Recap of Demo Day #12 - Energy meets Mobility

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We share a quick overview of the mobility and energy projects that are on the minds of our partners and community half way through 2021. In another successful Demo Day we glided from Smart Energy to the first MaaS app. We learned about Code the Streets and easier ways to get projects subsidiest after Corona.

Our demo days are part of a series and are intended for Amsterdam Smart City partners to present the progress of various innovation projects, ask for input, share dilemmas and involve other partners in projects. We give you a recap.

The bottlenecks of Smart Energy - Alienke Ramaker from Royal Haskoning DHV

We want Smart Energy and make use of it in a flexible matter. So it’s not a surprise that pilots and projects pop up to make charging more efficient. But for some reason these projects don’t grow. Tom van Loon from Royalhaskoning DHV (commissioned by TKI Urban Energy and RVO) not only presents the 5 bottlenecks with the help of 40 experts but also gives us action points. The next step is to make these points land. How can we do that?

Amaze - Edvard Hendriksen from Overmorgen/Arcadis

Amaze is the first Mobility as a Service (MaaS) app in the Netherlands. It gives you access to public transport, shared mobility (cars, bikes) and taxi’s with one app. To scale up employers need to be convinced so employees are easily triggered to make use of shared mobility. In September 500 companies will join the launch event. Do you know any employers that should join, or are you one? Let us know in the comments so we can connect you to Edvard.

Code the Streets – Sander Oudbier & Lilian Leermakers from AMS Institute

Creating an app that makes cities less busy and saver, that’s what CODE the Streets is doing. Our region keeps growing and the same goes for our streets, neighbourhood’s and cities so we constantly need to come up with smart ways to organize mobility. Lilian Leermakers explains that the streets of Amsterdam are coded and added to navigation software. This can be used to avoid small streets around schools for instance. They’re looking for 200 users in Amsterdam and Helsinki so they can gather good feedback. The pilot starts at the end of August. Would you like to be part of the test team?

Innovation partners - Eefje Smeulders from City of Amsterdam & Dave van Loon from Kennisland

To give the region an economic and sustainable transition boost, the city of Amsterdam has extra funds available. A chance for our network to get a subsidy for the plans they work on.

Dave van Loon from Kennisland is working on a Dutch subsidy request himself: “energietransitie als vliegwiel voor een leefbare buurt”. An area oriented plan in which co-creation will connect multiple transitions. The idea is to work together with all the parties that are involved; residents, government, companies, energy suppliers, housing corporations and knowledge institutions. The end goal would be a Fieldlab. Would you like to know more and work with Dave on this? Let us know in the comments and we’ll connect you.

