Digital City

People get more connected and technology becomes part of our daily life. Between 2014 and 2015 there was a 27% growth of internet traffic in Amsterdam. Eleven out of fifteen Trans-Atlantic data cables are connected with or go through Amsterdam and the AMS-IX is the second largest internet exchange point in the world. In 2016 Amsterdam was ranked second in the European Digital City Index. Do you work on a smarter city? Share your technologies here!

Naomi Vrielink, Projectmedewerker at Future City Foundation, posted

Slotevent City Deal 'Een Slimme Stad, Zo Doe Je Dat'

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(Er zijn slechts 100 plekken beschikbaar, waarbij City Deal-partners voorrang krijgen) Aan alles komt een eind, dus ook aan zoiets leuks als de City Deal ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat.’

We stoppen ermee
De City Deal ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat’ loopt formeel af op 31 december en de stuurgroep heeft besloten de City Deal niet te verlengen. Dat is omdat we vinden dat de smartcitymarkt in een volgende fase is gekomen. Van innovatie naar opschaling . Het DMI-ecosysteem is daar het mooiste voorbeeld van. De City Deal stopt dus wegens succes.

Er zijn slechts 100 plekken beschikbaar, waarbij City Deal-partners voorrang krijgen. Meld je snel aan om verzekerd te zijn van een plek op dit inspirerende event. Meld je hier aan 

Slotevent City Deal ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat’ – Vier samen met ons de toekomst van slimme steden

Kom naar het feestelijke slotevent van de City Deal ‘Een slimme stad, zo doe je dat’, waarin we in een talkshow-setting terugblikken op alles wat we samen hebben bereikt én een blik vooruit werpen op wat er nog in het verschiet ligt. Dit event markeert het einde van een bijzondere samenwerking, en biedt jou de kans om inspiratie op te doen en waardevolle inzichten te delen.

Wat kun je verwachten (concept)?
Lessen en Visies – Samen verkennen we wat we hebben geleerd: van de kracht van samenwerken in een ecosysteem tot het belang van visie en doorzettingsvermogen. We delen onze inzichten over de uitdagingen en successen die we tijdens corona hebben doorstaan en hoe die ons sterker hebben gemaakt.
Lancering van ons nieuwe boek – Dit boek wordt een onmisbare bron voor iedereen die zich inzet voor slimme steden. Ontdek hoe de City Deal ook jou kan inspireren en ondersteunen.

Initiatieven als ‘AI in de Stad’ en DMI – Samen met de zaal gaan we in gesprek over belangrijke nieuwe initiatieven zoals DMI en ‘AI in de Stad’. Waar liggen kansen en wie kunnen we nog verbinden om verder te groeien?
Resultaten en Toekomstige Thema’s – We delen enkele hoogtepunten en resultaten van onze City Deal en belichten thema’s die klaar zijn voor verdere verdieping en groei.

Let op: Beperkte plekken beschikbaar! – Er zijn slechts 100 plekken beschikbaar, waarbij City Deal-partners voorrang krijgen. Meld je snel aan om verzekerd te zijn van een plek op dit inspirerende event. Meld je hier aan 

Mis deze unieke gelegenheid niet om met gelijkgestemden te praten, jouw ideeën te delen en geïnspireerd te raken door de resultaten en toekomstvisies van slimme steden. Samen maken we van deze afsluiting een startpunt voor iets nieuws.
Dit jaar ronden we de City Deal af en borgen we de resultaten. Dat laten we zien in dit slotevenement. Zorg dat je erbij bent!
Datum: 23 januari 2025
Tijd: 12:00 – 18:00
Locatie: Prodentfabriek Amersfoort
Meld je hier aan 

Meet-up on Jan 23rd
Emma Schep, Communicator at Waag, posted

Waag Open: Expeditie DNA Digitaal

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Nog nooit was het zo makkelijk om je DNA te laten testen, op afkomst, verwantschap en op gezondheid. Je staat daarbij je meest persoonlijke data af, zonder controle te hebben over wat er met die gegevens gebeurd. Gelukkig kan het digitaliseren van DNA binnenkort ook anders - op zo’n manier dat we een bruikbare database voor de samenleving bouwen, terwijl jij controle over je eigen data behoudt. Tijdens Waag Open op donderdag 12 december duiken we in de waarde en in de risico’s van een digitale DNA databank. Maak kennis met de eerste testpersonen en ontwerp zelf mee!

Kijk voor meer informatie op

Datum: Donderdag 12 december
Tijd: 19:30 - 22:00 uur
Locatie: Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam

Waag Open

Elke eerste donderdagavond van de maand opent Waag haar deuren! Kom langs om te discussiëren en te doen. Want we gaan niet alleen in discussie over maatschappelijke thema's en de toekomst – je leert daarnaast ook altijd iets praktisch. Iets dat je altijd al hebt willen uitproberen, zoals de 3D-printer in het FabLab, of juist iets dat je nooit had verwacht, zoals uitpluizen hoe DNA in elkaar zit in ons biotech-lab. Waag Open vindt plaats in de maakplaatsen op de eerste en tweede verdieping van het historische Waaggebouw op de Nieuwmarkt.

Emma Schep's picture Masterclass / workshop on Dec 12th
Joana Traver, Founder , posted

👇 💜 🤩 Co-Creation Opportunity 👇 💜 🤩

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Calling all community engagement specialists shaping the future of our urban spaces! 📢

At Playground City🛝, we believe real impact happens when we build solutions together. The insights we’ve gained from incredible conversations at Placemaking Europe, World Summit AI, and soon at Smart City Expo World Congress are already shaping our roadmap—and now, we’re ready to bring in those who can help take it to the next level.

We’re building an ambassador community for dedicated community engagement professionals to join us in pioneering a platform created for (and with!) the people driving change in our cities.

As an ambassador, you’ll have early access to shape and use Playground City🛝 as it evolves, guiding its development with your insights. We’re also preparing exclusive perks just for you, like discounted pilot projects, early access to new features, and more exciting benefits (yes, also our amazing merch.. 😎).

If you’re a community engagement specialist, urban strategist, or resident leader ready to make an impact, comment “I’m in!” below, and we’ll follow up with details. We can't wait to meet you all!

Passionate about co-creation in urban spaces? Join Playground and make an impact! 🌍 

#CommunityEngagement #UrbanInnovation #Placemaking #PlaygroundCity #CoCreation #AmbassadorProgram #SmartCities #UrbanImpact #PlaygroundCity

Beth Njeri, Communications & Events Manager at Metabolic, posted

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗦𝗥𝗗 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗽𝗮𝗱 for 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆?

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A systems approach is key.

Climate transition plans that lack a systemic perspective can unintentionally shift risks, disrupt supply chains, harm human rights, or even contribute to biodiversity loss. For example, switching to a low-carbon product that requires three times more land may address your carbon goals, but jeopardize your biodiversity targets.

Without considering these interdependencies, your climate strategy may become inefficient and require reworking as new issues arise.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼👇

By addressing root causes and considering the ripple effects of climate decision-making in other areas, a systems lens ensures your plan goes beyond regulatory box-ticking.

Together, we can co-create effective action plans with your stakeholders and develop customized decision-making frameworks, accounting for material impacts on climate, nature, and people across your operations and value chain.

How? Learn how our Systemic Transition Suite can unlock your business’s full potential ⬇️

#BeyondCompliance #climatetransition #sustainabilityreporting #CSRD #ESG #circulareconomy

Beth Njeri's picture #CircularCity
Sem Rudolph, Fieldlab voor de bouwsector en industrie at BouwLab, posted

Innovation Dinner Arbeidsproductiviteit

𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 '𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐈'– 𝐖𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐠 𝟏𝟑 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

Ben jij actief binnen het MKB en wil je meer leren over hoe je AI eenvoudig en betaalbaar kunt inzetten om je bedrijfsprocessen te verbeteren? Kom dan naar ons volgende Innovation Dinner!

Dit keer met André Gerver als spreker. André is expert op het gebied van technologische innovatie, machine learning en artificial intelligence, vervult de rol van kwartiermaker voor het kernlectoraat Smart Industry én is programmaleider voor EDIH Digital Hub Noordwest.

Tijdens deze avond deelt hij praktische inzichten over:
✅ Toegankelijke AI-tools voor automatisering van repetitieve taken
✅ Inspirerende voorbeelden van bedrijven die al succes boeken met AI
✅ Manieren om je team te ontlasten zonder groot budget of technische kennis
✅ Hoe AI kan helpen om productief te blijven in een snel veranderende digitale wereld

Het Innovation Dinner is speciaal voor directeuren, ondernemers, HR-managers en leidinggevenden die de arbeidsproductiviteit binnen hun organisatie willen verhogen.

Wil je je aanmelden? Ga naar onze website of stuur een mail naar

📍 Locatie: 3D Makers Zone/BouwLab R&Do, Oudeweg 91-95, Haarlem (gratis parkeren)
🕒 Tijd: Inloop vanaf 17:30 uur, diner van 18:00 – 20:00 uur

Let op: deelname is beperkt, we maken een selectie om ervoor te zorgen dat deelnemers optimaal profiteren van relevante connecties.

Lecture / presentation on Nov 13th
Rihards Dzelme, Inclusive Cities & AI / Trained Architect and Urbanist , posted

Red Light District Relocation: What do you think? 🤷🤦‍♀️

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Amsterdam is set to relocate its iconic Red Light District from De Wallen to Europaboulevard, marking a significant shift in the city's approach to sex work and urban development.

This move aims to create a more structured and safe environment for sex workers while addressing concerns about over-tourism and its impact on local communities. We analyzed available data online to understand the hottest topics from affected groups.

<strong>See data insights on Playground Journal. Or listen to a short 5-minute podcast on this here.</strong>

This is your opportunity to engage in the conversation. Your insights and opinions matter in shaping a future that respects the city’s rich history while addressing the challenges and hopes of its diverse inhabitants.

The significance of this relocation lies in its potential to reshape Amsterdam's cultural and social landscape. It reflects the city's commitment to balancing the needs of residents, tourists, and sex workers, ensuring that the new Erotic Centre aligns with contemporary values while preserving the district's historical essence.

As this transformation unfolds, community input is vital. Residents, business owners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas to help shape the future of the new Red Light District. Your insights can influence the new facility's design, amenities, and safety features.

While communities can influence many aspects—such as building design, types of amenities, and community engagement processes—certain elements are fixed. The location of the new RLD has already been determined, as are existing laws and regulations governing sex work. Additionally, the core concept of the Erotic Centre and project timelines remain unchanged.

Let’s ensure that the new Red Light District reflects the values and aspirations of all who call Amsterdam home. Your voice matters!

Rihards Dzelme's picture #DigitalCity
Pelle Menke, Communications and Programme officer Mobility at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Data Dilemmas Recap: Using Data and AI for an Accessible Amsterdam

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On September 26th, our community gathered in the AHK Culture Club at Marineterrein Amsterdam for our Datadilemma’s series. This edition focused on the use of Data and AI to create a more accessible Amsterdam. This article presents some of the key highlights and insights from the afternoon.

Together with the three speakers, Vishruth Krishnan, Hans Voerknecht, Michiel Bontenbal, and our audience we discussed how data and AI can help make our city more accessible for all. Which dilemma’s do we encounter when we use new technologies for an accessible city? How can data help to get more understanding of unequal access to mobility in the country? And what about sounds and noise pollution; how can data help make te city more livable?

What the three speakers had in common; a personal motivation to get away from the surface and dive deeper into the data, attempting to get closer to people’s experiences and perceptions. From an ordinary routeplanner, to one paying specific attention to challenges for people in weelchairs. From generic accesibility data for the region, to data highlighting the unequal distribution of access to mobility. And from recording noise levels, to measuring and classifying all different sounds in urban settings. In the paragraphs below, I will delve deeper into the different speakers and their topics.
Visruth Krishnan – Personalized Route Planner for People in a Wheelchair
To help individuals with limited mobility navigate the city more easily, the city’s innovation department has developed a prototype route planning tool. This route planner maps out the most accessible routes based on personal needs, considering preferences like maximum curb height at crossings, minimum sidewalk width, and whether to prioritize sidewalks or bike paths.

Visruth Krishnan, Data Scientist at the Innovation Department of the Municipality of Amsterdam, explained how data helps facilitate travel from point A to point B. However, to ensure route planning tools address the challenges faced by wheelchair users, we must feed these systems with data drawn from real-world experiences. A person’s journey might present specific challenges, such as detours, improperly parked bicycles, slopes, and narrow footpaths.

Working with a group of wheelchair users, Visruth studied the obstacles and experiences they encountered on their routes. This research generated precise data to feed the route planner, enabling it to provide personalized route suggestions that account for each individual’s freedom of movement.
Visruth presented several dilemmas encountered during the project:

  1. Subjectivity in the data: How busy is a sidewalk or intersection perceived to be? Are cyclists at a certain point fast and aggressive, or is that just a feeling?
  2. Minimal vs. comprehensive data collection: How much data should be gathered? While more data might provide deeper insights, it could also increase privacy risks.
  3. Accurate vs. timely data: Timely data may not always be accurate, and accurate data may not always be available in time for critical decision-making. Consider issues like illegally parked bikes, construction work, and terraces that vary in size and location depending on the season.
  4. Transparency vs. complexity: How transparent should data-driven processes be, especially when the algorithms or analytics behind them are complex? AI is often seen as a "black box"—people don’t understand how it works or how data is processed, which can lead to less trust from the start.

To address these challenges, Visruth and his team maintain an ongoing dialogue with the target audience. It’s an iterative process, and they keep the ‘human in the loop.’ The prototype is now ready, and hopefully, it can be further developed!
Hans Voerknecht – Unequal Accesibility and Data to Support The Narrative
Hans Voerknecht, strategist for sustainable accessibility at Een Nieuwe Kijk, presented the Integrated Perspective on Accessibility method, which he developed to get a deeper understanding of people’s accessibility. This method assists in collecting data and analyzing the severity of current inequalities and the effects of policy measures. The method has already been applied in nearly twenty projects, including four in the Amsterdam region, such as the Multimodal Future Vision of the Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA).

IKOB stands for "Integrale Kijk Op Bereikbaarheid" (Integrated Perspective/view on Accessibility). IKOB examines the travel time and costs that people face to reach their workplace by bike, car, or public transport and it visualizes how many jobs people can access from a specific area.

IKOB uses 'distance decay curves<strong>,'</strong> meaning that jobs located closer are given more weight than those further away. Travel time and costs are adjusted depending on the target group. Factors considered include income, access to a car, travel cost reimbursement, public transport options, and preference for a mode of transport (car, public transport, or bike). For people with a lower income, costs weigh more heavily than for those with higher incomes.

Throughout his talk, Hans discussed how data can be used to support a narrative, either consciously or unconsciously. Regional research on the state of mobility can quickly paint a positive picture if you're working with averages and fail to examine differences between people. There are groups that experience less access to mobility, and for whom this issue carries more weight due to financial constraints. The way data is researched and how deeply you investigate determines to what extent this group and their challenges are brought into focus.

One of the dilemmas Hans mentioned was the fact that poor accessibility is a personal experience. It’s subjective, and there can be a lot behind it. Regardless of the detail and quality of your data, you can never be completely sure if it truly reflects the human experience it’s supposed to represent.
Michiel Bontenbal – The Urban Sounds Sensor
Our third and final speaker discussed sounds and noise pollution in an urban environment. It may not seem to immediately fit with the rest of the speakers, but urban sound is also important to consider when creating an accessible and liveable city.  Michiel Bontenbal, lecturer in business and IT courses at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, told us more about the Urban Sounds sensor, developed in collaboration with the volunteer organization Sensemakers. He explained us more about the challenges they face with this AI-driven solution and raised some dilemmas in his work.

The Urban Sounds Sensor project was developed in response to the need for evidence of nighttime noise disturbances. It was crucial to be able to distinguish between different types of sounds, such as music, mopeds, alarms, doors, car noises, and honking.

Together with the volunteers from Sensemakers, Michiel designed the sensor in such a way that the recorded sounds are neither stored nor released. The microphone registers the sound, and the algorithm in the sensor immediately categorizes it within the device. This approach ensures privacy by design.

Training the sensor is still an ongoing process. Achieving high accuracy is challenging, as even humans sometimes have trouble identifying certain sounds. And, while measuring noise disturbances is definitely getting more attention in the city now. However, this specific method of distinguishing between sound categories is still lagging behind in both development and interest from government authorities.

Michiel concluded his presentation by discussing his dilemmas with the audience. One of his dilemmas, as expected, was about placing microphones in public spaces; how desirable is that, really? It's important to talk about ethics and privacy when measuring in public spaces, especially with a sound sensor that isn’t visible. His second point focused on the experience of city sounds. How you perceive sounds depends on personal experiences and preferences. Some people enjoy urban sounds, like the noise of a tram or ringing bike bells. People may have associations with certain sounds that determine whether they find them annoying, don't even notice them, or actually enjoy them. This is a factor that a sound sensor and the data it collects have difficulty accounting for.
Panel Discussion
After the presentations, we brought the speakers together for a panel discussion. Led by Chris de Veer, programme manager Mobility at Amsterdam InChange, there was an engaging conversation with the audience. To wrap things up, I’d like to highlight three key statements made by the speakers in response to some critical questions from the audience:

  1. "We often try to objectify the world with data, but there is no objective truth. However, diving deep into data can give you a better and more diverse understanding of an issue or region." – Hans
  2. "Data is always messy. If the data we input is messy, the outcome will also be messy. Garbage in, garbage out." – Michiel
  3. “The Route Planner method and platform could be of great use in gaining a better overview of building accessibility throughout the city.” - Visruth

Thanks to the speakers for their stories and to the audience for the lively discussions afterwards. Want to join us for our next Data Dilemmas event? The next edition of this series of open events will be announced soon. We’re also always open to new themes and topics for this series; we’re curious to hear about the data dilemmas you encounter in your work!

Pelle Menke's picture #DigitalCity
Irene van Elzakker, Communications adviser/Content editor at CWI, posted

Lectures on the development of systems that process and analyze huge amounts of data

AI requires the development of database systems that are able to process and analyze huge amounts of data in a fast and efficient way. CWI researchers play a pioneering role in the development of such database architectures, and have attracted international datawarehouse companies to Amsterdam.

One of those pioneers is Marcin Żukowski, who co-developed a database management systems that had great societal impact and is used by tech giants to this day. He is the co-founder of software company Snowflake, a Silicon Valley based company that offered the first cloud-based data warehousing service that is truly designed for the cloud. Snowflake uses vectorized query execution and lightweight compression methods in its columnar data storage, two techniques that were co-designed by Żukowski during his PhD years at CWI.

For this achievement Żukowski will receive the Dijkstra Fellowship on 21 November at CWI. This fellowship is awarded once in every five years by CWI. This day is also filled with lectures on the topic of the architecture of data processing and analysis systems.

Irene van Elzakker's picture Meet-up on Nov 21st
Susanna Stroer, Communication , posted

Wie maakt kans op de Dutch Applied AI Award 2024?

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Na topoverleg van de jury maken drie initiatieven kans op de Dutch Applied AI Award. Het is voor de vijfde keer op rij dat deze prijs tijdens de Computable Awards in november wordt uitgereikt. Met de award belonen het Centre of Expertise Applied AI van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, ICT-platform Computable en podcast De Dataloog een vernieuwend initiatief op het gebied van toegepaste Artificiële Intelligentie. 
We feliciteren de volgende genomineerden: 


Wie er uiteindelijk met de award vandoor gaat, wordt bekend op woensdagavond 27 november 2024 tijdens de uitreiking van de Computable Awards in Utrecht. De jury - bestaande uit zes experts op het gebied van Applied AI - heeft de genomineerden geselecteerd op drie criteria: 

  • Applied AI - in hoeverre is de oplossing al geïmplementeerd, wordt het gebruikt door de beoogde doelgroep en hoe groot is het aantal (potentiële) klanten/het aantal mensen dat met deze innovatie direct of indirect wordt geholpen. 

  • Uniekheid - in hoeverre is de innovatie de enige in haar soort, is het nooit eerder op de markt gebracht en kan het doel van de innovatie niet op een andere manier worden behaald. 

  • Responsible AI (transparantie, privacy, fairness, etc.) - in hoeverre is het ontworpen of gebruikte AI-algoritme transparant. Stelt het de gebruiker in staat om verantwoording af te leggen en duidelijk te zijn over de factoren die de algoritmische beslissingen beïnvloeden.


Dit jaar in de jury: 

  • Nanda Piersma | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | Wetenschappelijk directeur Centre of Expertise Applied AI 

  • Jurjen Helmus | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | Coördinator Smart Asset Management Lab | Eigenaar De Dataloog 

  • Omar Niamut | TNO | Director of Science 

  • Maaike Harbers | Hogeschool Rotterdam | Lector AI & Society 

  • Jann de Waal | Topsector Creatieve Industrie | Voorzitter | Oprichter INFO 

  • Sander Hulsman | Jaarbeurs Utrecht | Chief Digital Content


Over de Dutch Applied AI Award 

Neeltje Pavicic, Public Tech, Participation, Community Management at Gemeente Amsterdam, posted

Open call: 54 tech-for-good challenges with funding available for over 60 pilots

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CommuniCity's third Open Call is now launched! 🚀

We are pleased to launch the final CommuniCity Open Call round. There will be over 60 pilots running across Europe, focusing on digital inclusion and wellbeing for marginalized communities. 7 challenges are focused on citizens of Amsterdam.

In addition to the partner cities of Helsinki, Porto, and Amsterdam, the Replicator Cities are also presenting their unique challenges. The Replicator Cities are Aarhus, Bruges, Brussels, Cuneo, London, Manchester, Matosinhos, Milazzo, Plock, Prague, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sarajevo, The Hague and Utrecht.

💡 Tech providers: Apply for grants of up to €12,500 to develop tech solutions and run real-life experiments in collaboration with the cities. The deadline for applications is October 31st, 5pm CET.

More information on the Open Call:

Let’s shape the future of our cities together! 💪

Pallas Agterberg, posted

Embassy of Digital Futures: Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie

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Embassy of Digital Futures organiseert een expositie op de Dutch Design Week 2024 over superpowers & escaping the algorithm. Op de conferentie: “Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie”  gaan we op zoek naar handelingsperspectief.

Er is de laatste tijd veel aandacht voor de polarisatie, mentale gezondheid van jongeren en de toenemende invloed van de big tech. De Embassy of Digital Futures gaat in op de vraag hoe we de ontwikkeling van digitale toekomsten kunnen beïnvloeden. Deze toekomsten bieden een beeld van hoop en nieuwe mogelijkheden. Er komen ‘superpowers’ tot onze beschikking! Deze superpowers hebben echter ook een keerzijde.

Onder het motto "Escape the algorithm" zoeken we naar het handelingsperspectief en verkennen we de ingrediënten voor de volgende vraag in onze zoektocht naar digitale toekomsten.

Na een presentatie van o.a. Koert van Mensvoort verdiepen we ons in de expo van ontwerpers; Julia Janssen, Leonore Snoek, Mayra Kapteijn en Bas Sala waarna een paneldiscussie volgt met onder meer Martijn de Waal, Marcel Thaens en Mieke van Heesewijk.

Meld je aan!

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de programma’s rondom de Embassy of Digital Futures

Pallas Agterberg's picture Lecture / presentation on Oct 23rd
Melchior Kanyemesha, Kwartiermaker CIIIC , posted

🔍 CIIIC zoekt een Communicatie & Community Lead!

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Ben jij een ervaren communicatieprofessional met een hart voor de creatieve sector? Samen met het Ministerie van OCW, CLICKNL en vier uitvoeringspartners stelt CIIIC de creatieve industrie en contentmakers in staat om de potentie van immersive experiences te benutten.

Als Communicatie en Community Lead ben je verantwoordelijk voor het (door)ontwikkelen en implementeren van de communicatiestrategie van het CIIIC-programma. Daarnaast heb je een sleutelrol in het opbouwen en onderhouden van een betrokken en actieve community, waaronder IX-makers, kennisinstellingen, bedrijven die IX toepassen en andere relevante partijen.

📑 Lees de volledige vacature hier:
👋 Interesse? Stuur je motivatie en werkervaring naar voor 16 september 23:59 uur.
🔗 Ken jij de perfecte kandidaat? Deel deze post!

🔍 CIIIC is looking for a Communications & Community Lead!

Are you an experienced communications professional with a love for the creative industry? Together with the Ministry of OCW, CLICKNL and four implementing partners, CIIIC enables the creative industry and content creators to harness the potential of immersive experiences.

As Communication and Community Lead, you are responsible for (further) developing and implementing the communication strategy of the CIIIC programme. You also have a key role in building and maintaining an engaged and active community, including IX makers, knowledge institutions, companies applying IX and other relevant parties.

📑 Read the full vacancy here:
👋 Interested? Send your motivation and work experience to before 16 September 23:59.
🔗 Do you know the perfect candidate? Share this post!

Melchior Kanyemesha's picture #DigitalCity
An-Sofie Vandecruys, Head of Communications & Marketing at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Urban AI & Digitalisation

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In the new and final Designing Cities For All: RE-generation series City Games in the Age of Urban AI DCFA fellow Ekim Tan, director of Games For Cities and founder of Play The City , explores the role of city games in the era of artificial intelligence. The first episode of City Games in the Age of Urban AI series, Digitalization, with DCFA Fellow Ekim Tan, delves into the dynamic intersection of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and urban games. We will explore how AI is transforming urban environments and the possible effects of AI on digitized and non-digitized communities. How can city games and AI foster deeper connections within increasingly digitized communities and affect collaboration in urban decisions?

Sign up for free now via the link below!

An-Sofie Vandecruys's picture Meet-up on Sep 30th
Dennis Mansell, Product Development at Fonetic, posted

Using AI for All Amsterdammers

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Modern technologies can be used in various ways to make life easier. But if we’re not careful, these possibilities will mainly benefit people who already have it easy. What can technology mean for people who, for one reason or another, have a harder time in society, for example, because they are hard of hearing, have little money, or are immigrants?

The EU project CommuniCity encourages the development of tech solutions for and with various marginalized and/or vulnerable groups. This afternoon, we will present serveral of the pilots that were carried out over the past year, demonstrating how artificial intelligence and other technologies can contribute to the well-being of various residents of Amsterdam.

Dennis Mansell's picture Meet-up on Sep 19th
Manon den Dunnen, Strategisch specialist digitaal , posted

Sensemakers Special: Embedded systems security and AI & Antifragility; Enterprise Architecture

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This Sensemakers evening we have 2 speakers:

Prof. Dr. Lejla Batina from the Digital Security group of the Radboud University will share here insight on the vulnerabilities in the security of embedded systems in the context of AI
Edzo Botjes, Antifragility architect and Security coach, will share insights on resilience, chaos, anti-fragile and Enterprise Architecture.

Manon den Dunnen's picture Meet-up on Nov 20th
Titus Venverloo, Lead, MIT Senseable Amsterdam Lab at MIT Senseable Amsterdam Lab, posted


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Come play Data Slots!
A board game that fosters conversations on benefits vs. privacy risks for data-driven applications to foster well-being in cities.

When & Where:
29th of August, 14:00-15:45
AMS Institute, Kattenburgerstraat 5, 1018JA,
Room: Beijing/Shanghai

14.00 - Introduction from MIT and AMS researchers
14.30 - Group formation and game session
15.45 - Final remarks and coffee

We looking forward to seeing you there, sign up here:

Titus Venverloo's picture Meet-up on Aug 29th
Joris Moonen, Project Manager , posted

NL Tech Week 10-12 September

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NL Tech Week 2024 – Mis het niet! 

Van 10 t/m 12 september organiseert BTG de tweede editie van de NL Tech Week! Dit is jouw kans om de nieuwste technologische ontwikkelingen te ontdekken, te netwerken met koplopers in de industrie, en te leren van top experts. 

Programma highlights: 
10 sept: Almere (Green Innovation Hub) & Amsterdam (InHolland) 
11 sept: Eindhoven (VDL) & Noordwijk (ESA) 
12 sept: Leiden (Airbus) & Den Haag (Titaan) 

Bezoek inspirerende techbedrijven, neem deel aan interactieve sessies en breid je netwerk uit. Check het volledige programma en meld je aan via NL Tech Week Programma

Building tech for society 

Conference from Sep 10th to Sep 12th
Iskander Smit, Futures researcher, curator, strategizer at Cities of Things, posted

ThingsCon Salon on Participatory Design for ML

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On 5 September, ThingsCon will team up again with the Human Values for Smarter Cities project to organize a Salon linked to the research project. This time, we are guests at Marineterrein in Amsterdam. We focus this meetup (and workshop) on participatory design for machine learning.

Don Quichot in the Smart City?
In this ThingsCon Salon, we will explore the changing roles of designers in contemporary developments involving human values and smart city technologies. As Kristina Höök and Jonas Löwgren suggest, when faced with a complex sociotechnical fabric that includes AI, designers should consider their work as “interventions into ongoing transformations over which they have limited control” (Höök & Löwgren, 2021). What implications do this statement and our experiences in state-of-the-art participatory design projects have for our work?

Workshop 16:00-18:00
We will start with a workshop in which we redesign an existing enforcement computer vision system with AI, not by focusing on efficiency or effectiveness. Instead, we focus on AI that helps improve citizens’ opportunities to prevent making mistakes or making appeals.

Mapping Use-time Contestability Loops
The workshop runs from 16:00 to 18:00 and will be dedicated to a workshop shaped and moderated by Kars Alfrink, a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft, specializing in contestable AI. The workshop has limited capacity.

Meetup 19:00-21:30
After a break for drinks and food, we will continue with the evening program from 19:00 to 21:00. Three speakers will discuss the workshop results and share their thoughts on the topic.

  • Evelien Zengerink from the City of Amsterdam Computer Vision team
  • Vera van der Burg, PhD at Delft University of Technology in exploring AI as tools for self-reflection
  • Geke van Dijk, strategy director at STBY, a pioneering service design studio

The ThingsCon Salon will take place on 5 September 2024 from 16:00 to 21:30 in Amsterdam Marineterrein. We are guest at AMS Institute / Responsible Sensing Lab.
(Kattenburgerstraat 5, Building 027W, 1018 JA Amsterdam)

Please RSVP via these Meetup-pages:
workshop (+ meetup) (limited capacity 20 participants)
meetup only

Iskander Smit's picture Meet-up on Sep 5th
Yasmin V, Online Marketeer , posted

Society 5.0 Festival

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How can we shape the society we want amidst rapid technological advancements? At the Society 5.0 Festival, we believe this demands a radical new way of thinking: a shift from transactions to relations. As creatives, researchers, citizens, technologists, teachers, designers, students, and policymakers, we must actively shape the fabric of our future society. Join us as we listen, nurture, and repair the ties that bind us.

Conference from Oct 9th to Oct 10th
Naomi Vrielink, Projectmedewerker at Future City Foundation, posted

Student AI Hackathon & Pubcrawl

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Hackathon 'AI in de Stad'
Doe mee aan de AI Hackathon voor studenten!
Ben jij klaar voor een spannende uitdaging die de toekomst van onze stad kan transformeren? Sluit je aan bij onze AI Hackathon en ontdek hoe kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) kan bijdragen aan een betere, veiligere en gezondere leefomgeving.

Tijdens deze dynamische hackathon gaan teams aan de slag om innovatieve oplossingen te bedenken voor de grootste uitdagingen van onze steden. Met behulp van AI-tools en creatief denkwerk werk je samen met je team aan projecten die echt een verschil maken.

We kijken ernaar uit om jouw ideeën te zien schitteren tijdens de AI Hackathon. Vergeet niet je mobiele telefoon en je laptop mee te nemen.

-Bezoek diverse plekken in de stad waar AI al wordt ingezet
-Geniet van presentaties in enkele kroegen in het centrum van Breda
-Los een probleem op over de toekomst van de stad in een heuse Hackathon. Wie weet ga jij die winnen en wordt jouw oplossing gepresenteerd op het AI in de Stad congres op donderdag
-Drink koude drankjes die je aangeboden worden door de organisatie.
-Maak kans op gave prijzen.
Meld je individueel aan of meteen in je eigen team van 5 personen.

15.45 Ontvangst
16.00 Uitleg Hackathon en de op te lossen probleemstellingen
16.15 Start stadswandeling met gidsen en AI coaches
16.45 Tussen stop met koude biertjes en drankjes
17.15 Vervolg Start stadswandeling met gidsen en AI coaches
17.45 Samenkomst teams en uitwerken oplossing
18.30 Presentaties en keuze van de winnaars
18.45 Afronding event

Join the AI Hackathon for Students! Including Pub Crawl.
Are you ready for an exciting challenge that can transform the future of our city? Join our AI Hackathon and discover how artificial intelligence can contribute to a better, safer, and healthier living environment, especially when you go out or attend a festival or event.

During this dynamic hackathon, teams will work on innovative solutions for the biggest challenges our cities face. With the help of AI tools and creative thinking, you'll collaborate with your team on projects that truly make a difference.
We look forward to seeing your ideas shine during the AI Hackathon. Don't forget to bring your mobile phone and your laptop.


  • Visit various places in the city where AI is already being used
  • Enjoy presentations in several pubs in the center of Breda
  • Solve a problem about the future of the city in a real Hackathon. Who knows, you might win and have your solution presented at the AI in the City conference on Thursday
  • Drink cold beverages offered by the organization
  • Stand a chance to win cool prizes

Register individually or with your own team of 5 people.

3:45 PM Reception
4:00 PM Explanation of the Hackathon and the problems to be solved
4:15 PM Start city walk with guides and AI coaches
4:45 PM Break with cold beers and drinks
5:15 PM Continuation of city walk with guides and AI coaches
5:45 PM Team gathering and solution development
6:30 PM Presentations and selection of the winners
6:45 PM Event conclusion

Meld je hieronder aan:

Masterclass / workshop on Sep 11th