***Friday April 3 - 16-18h, online***
COVID-19 has transformed the lives of EU citizens dramatically, in a way that was not even possible to imagine just a month ago. Cities are in lockdown and health services are put under extreme pressure and pushed beyond their limits. Yet in the time of crisis, innovations are emerging that are saving lives and protecting livelihoods. Many of these involve new uses of technology, implemented by local actors at city and regional level.
To help cities navigate the current crisis and implement appropriate responses, the European Commission’s Intelligent Cities Challenge is launching a wider support package for COVID-19 to facilitate learning and the sharing of best practices on effective city-led interventions from European and global cities.
As a first step, we have organised two city-focused interactive webinars to learn, exchange practises and support city administrations. In this event, we will explore the pandemic and effective responses through expert perspectives, good city initiatives and open discussion. Topics include responses to health risks, interventions on economic impacts and overall strategies for effective management and preparation.
The summary report of this webinar can be found here https://www.intelligentcitieschallenge.eu/covid-19-downloads and the next webinar is on Wednesday, April 15.