New version Smart Citizen Kit available

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Five years ago we tested the 1.1 version of the Smart Citizen Kit with 100 Amsterdammers in a pilot project for three months. This sensor kit has been further developed at Fablab Barcelona during the past three years and has been tested within the European Making Sense project.

The improved 2.1 version of the kit is now ready and can be pre-ordered via Seeed Studio. There is a starter kit available that consists of a Smart Citizen Kit that includes an adapter and USB cable. Communities can also order a 15-pack version.


Do Sch's picture
Do Sch

Good ideas Adriaan! I'd volunteer (again) as tester if needed :-)
Also; what would be required to add LORA?

Adriaan van Eck's picture
Adriaan van Eck

@ Gerard: you can add LORA or NB-IoT or LTE-M yourself.
@ Gijs: I agree with Douwe. 5 years ago the results were dis-appointing. Before getting people to invest € 99 again, the setup could be tested in a climate-lab from university or TNO or so. Maybe Waag and ASC could pick this up, like they did 5 years ago?

Or maybe FabLab had it tested in Spain and can share the results?

gerald lindner's picture
gerald lindner

why still hooked on adatpters and cables instead of just LORA

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture
Gijs Boerwinkel

Hi Douwe, no we didn't test it yet, but many parts of the sensor seem to be improved, like the noise sensor, pm sensor and configuration proces to the platform. We'll keep you posted!

Do Sch's picture
Do Sch

Has the Waag tested the new kit? Has it improved much from the 1.1 version? The first version was plagued by numerous bugs, delivered unusable measurements and proofed complicated to maintain. Do you have (more) confidence in this iteration?

mouse-pointer is hoovering over the pre-order button...
