Do you want to position yourself in the Nordics with your Smart City / Mobility Solution?
Then join us at the Holland Pavilion at Nordic Edge ( this year in Stavanger, Norway. With over 4000 participants, 200+ exhibitors and more than 100 speakers, Nordic Edge is the largest and most important Smart City /Mobility event in the Nordics. At the Expo you will meet decision makers from cities and municipalities, change-making companies, startups, smart technology solutions for smart cities and communities. Making the expo a comprehensive marketing and communication platform to showcase your solution for smart cities and communities.
Together is better than alone! So join the Holland Pavilion, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Regional Business Development team, the Dutch Embassy in Norway and the RVO. Partially funded with public funds and partly through contributions from participating companies.
Interested? Then sign up here as soon as possible!
Questions? Contact: +46728564984