Arthur Guilleminot


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Arthur Guilleminot, Artist , posted

Piss Soap Workshop at W139 (Amsterdam)

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Dear Community,
This Saturday at w139 from 14:00-17:00 I will be facilitating a workshop on how to make your own soap with waste, including your golden biofluid.

Throughout the entire Piss Soap workshop, the basics of ecodeviance will be presented and exemplified throughout the process of saponification. We will review the possibility for local and tangible regenerative design, circular ecology and how to tackle the climate crisis while providing cleaning products. The workshop will present the full process of saponification and the steps required to transform domestic waste into usable soap. We will mix the various ingredients and create a circular process informed by waste management. The participants will have the opportunity to create intimate and personal outcomes from their own (bio) wastes. At the end of the workshop, everybody will come back home with 750g of soap to cure at home. After the 3 months needed to its complete maturation, the soap will be ready to be used for washing.

It is all free of charge, feel free to register by sending an email to

Arthur Guilleminot's picture Masterclass / workshop on Oct 7th
Arthur Guilleminot, Artist , posted

Vote Piss Soap - New European Bauhaus Prize

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Dear Amsterdam Smart city community

I am reaching out to you to present a bit more of my project of Piss Soap and to ask you to vote and support my project at the New European Bauhaus Prize.
You can follow the link that will lead you to the voting page.

Piss Soap is a finalist in the section of “Rising Stars”, category Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking

Please vote, share and support and make sure to check all the amazing projects around sustainability, inclusivity and a greener future together.

"Piss soap is made entirely out of human activity waste materials, namely wood ashes, used cooking oil and urine. All these materials are easily gathered locally, in Amsterdam. The gathering of material and production of the Piss Soap is locally implemented and redistributed to the public cleaning services as well as the inhabitants. Piss soap has a regenerative impact in our cities, allowing to transform in a creative and useful way, wastes that our cities congregate."

If you have any question or comment do not hesitate to contact me

Arthur Guilleminot's picture #CircularCity