#Digital City

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam InChange, posted

3 Ways to learn more about Amsterdam Smart City

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Do you want to connect, learn, and exchange experiences about Amsterdam Smart City? We have designed programs to help you connect to Amsterdam’s innovation ecosystem and key learnings from projects in the Amsterdam metropolitan region. Here are our most popular programs:

  1. Smart City the Amsterdam Way
    We give you an overview of Amsterdam Smart City’s program, governance and key projects. It’s a light way to get introduced to it all in 1,5 hours and we can also offer this online.
    Timing & cost: 1.5h hours, from €400 per group

  2. Amsterdam Smart City Deep Dives
    Go on a Deep Dive with Amsterdam Smart City and get to the bottom of the energy, mobility, digital city or circular economy transition during this customized 2,5 hour session with multiple experts from Amsterdam’s ecosystem.
    Timing & cost: 2.5 hours, from €600 per group

  3. Smart City Experience
    Since 2016, Amsterdam Smart City has hosted more than 300 customized study programs, innovation journeys and trade missions from over 30 countries. With the Smart City Experience we offer tailor-made programs consisting of expert meetings and project visits connecting local and (inter)national stakeholders to the Amsterdam Smart City approach and innovation ecosystem. To request a Smart City Experience, send a request at least one month in advance to cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com.
    Timing & cost: 6-8 hours, from €1,500 per group

Where do the Amsterdam Smart City Programs take place?
Most programs take place, or at least start at, the Smart City Lab on the Marineterrein Innovation District. This is a "small space for big ideas" where we showcase examples of smart city solutions from Amsterdam. The Smart City Experience Lab is also a workplace where Amsterdam Smart City partners meet and collaborate. Groups visiting the Experience Lab can also visit the Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab on their own or as a part of an organized program.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam InChange, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam InChange, posted

[DISCONTINUED] Amsterdam Innovation Tour (self-guided via app)

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The app is designed to help international delegates and local city users experience some of Amsterdam’s innovative approaches and solutions for smart and sustainable urban development.

During the 2018 We Make The City innovation festival, Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam released an app-based, self-guided innovation tour which is now available via the Apple Store and Google Play.

The app is designed to help international delegates and local city users independently experience some of Amsterdam’s innovative approaches and solutions for smart and sustainable urban development.

There are two routes to choose from, both starting from Central Station.

© Thomas Schlijper

The first route “Culture of Innovation” takes users on a two-kilometer walk along Oosterdokseiland development to Marineterrein, the former navy base that is being converted to innovation district. The second route, “Transformational innovations” leads users through Amsterdam North to De Ceuvel living lab and finishes at NDSM-wharf.

<em>App download</em>: Apple Store and Google Play

Amsterdam InChange's picture #DigitalCity
MX 3D, posted

MX3D Visitor Center

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We are 3D printing a 12 meter stainless steel bridge for the City of Amsterdam.

We are creating an innovative metal 3D printing technology with a high deposition rate and almost unlimited building envelope. To show what our technology is capable of we are 3D printing a 12-meter stainless steel bridge for the City of Amsterdam.

The MX3D doors are open! This is a great opportunity for professionals and the curious-minded to learn more about the technique, the bridge project and see the robots in action.

Are you looking for an innovative experience?
Groups can book a presentation and tour at our facility.
For more info or special requests: visit@mx3d.com

We are open every Friday for walk-ins from 12:00-16:00.
If one of us is available, we are more than happy to answer (all) your questions!

MX 3D's picture #DigitalCity
Mara de Pater, Master Student at Wageningen University and Research, posted

IoT Living Lab

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The IoT Living Lab provides public networks, open infrastructure and data for developers to accelerate emerging IoT innovations for Smart City solutions. We do this by engaging developers and citizens in public spaces using a bottom up, crowd sourcing approach to innovate by "sandboxing" the city.

Mara de Pater's picture #DigitalCity
Giovanni Stijnen, Senior program & business developer at NEMO Kennislink, posted

Science Center NEMO

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Discover a world of science and technology in NEMO Science Museum

Science Center NEMO has strong links with an extensive international knowledge network that is focused on science and technology. The science center make this knowledge available in many different ways. The central principle is to encourage people to discover things for themselves. In addition to being a fun and educational museum, NEMO is an institution where different groups within society can debate the implications of scientific and technological advances.

Science Center NEMO in Amsterdam welcomes 500,000+ visitors each year and sends them on a journey of scientific discovery. The exhibitions are organized around different themes and designed to encourage all kinds of people from all age groups to ask their own questions and to go in search of the answers. This interactive approach perfectly reflects NEMO’s vision of learning. In addition to the full museum experience in the centre of Amsterdam, people can also get a taste of NEMO at Schiphol Airport.

Photos: DigiDaan

Giovanni Stijnen's picture #DigitalCity
Jeroen Veger, Co-founder at 3D Makers Zone, posted

The 3D Makers Zone

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The 3D Makers Zone is a site where we make smart products via smarter production.

We offer demonstrations, presentations, exhibition on request.

The Dutch manufacturing industry needs to catch on with the latest developments in digital fabrication. In order for this to happen, the government has started the Smart Industry program and the Smart Industry Action Agenda. The 3D Makers Zone is a site where the items on this agenda are actually applied by making smarter products via smarter production.

By combining several disruptive technologies like Internet of Things, robotics and 3D printing, the 3D Makers Zone produces new prototypes, parts and end products. Companies get the opportunity to learn to innovate as well as get fast results while requiring only modest investments rather than investing in all the hardware in house innovation in these technologies would require. Smart, fast, affordable and efficient!

New and smarter products have been created as well as produced for several critical infrastructure companies. Technical students as well as suppliers of said companies contribute to solving problems and improving the processes via hackathons, all within just days! PWN used the hackathon-method to gain several new smart products that help it in maintaining its water supply network.

Next steps are upscaling with more disruptive technologies and the combination of these. Letting more companies and their suppliers (and students) cooperate in open innovation, that way making it possible to research and innovate. Branching out to other regions and countries.

Jeroen Veger's picture #DigitalCity