Podcast episode #26: Eva Gladek on circular cities.

In the 26th episode of the Pakhuis de Zwijger Podcast Maurice Seleky is interviewing Eva Gladek, founder and CEO of Metabolic. They are talking about the Metabolic definition of circular economy, their activities at De Ceuvel, how Kate Raworth’s social Doughnut started out as the Oxfam Doughnut, and why humanity is not mature enough to be able to benefit from nuclear energy.

On the 29th of March, the 5th Anniversary of the program series De Circulaire Stad will be celebrated in Pakhuis de Zwijger with keynotes of, amongst others, ecologist Louise Vet, photojournalist Kadir van Lohuizen, Metabolic-consultant Tamara Streefland and landscape architect Dirk Sijmons.

Listen to this podcast below through Soundcloud (or, Spotify, iTunes and another podcast platform)

More information on the program series De Circulaire Stad, the program 5 jaar De Circulaire Stad; https://dezwijger.nl/programma/5-jaar-de-circulaire-stad


