The City Circle Scan identifies those areas where the most significant, tangible progress in realizing a circular economy can be achieved.
Circle City Scan of the City of Amsterdam

What is the goal of the project?
To identify areas in Amsterdam that can make the most significant, tangible progress in realising a circular economy.
What is the result of the project?
The report outlines the details of the city’s system processes and identifies the construction and organic waste chains as potential drivers of the transition to circularity and long term effects each will have on Amsterdam’s current linear economy.
• Added Value of the project is: The implementation of material re-use strategies has the potential to create a value of €85 million per year within the construction sector and €150 million per year with more efficient organic residual streams.
• Material Savings: The material savings could add up to nearly 900 thousand tons per year, a significant amount compared to the current annual import of 3.9 million tonnes currently utilised by the region.
• Job Creation: Increased productivity levels have the ability to add 700 additional jobs in the building sector and 1200 additional jobs in the agriculture and food processing industry.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
The City of Amsterdam, together with Circle Economy, TNO and Fabric.
What is the next step?
Concluding with a vision for the future, including a roadmap and action agenda, the report provides guidance on how the city’s value chains can be altered to stimulate innovation, business opportunities, and job creation in both established and newly created sectors. The municipality is inviting interested parties to submit ideas and suggestions to help with he implementation of these relevant, circular projects.
If you have an idea to helpthe city with this transition please contact Sladjana.
What can other cities learn from your project?
With this Circle Scan, the city of Amsterdam , has made a major step in the transition to become one of the world’s first circular cities. Commissioned by the city, the consortium Circle Economy, TNO and Fabric, have implemented the newly developed City Circle Scan in order to identify those areas where the most significant, tangible progress in realizing a circular economy can be achieved. This is the first City Circle Scan to be done globally at this scale. The resulting report identifies in what areas the circular business models can be applied and highlights the strategies to accomplish the practical implementation of these sustainable solutions. It is possible to identify areas in your city with the Circle Scan as well.
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