#User involvement

Topic within Mobility
SENER KAYA, Phd Student , posted

Doctoral Thesis

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I am Sener Kaya from Turkey. I am a lecturer in Ankara/Turkey. Also I am a PhD student in sociology at Sakarya University. My thesis subject is "The Transformation Revealed by Smart City Applications in Urban Identity: Amsterdam Example".  Because of my thesis, I want to come to the Amsterdam and do interviews with experts who work on smart city. If you accept, I would like to work with you. I am also member of Amsterdam Smart City.
There is no study on smart cities in the field of sociology in Turkey yet. If I finish my thesis successfully, it will be the first study. I would be very happy if you support me in this matter.

My thesis's main question is '' What kind of change/transformation do smart city applications reveal in urban identity?''.

Today, many smart city applications are made by local governments. What kind of a transformation do these studies reveal in the economic, physical and socio-cultural identity of the city that it has carried from the past to the present? How do these studies carried out by local governments respond to the social problems of individuals living in the city?These are some of the sub-questions in my research. When I decided to study this topic I noticed that smart city studies generally are about physical or economic dimensions, especially in Turkey. But In studies in Turkey, this issue has almost never been addressed with its social dimensions. Therefore, I decided that this issue should be studied. Because all the elements that make up the identity of the city should be taken into account in order for the studies to be put forward by the local governments to be holistic. This is why I chose the city of Amsterdam as an example. While the work done in the city of Amsterdam was done from the top to down in the past, the work done today is done from the bottom to up and the people are at the center. I would like to come to Amsterdam and have interviews with people and institutions working on this subject. I am waiting for good news from all of you. I hope someone else accept to work with me.

SENER KAYA's picture #CircularCity
Tom Kuipers, Programme Developer at AMS Institute, posted

Join a Virtual Reality experiment in Amsterdam

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Would you like to take part in a Virtual Reality experiment? Then we are looking for you!

What is it? An indoor experiment about using Virtual Reality (VR) to study pedestrian crossing behaviour. Virtual Reality can be a powerful tool in the future to experiment with new settings and implementations before putting them into practice. Are you interested? Register or get in touch with us.

When? From 11 April until 6 May for the duration of 60-90 minutes per participant

Where? AMS Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam, Kattenburgerstraat 5

Who? Everyone is welcome! We are looking for participants who want to join and help us make it a success! Each participant will receive a €10,- gift voucher

Register now! Here


Tom Kuipers's picture #Mobility
Gijs Mutsaers, posted

​I NEED YOUR HELP! - Enquête Afstudeeronderzoek ‘The effects of carsharing on individuals' travel behaviour’

Beste netwerk,
Voor mijn studie Construction Management & Engineering (CME) aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven ben ik op dit moment bezig met mijn afstudeeronderzoek naar de effecten van autodelen op het reisgedrag van individuen. Daarvoor wil ik een aantal minuten van jouw tijd vragen.

Hoe kun je helpen?
Door het invullen van de online enquête, help je mij bij het verzamelen van gegevens voor het onderzoek naar deze effecten. Voel je vrij om het ook te delen met je eigen netwerk.

Via onderstaande link is de online enquête te bereiken.
ONLINE ENQUÊTE: https://tueindhoven.limequery.com/143597?lang=nl

Ik wil je alvast bedanken voor de aandacht en tijd! Deelname wordt enorm gewaardeerd. Indien je verdere verduidelijking of informatie wenst, neem dan gerust contact met mij op via email (g.a.h.mutsaers@student.tue.nl)

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Code the Streets is Looking for Amsterdam Pilot Participants

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Would you like to help make Amsterdam a safer and more livable place?  The Code The Streets project is looking for car drivers in Amsterdam who would like to test the TomTom AmiGo navigation app.  The goal of the pilot is to support you in choosing an alternative, more 'social' route by providing you data about school zones, traffic jams, environmental zones, and vulnerable infrastructure. All you have to do is fill in a short questionnaire and download the app. The only "must" is that you're an Android user.  As a token of appreciation, The Code The Streets team will be giving away a number of tickets to Move Amsterdam, including a guided tour of the interactive exhibit and a drink at Madame Cyclette.  Find out more and register to join the pilot via: https://www.codethestreets.eu/

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Paul Manwaring, Co-founder at City Innovation Exchange Lab (CITIXL), posted

Call for Cities to test the Responsible Sensing Toolkit

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As societal values change and the deployment of sensing technology becomes more ubiquitous, what are our digital rights in a 21st-century city?  This dilemma is forcing municipalities to make difficult decisions about practice versus the policy of collecting data from public space. In collaboration with the City of Amsterdam, The City Innovation Exchange Lab (CITIXL) has created the Responsible Sensing Toolkit -  a six-step process to help navigate this new landscape in a fast and effective way. The toolkit was co-designed by experienced city innovators to empower municipalities, organisations, and communities to implement open and inclusive sensing solutions for our 21st-century cities.

We are currently seeking cities to test the step-by-step process to guide the design and implementation of crowd sensing pilots in public spaces.  For complete details about the Toolkit and how your city can participate please visit http://www.citixl.com/responsible_sensing_toolkit/ or contact CITIXL co-founder Paul Manwaring at paul@citixl.com

Paul Manwaring's picture #DigitalCity
Joris de Leeuw, Product developer | Architect at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Nieuw platform voor innovatieve ondernemers 👨‍💻 zoekt feedback. 👇

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Ben jij een ondernemer en is het voor jou ook lastig om tot samenwerking met gemeentes te komen? Vind je de (inkoop)procedures ook complex? Denk je ook dat Tenderned makkelijker en duidelijker zou kunnen zijn? En heb je hier ideeën over? Dan zoekt de Gemeente Amsterdam jou! Met jouw hulp kunnen wij aan de slag om dit te veranderen.

Waarom dit platform?

De Gemeente Amsterdam werkt, samen met partners uit de regio, aan een platform voor innovatieve ondernemers met nieuwe business opportunities bij overheden. Voor de grote uitdagingen van de stad (bv mobiliteit, klimaatneutraal) zijn innovatieve oplossingen hard nodig. De gemeente kan dit niet alleen en zoekt partijen met goede ideeën en producten.

We horen vaak van kleinere ondernemingen dat het, door complexe procedures en ingewikkelde platforms, niet makkelijk is om tot een samenwerking met de gemeente te komen. Het nieuwe platform, https://www.innovatiepartners.nl, heeft als doel om het voor beide kanten makkelijker, eenvoudiger en duidelijker te maken.

Beta zoekt feedback

Onlangs is de beta versie gelanceerd. Voor nu nog even met 1 project maar er komen binnenkort nieuwe projecten bij. Het komende jaar gaan we verder en jouw feedback helpt ons!

Wat vind jij goed aan het platform? Waar zie jij ruimte voor verbetering? Heb je nog andere goede ideeën wat we met dit platform zouden kunnen bereiken? We horen graag van je! Je kunt je reactie achterlaten in dit feedback formulier.


(PS: dit keer wel met een link die werkt 😄)

Joris de Leeuw's picture #DigitalCity
Walle Kiikeri, Student , posted

Dissertation ideas to look into about sustainable festival management in cities

Hey! I am a student from Finland looking to write my dissertation about the way city based festivals can thrive sustainably in a 'post-Covid-19' world and tackle sustainability issues with the support and co-creation of initiatives of the 'smart city' as well as city council.

Essentially I am aiming to argue how 'smart city' initiatives such as seen in Amsterdam and Helsinki could help festival management engage better with tackling sustainability issues cheaply, by for example offering event spaces, expertise, waste management which can be expensive processes...

Any advice is much appreciated, thank you !!

Walle Kiikeri's picture #CircularCity