Case Study Food Transport in Amsterdam. Contacts needed.

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I would like to make call for your collaboration. I am working on a case study about food transport in Amsterdam. I am looking to get to know people that are related to the topic. I am particularly interested on innovative ways of transporting food within the city.


Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

@jessicaspadacini this might be interesting for you as well!

Moises Covarrubias's picture
Moises Covarrubias

Thank you so much for your answer. I have already read that document. It is so interesting. However, I am looking for more empirical data since I am writing an article for my PhD. But once again I really appreciate your answer.

Best regards,

Moises Covarrubias's picture
Moises Covarrubias

Thank you so much for your answer. I really appreciate it. And of course I would really appreciate to talk about this very interesting automated transport that you mention. I am very looking forward to talk to you.

Best regards,
Moises C

Aernout Aki Ackerman's picture
Aernout Aki Ackerman

Dear Moises,
If you are looking for automated/zelfdriving transport I am happy to help where I can. Especially connecting food and automated transportation.

With best regards,
