Introducing Wyzer: a new app for exploring the city

On Kingsday we will launch Wyzer. This smart compass simply points to your destination and lets you wander around without getting lost. By playfully alerting you to interesting locations nearby, you can explore and discover the best the city has to offer while strolling the streets.

With Wyzer, visitors of Amsterdam are encouraged to follow their own routes, leave the beaten tracks and discover the hidden depths of the city. The special Kingsday edition of Wyzer is available from April 25th in the AppStore (only iPhone). Check out for more information or visit our facebookpage:

Wyzer was developed in cooperation with the city of Amsterdam in the Startup in Residence program, to test how a consumer app can assist with the better spread of visitors. The first results are very promising: users visit a wider area of the city, while positively valuing the experience of finding their own way. The launch on Kingsday is the continuation of this experiment on a larger scale, focusing on adding value to crowd management and visitor routing.

The Wyzer app is in continuous development. This is just the first release. We are eager to learn so all feedback will be very much appreciated! Just leave a comment here or on Facebook.

Thanks! Team Wander



Thanks Herman, good suggestion! I've added it to our backlog and we will see how we can incorporate this in future releases.

Herman van den Bosch's picture
Herman van den Bosch

As a person who likes to stroll Amsterdam I appreciate this tool. At the same time strolling is exhausting. Therefore integrating suggestions about the use of public transport to reach a destination might be helpful and increase the area over which visitors are distributed
