Recap of Amsterdam Smart City’s yearly Transition Day

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On the 6th of June, the Amsterdam Smart City network gathered for the yearly Transition Day. A day dedicated to major transition challenges in our region. These challenges can only be conquered by working together. Despite all the diversity in our network, we agree on one thing: we desperately need each other to tackle the major societal challenges of our age.

We started the Transition Day with inspirational stories from three speakers: Mena Leila Kilani, inspirator and connector for SDG Nederland, Jan de Dood, visionary and author of “De Toekomst over Leven” (The Future of Living), and Bas Ruis, director and founder at the FIXbrigade. All participants wrote down their take-aways from the stories of these pioneers, and we started the afternoon full of sessions with a lot of positive energy.


Mobility | Mobility Justice - Power structures and engaging your target group
While our mobility system and its options are continuously expanding, there’s a growing number of people who feel excluded from the mobility system and experience a lack of access to services like public transport and shared mobility options. If we want to move towards ‘Mobility Justice’, we would need a detailed image of the groups experiencing this exclusion and we would need a variety of actors to come up with -and implement- creative solutions to this emerging problem. During the Transition Day, we gathered input and reflections on the power structures in play and considerations when involving your target group in decision making. Read the full report by Programme Manager (Mobility) Pelle here.

Energy | Local Energy systems, scale up, scale up, scale up
The technology is here. People and organizations are there. We have a lot of learnings from innovation pilots like Live and Atelier: we're all set. And yet, scaling up local energy systems like Live and Atelier seems to be incredibly difficult. What are the obstacles and barriers to scaling up these initiatives? These questions were the focus of the working session "local energy systems, scale up, scale up, scale up”. Read the full report by Programme Manager (Energy) Patricia here.

Digital | Digital identity and implementing new electronic identification methods
The municipality of Amsterdam recently started a pilot with Yivi, a more safe and secure electronic identification method. Amsterdam residents can now log in to “Mijn Amsterdam” to track the status of complaints about public areas. But how do you get this innovation, which really requires a different way of thinking, implemented? At the Transition Day we identified barriers and possible interventions, using a Change Curve model. Read the full report by Programme Manager (Digital) Sophie here.

Circular | An integral approach to the circular energy transition
The transition towards a circular economy and the energy transition are both needed to reach a sustainable economy and society. The two are intertwined, as the materials needed for the energy transition (such as solar panels) are enormous and the speed of the energy transition is very dependent on the availability of sustainable raw materials, scarce earth metals and biomass. In the session on the Transition Day, we explored what the current connection or disconnection is between the two transitions in order to define the best next step. Read the full report by Programme Director Francien here.

The inspirational morning programme and the sessions in the afternoon were visually captured by the talented team from Flatland Agency. Would you like to receive the full visuals? Send us an e-mail via, or leave a comment below.

