
Topic within Energy
Koos Johannes, Researcher at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

New research on Smart Building Maintenance 

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Interested in hearing more about Smart Building Maintenance? Feel welcome to join the public defense of the PhD thesis “Crafting Intrapreneurial Stewardship – An institutional perspective on client-led innovation in smart building maintenance“ by Koos Johannes, PhD student in the department of Construction Management. The defense will take place on the 16th of January at 10:30 AM at the Waaier building at the campus of the University of Twente.

About the the PhD thesis
Available research suggests that construction clients, as building owner-occupier, are struggling to implement smart maintenance. This thesis assumes that these reported problems are due to a failure to fully understand the institutional complexities of smart maintenance commissioning in organizational networks. Hence, the aim of this thesis was to improve our understanding of these complexities and to develop theoretical and practical knowledge on the professionalization of construction clients in commissioning smart maintenance through stewardship. Stewardship theory portrays managers and employees as collectivists, pro-organizational and trustworthy, and can be used for designing collaborations based on intrinsic motivation and trust.

The defense will take place on the 16th of January at 10.30 AM at the Waaier building at the campus of the University of Twente.
A summary of the thesis can be read here.

If you want to receive a copy of the thesis, please send a message to: k.johannes@hva.nl
The presentation and defense will be in English; a Dutch summary is available.
Address: Hallenweg 25, 7522 NH, Enschede (see map for parking on the Campus; with public transport the Campus can be reached from train stations Hengelo or Enschede).

Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Op naar flexibel energiemanagement in en om de woning!

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Op 15 december 2022 organiseren FAN, ElaadNL en TKI Urban Energy een mini-symposium rondom energiemanagement in en om de woning. Wij nodigen jullie van harte uit om dit event bij te wonen.

De opkomst van all-electric woningen en elektrische voertuigen (EV’s) leidt tot een forse stijging van de stroomvraag in woonwijken. Daarnaast zien we steeds meer duurzame opwek door zonne- en windenergie. Met deze energietransitie komt het elektriciteitssysteem langzaam maar zeker onder druk te staan: de vraag naar elektriciteit stijgt. Bovendien komt deze vraag niet verspreid over de dag, maar ontstaan op bepaalde momenten grote pieken; bijvoorbeeld als men allemaal rond etenstijd de elektrische auto inplugt na een werkdag. Ook overlapt de vraag naar elektriciteit vaak niet met de opwek van duurzame energie.

Home Energy Management gaat een rol spelen om balans te brengen in vraag en aanbod van elektriciteit, om overbelasting van het elektriciteitsnet te voorkomen en de opwek en gebruik van duurzame energie beter op elkaar af te stemmen: het flexibel aansturen van apparaten in en om de woning maakt het mogelijk om een deel van de vraag en het aanbod naar elektriciteit te veranderen, te verschuiven of uit te spreiden in de tijd.

Het uitgangspunt is dat digitale oplossingen en nieuwe slimme energiediensten de consument gaan helpen, dit kan door het gebruik van een Home Energy Management System (HEMS) die energieverbruik kan afstemmen op de beschikbaarheid van zelf opgewekte energie of voordelige energieprijzen.

Om de inzet van energiemanagement in en om de woning te versnellen en in goede banen te leiden is een goede samenwerking nodig tussen bedrijven uit de energiesector, installateurs, energie-coöperaties en leveranciers van gebouwsystemen, en de eigenaren en gebruikers van gebouwen. Dit onderzoek biedt inzicht wat er nodig is om energiemanagement in en om de woning verder op te schalen en hoe dit bereikt kan worden.

Je bent van harte uitgenodigd om dit mini symposium bij te wonen. We zien je graag op 15 december in het Testlab van ElaadNL in Arnhem, of ‘digitaal’ in het webinar.

Adriaan van Eck's picture #Energy
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Digital ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus (NEB)

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The webinar "Digital ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus (NEB)" aims to showcase how digiNEB.eu can contribute to the NEB ecosystem by adding digital solutions and tools.

The webinar is divided into two main parts. The first introductory part will illustrate the digital solutions to expand the NEB's practices among stakeholders and user groups from different contexts. The second part will involve panelists explaining how to better bring digital solutions to the world of NEB.

For more information and to register visit: https://digineb.eu/events/webinar-digital-ecosystem-new-european-bauhaus-neb

Cornelia Dinca's picture Online event on Dec 12th
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Smart energy services within office buildings

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Smart energy services in office buildings

The theme of the last webinar in the Smart Energy Community 2022 is "the opportunities for smart energy services within office buildings".


  • Artificial Intelligence for energy efficient buildings
  • Project 'hourly matching': Matching energy consumption to available electricity
  • Thermal mass of office buildings as a source of flexibility
  • Pulse Core: Enable installations to work together to optimize the electricity network

Register directly for December 6, 15.00 - 16.15 hours:

More information:

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Dec 6th
Maéva Dang, Researcher at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), posted

Participate in 'Collect Your Retrofits' research and make your VvE more sustainable!

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Our call for monumental VvEs in the city centre of Amsterdam:
Are you interested getting a detailed technical analysis and report, conducted by TU Delft, of your monumental building? We are looking for a VvE in the city centre of Amsterdam for our research project!
We will provide you with free advice and insights into your options and a multi-year plan for the sustainable renovation of your property.

Interested? Please contact: M.K.Dang@tudelft.nl

More details about the research project
Based on that vision, the 1-year exploratory research “Collect Your Retrofits” funded by the KIEM Goci (NWO) and as part of the High-hanging fruit program, brings together knowledge institutions TU Delft (Climate Design and Sustainability), AMS Institute and Superworld, an international Architecture and Strategic Design practice. The project is also supported by the Gemeente Amsterdam and Stichting !WOON.

“Collect Your Retrofits” intends to design a replicable and collective retrofit approach in the context of monumental areas while reframing the cultural notion of energy. The research intends to answer the following questions: How can we unlock the potential of collective retrofitting at scale in the context of historic buildings? And, what would it mean to design collective decision making process of energy as a common resource?

Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Ga mee naar de Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona!

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Is jouw bedrijf actief op het gebied van slimme en duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling en wil je je activiteiten uitbreiden naar andere landen binnen de Europese Unie? Ga van 13 t/m 16 november 2022 mee naar de Smart City World Expo Congress (SCWEC) in Barcelona.

De jaarlijkse Smart City Expo in Barcelona is dé plek waar corporates, startups, steden en kennissinstellingen die werken aan van klimaatneutrale en slimme steden, elkaar ontmoeten. Dit jaar vindt tegelijkertijd weer het Tomorrow.Mobility congres over plaats. Deze twee zakenbeurzen zijn belangrijke plekken om te netwerken en zaken te doen met internationale steden, bedrijven en investeerders.
Nederlandse partijen, waaronder Amsterdam Smart City, organiseren dit jaar diverse activiteiten.
Ben je geïnteresseerd of van plan om te gaan? Dan zijn er twee goede opties:

1. Er is een handelsmissie van RVO en de 5 grote steden, speciaal voor startups en scale-ups met maatschappelijke uitdagingen in steden, die willen groeien in Europa. We bezoeken de beurs, er komt een businessforum met matchmaking, plus meer informele (inter)nationale bijeenkomsten, er is vooraf een climate impacttraining (om de impact van je innovatieve oplossing op duurzaamheid en klimaatneutraliteit kwantitatief te meten) en we maken de combi met het 100 Climate Neutral Cities programma van de EU. Voor meer informatie en aanmelden: https://english.rvo.nl/news/events/smart-city-expo-world-congress-scwec-2022
2. Past deze missie niet bij jou of bij de fase waarin je bedrijf zich bevindt, maar wil je wel naar de Smart City Expo? Dan is er genoeg te doen! Diverse Nederlandse partijen werken op dit moment aan een (inter)nationaal programma voor Nederlandse bedrijven. Ook hier moet je denken aan een bezoek aan diverse stands, tours door de stad Barcelona en deelname aan het businessforum met workshops voorafgaand aan de Expo. Aan dit programma wordt de komende tijd nog gewerkt. Zodra er nieuws bekend is, deel ik dat.
Ben je hierin geïnteresseerd of heb je vragen? Neem dan contact op met Nancy Zikken, trade developer smart & sustainable cities bij Amsterdam Trade & innovate, via n.zikken@amsterdam.nl. Ik vertel je graag meer en houd je op de hoogte!

Nancy Zikken's picture #CircularCity
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) 2022

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Is your company operating in the field of smart and sustainable urban development and are you interested in the elaboration of your activities within the European Union? Join us from 13 to 16 November on our Climate neutral & Smart City mission during the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona.

The yearly event of SCEWC in Barcelona is the place where companies, entrepreneurs, startups, cities, and research institutions in the field of climate neutrality and smart cities meet. This year, another congress about urban mobility takes place simultaneously. These 2 business fairs are important places to network and do business with cities, companies, and investors. Before this mission takes place, there is the opportunity to follow an impact assessment training. The purpose of this training is to measure the impact of your innovative solution to sustainability and climate neutrality in a quantitative manner. This complements the European frameworks and methodologies for cities to report their contribution to climate neutrality.

Participation is possible for Dutch companies (startups, scale-up, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)) with export ambitions that aim to offer solutions for societal challenges in cities. The purpose of this mission is to support Dutch startups, scale-ups, and innovative SMEs with their growth in Europe.

For more information and registration: https://english.rvo.nl/news/events/smart-city-expo-world-congress-scwec-2022

Nancy Zikken's picture Conference from Nov 13th to Nov 16th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Accelerating the energy transition

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The long awaited acceleration of the energy transition is happening. In terms of solar and sustainable electricity, the Netherlands is doing well. But with the war in Ukraine, the trickiness of moving away from natural gas and the sizeable challenge for our industry, there’s a lot to do still. Especially if we want to make the transition just & fair.

Do you want to improve your knowledge, insight and network to accelerate the energy transition in your line of work? Join the new edition of this Dutch-language course, on locations throughout the Netherlands.

PS We are aware that courses can be costly, which is why on 1 September we are also taking sign-ups for a wildcard entry to this course, free of charge. If you are interested in that, please keep an eye on DRIFT for Transition's socials and newsletter.

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from Oct 13th to Dec 15th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Recap of Demo Days #16 – Mobility meets Energy

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For the sixteenth edition of our Demo Days, we were finally able to meet offline again since the start of the pandemic. This meant: old-school post-its instead of filling online Miro boards. The Mobility & Energy Demo Day was hosted at one of our partners’ locations, namely Commandant’s Residence at the Marineterrein. From CO2 neutral transport to the Johan Cruijff ArenA to city logistics in the university quarter, in this article you’ll read all about mobility & energy projects our partners are working on.

About our Demo Days

The Demo Days are one of the tools we use to stimulate innovation and encourage connection between our partners and community. The purpose of the Demo Days is to present the progress of various innovation projects, ask for help, share dilemmas and involve more partners to take these projects to the next level. More information about the Demo Days can be found here.

Demo Day: Mobility & Energy

CO2 neutral transport to the Johan Cruijff ArenA in 2023 - Boen Groothof and Susanne van Gelder (municipality of Amsterdam)
How can we make CO2 neutral transport to any event in the Johan Cruijff ArenA possible by 2030? This is what the participants of the Mobility Challenge want to figure out. The participants voiced what their organisation wants to contribute to the challenge, and also expressed what they expect from each other. The next step is for all the parties to internally concretize their role within the challenge even further, to make CO2 neutral travelling to events in the Johan Cruijff ArenA possibly by 2030.

A sustainable energy system for business park De Vaart – Anke Delfos (municipality of Almere)
How to make the energy system of business park de Vaart in Almere more sustainable? This was the central question of the work session led by Anke Delfos. The participants concluded that a start could be made with the 'coalition of the willing' and identifying the front runners. The companies that are already enthusiastic can form a vanguard that can actively think along in the new developments. An analysis can be made of the measures that the companies are willing to take individually or collectively. This may lead to collaborations between organizations. The municipality will then also gain insight into which solutions will actually help to generate more energy and meet the increasing demand for energy. In a later phase, the vanguard can also inspire and motivate other companies to take action.

Measuring objectives for urban mobility - Susanne Balm (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), Marcel Ludeman (municipality of Amsterdam), Lisa van Velzen (Delft University of Technology)
The municipality of Amsterdam, Facility Services UvA-HvA and the HvA Lectureship City Logistics are working on a logistics research in the University Quarter of Amsterdam. This area is located in the city centre and is used by many stakeholders such as inhabitants, students, and visitors. The goal of the study is to design and evaluate logistical concepts for the University Quarter that are consistent with the objectives for liveability, accessibility and safety of this area. The question for the group: How can these objectives be operationalized and measured? The participants talked about the subjectivity of the objectives and how you can measure certain objectives, but also came up with concrete solutions. For example, providing information to stakeholders for more understanding and recognitions. One of the participants suggested a role-play to evaluate different solutions for smooth logistics in the area.

Want to join the next Demo Day?

Are you working on an innovative project that could use some input? Or are you preparing for an inspiring event that needs a spotlight? Our next Demo Day takes place on the 11th of October. If it fits within our themes (circular, mobility, energy and digital), sent a message to Sophie via sophie@amsterdamsmartcity.com or let us know in the comments. We are happy to talk with you to find out if it's a match!

Would you like to participate in the next Demo Day and share your thoughts on our partners’ innovative projects? As soon as the program for the next Demo Day is determined, we will share it on the platform and give you the opportunity to join as participant.

Curious to circular & digital projects? Read more about it in the recap of Demo Day Circular & Digital.

Photo: Myrthe Polman

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility
Tom van Arman, Director & Founder at Tapp, posted

Want to become a Smart City Architect?

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Are you an architect, urban designer, planner, engineer or designer and want to know more about the challenges facing the future of Amsterdam, or want to become more familiar with the many smart city technologies, techniques and trends that are available to solve these urgent challenges?

Arcam's Architect in Residence 2022 and Future City Maker Tom van Arman invites the design community to a special a (free) 1 day only Smart City Design workshop where we will show you some key projects accelerating the Amsterdam 2030-2050 agendas.

Spaces are limited RSVP - Wednesday June 15th!

WHY? The physical and digital worlds are becoming more and more intertwined as new markets like drone delivery, micro-grids / blockchain, digital twins and 3D printing are shaping the city sometimes faster than the authorities and architects can cope with.

WHAT? By the end of this workshop you will have had a clear look into the many systems shaping Amsterdam and what a designer like you can do to help transform our future city.

Tom van Arman's picture Masterclass / workshop on Jun 15th
RESILIO Amsterdam, posted

RESILIO blue green roofs presentation

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On March 17th we will give a presentation on RESILIO blue-green roofs and climate adaptation during a digital blue green event of the Scandinavian Green Roof Institute!

Policy advisor climate adaptation Joyce Langewen at the Gemeente Amsterdam and Merle van der Kroft, project consultant/engineer at MetroPolder Company will guide you through this. Both are working on the RESILIO project.

The presentation starts at 3.10 pm. Tune in this free event, register here.

RESILIO Amsterdam's picture Online event on Mar 17th
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Pitching Event Sustainable Building and Energy Systems in USA

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Is your company active in sustainable building & energy systems market? Are you curious to learn how well your solution fits in Boston or New York City? Then join this pitch event on the 23rd of March. During the event you will pitch your solution to an American expert panel, get feedback on your product-market fit and meet some key stakeholders.

Apart from giving you the opportunity to pitch, this event prepares you for (potential) participation in the mission to New York city and Boston in May 2022. Are you already sure you want to join the trade mission? During your registration for the pitch event you can pre-register to express your interest! Do you first want to get feedback during the pitch event before deciding on joining the mission? No problem, we appreciate a well-considered choice!

Sign up now if you are interested in taking your product/service to the Boston/New York market!

Location: online
Date: 23 March 2022
Time: 14:00-15:30 (CET)

Nancy Zikken's picture Online event on Mar 23rd
Zoë Spaaij, Project manager , posted

Waarom de slimme stad een must have is?

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Daarover gaan we in gesprek met de opdrachtgevers en onderzoekers van het Ecorys rapport: Maatschappelijke impact van Slimme en Duurzame verstedelijking.

Het afgelopen jaar verschenen er tal van rapporten over digitalisering en technologisering. Maar wat zijn de vervolgstappen? Welke lessen kunnen we trekken voor de slimme stad? Welke ideeën kunnen ons gaan inspireren in dit nieuwe smartcityjaar?

Dit soort gesprekken voer je normaal gesproken als je elkaar tegenkomt tijdens een nieuwjaarsborrel, een congres of een andere netwerkbijeenkomst. Helaas kan dit nu even niet fysiek, maar gelukkig laat het digitale ons niet in de steek. Zo kunnen we toch met elkaar nieuwe kennis delen en verspreiden.

Daarom is de Future City Foundation op zoek gegaan naar de makers en bedenkers dit rapport. We vragen aan Jessica Dirks, Walter Hulsker (onderzoekers van Ecorys), Noor van den Brink en Caspar de Jonge (ministerie van IenW) wat er volgens hen zwaar ingezet moet worden op slimme en duurzame verstedelijking.

Datum: 24 februari, 16.00 – 17.00 uur.
Kosten: Gratis

Uit het rapport van Ecorys in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat blijkt dat het effectief combineren en inzetten van smartcityprojecten noodzakelijke oplossingen zijn voor het ruimtegebrek in Nederland. En dat slim en binnenstedelijk bouwen niet alleen leidt tot meer leefbare steden, maar ook tot andere positieve effecten leiden, die financieel en maatschappelijk meer opleveren dan traditioneel bouwen aan de randen van steden.

Daarover gaan op donderdag 24 februari in gesprek met de onderzoekers van Ecorys:
Wilt u weten wat de meerwaarde van smartcityprojecten is? En waarom ze niet langer ‘leuk om te hebben’, maar ‘noodzakelijk’ zijn? Meld u dan nu aan!

Meer weten?
Wilt u zich alvast inlezen? Lees dan hier het Ecorys rapport.

Online event on Feb 24th
Jacob Froling, Klimaat en Energietransitie; opleiden en trainen van jong top talent , posted

Jonge talenten maken het verschil

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De jeugd heeft de toekomst en wil een bijdrage leveren aan een duurzamere maatschappij. Ze snappen dat een integrale aanpak en vergaande samenwerking tussen overheden en organisaties uit de energiesector, mobiliteit, gebouwde omgeving en  industrie nodig is om de doelen uit het Klimaatakkoord te realiseren.

Binnen het Nationale Energietraineeship werkt op dit moment een groep jonge ambitieuze talenten iedere vrijdag samen aan projecten. Ze leren op deze manier over grenzen kijken, grenzen van organisaties, grenzen van rollen en functies, hun eigen grenzen. Samen vormen ze een netwerk over de gehele keten.

Hier vind u een overzicht van de projecten waar ze mee bezig zijn. Wilt u een talentvolle trainee inzetten op uw eigen projecten? Kijk dan verder!

Jacob Froling's picture #Energy
RESILIO Amsterdam, posted

The smart technique between blue-green roofs.

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Today we will launch our brand new five-part movie series of RESILIO!
This serie will dive into the different approaches & researches within the project and the partners with their specific expertises. In the first one Kasper Spaan from water company Waternet and Friso Klapwijk MetroPolder Company explain you how smart micro watermanagement can be of paramount importance to a complete city. It’s not just a drop in the ocean... check it out here:

RESILIO Amsterdam's picture #Energy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Recap of our event ‘Data Centres: Taking the Bitter with the Sweet’ from 28th of October

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On the 28th of October 2021 Amsterdam Smart City and Datalab hosted an international event on the costs and benefits of accommodating data centres. Together with partners we discussed the complexity of the weighing of these aspects and the management by future policies.

The digitization of our society produces an exponentially increasing amount of data, which causes an increased need for data centres and connectivity. In 2030, there is expected to see a twenty-fold increase in data traffic, consuming 5% of worldwide electricity at that point. A recent report in the Netherlands has shown quite some hesitance on whether or not the foreseen rise in data centres in The Netherlands is the right way to go.

Lots of reasons to shed some international perspectives on these issues. What are current datacentre strategies? How are datacenters driving economic value? And how can the digital economy become more sustainable? Check out the presentations and discussions in the video!

• Wout Rensink (Policy advisor Economic Affairs at Province of Noord-Holland)
• Thomas Moran (Technology and Sustainability Strategist at Lumen & techUK)
• Daan Terpstra (Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs · Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA))

- Jeroen Sipman, liaison at Amsterdam Smart City

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Speakers confirmed for event ‘Data Centres: Taking the Bitter with the Sweet’!

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On the 28th of October, Amsterdam Smart City, together with the Province of North Holland and Datalab, will discuss the costs and benefits of accommodating data centres, the complexity of the weighing of these aspects, and how future policies could manage these. We will put the complexity in an international perspective.

Why would you need data centers in your region? What are reasons to refuse them on territories? What are the dilemmas and how do cities in Europe deal with this? We can now confirm the speakers for the event!

Wout Rensink – Province of North Holland
The Province of North Holland is developing a policy on data centres, with which they try to take a first step in minimizing the impact of data centres. The Province ensures that data centres generate their own sustainable energy, the residual heat (in the environment) is used, circular design is applied in the development of buildings which blend into the landscape and that the data centres are leaders in terms of energy and innovation. The man for the job? Wout Rensink! He is the Province’s policy advisor who will try and achieve these goals with other governmental institutions and the industry itself.

Thomas Moran – techUK
Beside his job as the Senior Lead Technology Strategist for Lumen, Thomas is the vice chair of the Climate Strategy and Resilience Council for techUK, which is the largest European trade group representing the technology industry. They support the UK national, regional and local governments in formulating policy around all things technology related, including data centres and infrastructure. He will provide us with the point of view and insights from another part of the FLAP-region: London.

Daan Terpstra – SDI Alliance
After years of working on sustainable energy projects at Vattenfall, Daan Terpstra has joined SDI Alliance last year to try and move the digital infrastructure sector to sustainability by 2030. As the new Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Daan can provide a view on future international digital infrastructure policies in Europe. SDI Alliance has derived a number of fundamental positions, beliefs and principles with which they hope to ensure the development of a vibrant European digital economy, without consuming unsustainable levels of resources.

The session will be moderated by Jeroen Sipman from Amsterdam Smart City.

Rewatch! Find the video of the event here:

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #DigitalCity
Adriaan van Eck, Implementing IoT & Smart Energy , posted

Data & IT platforms, smart buildings and Smart Energy

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Check out FAN's most recent newsletter for 3 events in Smart Energy:

  • 1 November: webinar on the role of data & IT platforms in the smart control of buildings and devices, with TenneT, Spectral, Alliander and EnergyNXT

  • 23 November: Working conference Top Sector Energy: Increase the scale for the energy transition

  • 24 & 25 January: FLEXCON 2022 - confirmed partners

Adriaan van Eck's picture Online event on Nov 1st
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

International Data Dilemmas - Data Centres: Taking the Bitter with the Sweet

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**Check out the recap of the event here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/updates/news/recap-of-our-event-data-centres-taking-the-bitter-with-the-sweet-from-28th-of-october

The digitization of our society produces an exponentially increasing amount of data, which causes an increased need for data centres and connectivity. In 2030, there is expected to see a twenty-fold increase in data traffic, consuming 5% of worldwide electricity at that point. A recent report in the Netherlands has shown quite some hesitance on whether or not the foreseen rise in data centres in The Netherlands is the right way to go.

Some say data centres take up precious space, require quite some of our (green) energy and (drinking) water, and they would not create much direct employment either. The report showed that the connectivity and availability of data centres in The Netherlands at this moment would suffice for the Dutch market, as it only uses about a third of their capacity.

Critics were quick to respond and argued the economic value of accommodating data centres for big data-driven industries. Not only the economic value of high-connectivity data centres is worth mentioning, but also the security and ownership of our (European) data is a factor worth mentioning. While the demand for connectivity and data use is rising, it is necessary to prepare for decision making that takes these aspects into account. And the Netherlands, of course, is not the only country to have to do so!

In this international session of Data Dilemmas we invite you to talk about the costs and benefits of accommodating data centres, the complexity of the weighing of these aspects, and how future policies could manage these.

Program: Online event
Date: 28th of October 2021
Language: English

15.50: Digital walk-in
16.00 – 16.05: Introduction by Amsterdam Smart City & Datalab
16.05 – 16.10: Introduction to challenge
16.10 – 17.00: Presentations + Q&A
17.00 – 17.20: Plenary discussion and wrap-up


  • Wout Rensink (Province of Noord-Holland)
  • Thomas Moran (techUK)
  • Daan Terpstra (SDI Alliance)

**Check out the recap of the event here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/updates/news/recap-of-our-event-data-centres-taking-the-bitter-with-the-sweet-from-28th-of-october

***About the Data Dilemmas series***
The increasing need for data centres shows the speed at which the digitalization of our environment is growing, as the possibilities of using data and new technologies to address big transitional challenges are endless. We use the data to make cities safer, cleaner and more accessible. But do we really need the data in all cases? What happens to all the data that is collected? Which choices did people make and why? Which dilemmas can be encountered? These questions are important for everyone; for governments, knowledge institutions, residents and companies. Amsterdam Smart City likes to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data. Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Datalab.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Online event on Oct 28th
Emre Yalçın, Marketing Intern at Spectral, posted

Smart Energy Systems: een integrale en schaalbare weg naar duurzame bedrijventerreinen

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Door de bedrijven op bedrijventerreinen samen te laten werken aan integrale verduurzaming kan er op grote schaal duurzame energie opgewekt worden en CO2-uitstoot voorkomen worden. Samen met Greenchoice werken we aan een slim nieuw product: Smart Energy Systems.

CO2-uitstoot, onbenutte daken en netcongestie
Bedrijventerreinen zijn grootverbruikers van elektriciteit en bieden met hun grote dakoppervlakten ongekende mogelijkheden voor duurzame energieopwek. Toch wordt er op dit moment nog lang niet maximaal ingezet op de verduurzaming van deze gebieden. En als het al gebeurt, wordt kennis en kunde niet gedeeld, en worden oplossingen niet integraal op het hele terrein uitgevoerd. In plaats van samenwerken wordt er ingezet op de verduurzaming van één pand zonder te kijken naar de mogelijkheden om samen te verduurzamen, waar dan ook het teveel aan opgewekte energie teruggeleverd wordt aan het energienet. Dat verergert de al bestaande problemen met netcongestie.

Smart Energy Systems
In Smart Energy Systems hebben deelnemende bedrijven de keuze uit een ‘menukaart’ aan maatregelen. Daarop staan opties variërend van het plaatsen van zonnepanelen tot inzicht in verbruik tot het timen van je verbruik met je eigen opwek. Door die integrale aanpak en omdat meerdere bedrijven op het terrein tegelijkertijd verduurzamen kan er meer en sneller worden verduurzaamd.

Plug and play
Vanaf eind oktober begint de pilot bij drie bedrijventerreinen. De verwachtingen zijn hoog. Niet alleen voor de deelnemende bedrijventerreinen, maar ook voor toekomstige deelnemers. Door de ontwikkelingen op de markt goed in de gaten te houden en een vinger aan de pols te houden bij de pilotpartijen werken we aan de uitbreiding van de menukaart met nog meer duurzame en rendabele maatregelen, een gepersonaliseerde roadmap per terrein en een kopieerbare standaard voor nog meer impact.
