It is the first time that more than half of the dwellings in Amsterdam are labelled as energy efficient.
In 2015 50,2 percent of the labeled dwellings in the city got a C or higher, a year before this was only 49,4 percent. These numbers come from an analysis of dataplatform LocalFocus based on numbers from Klimaatmonitor, Rijkswaterstaat. On the national level the percentage of energy efficiency labels is a bit higher, namely 53 percent. In 2009 this was only 43 percent.
The label indicates the extent to which a house is energy efficient: an A-label indicates that the dwelling scores well in terms of isolation, isolated glass and an efficient boiler. The least efficient label is the G-label. One in 25 labelled dwellings in Amsterdam still have this label. Nationally this is about 1 in 35.
Since the first of January 2015 it is obliged to mention the final energy efficiency label if you want to sell or rent your house. Who doesn’t do that, risks receiving a fine.
Regional differences At the moment about 2.5 million dwellings have an energy efficiency label, this is about one third of the total housing supply. Most Dutch dwellings have a C-label: 759.000 dwellings, which is one third of total dwellings with an energy efficiency label.
Source: Parool
Picture: Mediabank Amsterdam, Koen Smile
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