Maximise the potential of the exchange and use of each of the companies' by-products and waste products.
Biopark and 'smart linking' in the Port of Amsterdam
What is the goal of the project?
During the coming years, the Port of Amsterdam is going to set up a Biopark of which the basis will consist of a biorefinery for the reforming of lignin and sugars from biomass which will then be offered to innovative players (scale-ups). Combining an ecosystem and a campus-like environment can reduce costs and increase flexibility. This Biopark will help to maximise the potential of the exchange and use of each of the companies' by-products and waste products. These then become the raw materials of the internal production process ('smart linking'). In this way, valuable substances can be reused, wastage restricted and considerable savings made. Examples of residual and waste substances are water, CO2, biomass, heat, etc.
What is the result of the project?
In the coming period, the business case will be examined in more detail and partnerships sought with technology companies, entrepreneurs and developers.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Port of Amsterdam, Prodock