Last two speakers for event 'How to Get People to Use Contact Tracing Apps' confirmed!

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This Thursday Amsterdam Smart City will discuss strategies by governments and other stakeholders to enthuse people to use contact tracing apps to combat covid-19. How do these apps help regular contact tracing? And how do they put people central? What lessons can we learn from other countries already using contact-tracing apps? We can now onfirm the last two speakers!


Last week we already announced Ivo Jansch, developer of the Dutch CoronaMelder app and Eivind Arvesen, privacy expert from Norway. This week we are proud to finalize our program with two other speakers:

Please welcome Gar Mac Críosta as a speaker. Gar is the project manager and lead for the Irish Covid-Tracker-App Office of the Chief Information Officer. Gar is working for the Health Service Executive in Ireland (HSE). Their ‘Covidtracker’ was launched in July. What are their lessons learned?

Last but not least, is Hannes Grassegger, journalist from Switzerland. Hannes met politicians and engineers and cryptographers behind the app in Switzerland and Germany. What are his experiences and how does he feel about the possibilities of the app.

Image Hannes: <>

Join the discussion on informing, convincing and enthusing people to use contact-tracing apps! <>

