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Responsible Sensing Lab op Arcam tentoonstelling Private_Eye_Butler_Spy

Afgelopen week is de tentoonstelling Private Eye Butler Spy geopend in Arcam. Hier zijn prototypes van 3 projecten van Responsible Sensing Lab te zien, een samenwerking van AMS Institute en gemeente Amsterdam. De tentoonstelling onderzoekt de impact van technologie in en rondom het huis.
De tentoonstelling
Toepassingen in en rond het huis worden steeds intelligenter: in plaats van een huissleutel bepalen toegangssystemen aan de hand van biometrische data of een deur opengaat. In de stad controleren scanauto’s of parkeergelden zijn betaald en registreren sensoren de drukte op straat of de luchtkwaliteit. De tentoonstelling Private_Eye_Butler_Spy onderzoekt de veranderende relatie tussen technologie en de mens. Aan de hand van verschillende thema’s verkennen bezoekers welke ethische vraagstukken en ontwerpopgaven een high-tech-toekomst met zich meebrengt.
Private_Eye_Butler_Spy is gratis te bezoeken van 12 maart t/m 26 juni 2022 bij Arcam aan de Prins Hendrikkade 600.
Exhibition: Bits of You

Exhibition: Bits of You
The Studio presents the Bits of You exhibition. This new exhibition, which is intended for adult audiences, conveys a sense of how our lives are being impacted by the data traces we leave behind each and every day. It also shows how this differs from one person to another.
Step by step, the exhibition’s six pavilions will give you a sense of how our data is processed by algorithms to generate a range of predictions about our identity and behaviour. Immerse yourself in a vortex of data rings, browse through a gender recognition algorithm, develop a feel for the subtle impact of digital profiles, and get a glimpse of a data-driven future. Encounter ten people who each describe a different data experience, then ask yourself ‘Do I really resemble my digital profile?’.

Located in the Plantage area of Amsterdam, a new exhibition space featuring cool new innovations in technology has recently opened.
The gallery space contains many exhibits dedicated to augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and robotics. Each station is interactive and playful, ensuring visitors will have fun while learning about these various technologies.
Based around the theme of sustainability, the space shows how we can use technology as a resource to improve not only our lives but our world. Be sure to check out this unique educational tech gallery!
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