Circular Research Collaboration - knowledge round table
What is the goal of the project?
Together with the Circular Research Collaboration (CRC) the municipality wants to ensure that research is coordinated better, that more cooperation takes place and that the findings are shared and discussed more transparently with the city. The objective is to create an open learning environment in which the focus is on sharing knowledge and on jointly determining the path to more in-depth research on behalf of Amsterdam as a circular city and the AMA as a circular region. We determine that path not only with the knowledge institutions, but also with market parties and the residents of Amsterdam. We provide structure by holding annual in-depth reflection sessions per theme with knowledge institutions and parties (as stipulated in the innovation programme: Construction chain, Organic chain, etc.), so that we can then initiate a public discussion of the outcomes. These reflection sessions also allow us to inform each other immediately about the ambitions and challenges in the city. The municipality can use this input directly to improve governance in the area of the circular economy. In this way the CRC contributes to rapid, intelligent innovations and potentials are inspired to follow the example set by the frontrunners. Both inside and outside the municipal organisation. The emphasis is on embedding the CRC in national programmes and developments (e.g. NL Circular, national research agenda), so that we as city and as region also learn from insights which have already been acquired elsewhere.
What is the result of the project?
In 2017, a feasible structure will have been developed and used to combine the knowledge and networks that knowledge institutions and partners make available in order to work jointly on development and new insights within the circular economy. The partnership is to be developed in more detail in 2016/at the beginning of 2017.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
The municipality of Amsterdam, with AUAS (HvA), AMS and the parties involved from the circular innovation programme.