or research opportunities in the Netherlands. Earlier I was a guest researcher at Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe) and University of California- Santa Barbara. The focus point of my interests is navigating information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their spatial effects in different urban subsystems (especially transportation and mobility, autonomous vehicles) toward Smart city, as a vision.
I would appreciate your advice if you know any opportunities in the Netherlands.

KAZEM AFRADI's picture #Mobility
KAZEM AFRADI, Urban planning at Utrecht University (UU), posted

PhD thesis project

I am a PhD in Urban planning. The vision of my work is facilitating the smart city. I am interested in understanding the mechanism of spatial effects that happen during time by applying ICTs in urban subsystems. By ICTs, I mean services and devices which function based on information and communication technologies. Spatial effects also refer to the changes in the activity-travel behavior, parking lots, land uses, urban sprawl, logistics sprawl, housing location choices, population density, building density, core-peripheral distribution pattern, traffic flows and land per capita.
I think now we are at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. Does it make
effects similar to effects which we observed after the third industrial revolution (urban sprawl, land use change, networks of highways and mass of pollution by private cars)? I believe that the synergy between robotics, nanotechnologies and the new generation of ICTs (e.g., Autonomous vehicles, navigation apps, digital
twins, internet of things and augmented reality) has the potential to make primary and secondary effects which change the current patterns and conceptions of urban planners and urban policymakers about cities.

KAZEM AFRADI's picture #Mobility