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Looking for Architectural Design/Urban Design jobs in Amsterdam!
Dear all,
my name is Beatrice Egidi and I am a recently graduated architect from Italy. I had the opportunity of visiting Amsterdam a good number of times in the last two years and I am starting to hope to move there! I even started to learn a bit of Dutch... Moedig, toch?
If anyone has good advices on how to enter the job market here, they would be really appreciated!
Please have a look to my CV at the following link:
Egidi Beatrice CV_2024.pdf
Kind regards and thank you in advace to anyone who may help! Ciao!
Looking for Coworking Space with other Urban Design/Architecture/Smart City Firms
Hi all!
I'll be joining a small urban design & analytics firm as a contractor soon and am looking for a desk or coworking space that has folks in the same discipline/industry. The rest of my team is based in the US and Spain so I'm looking for a place with a nice community feel :)
Technologies that allow for looking underground without digging

The ground is full of cables, pipes, and other assets but we don’t always know exactly where they are located. Digging is the most common practice to look for assets, however, this has many negative impacts. It can lead to damage to assets, it costs time and money to dig, and it is often an inconvenience to the direct surroundings.
Therefore, it would be extremely convenient if we could find methods to locate assets without having to dig. We are looking for start-ups, research groups, and knowledge institutions that have developed or can develop a technology that can scan, detect, or sense, underground assets without digging.
Are you the person we are looking for, or do you know the person or organisation we are looking for? Please let us know by sending a message to or leaving a comment below.
Request: Seeking guidance and possible work opportunities in the smart city domain.
I am a mid-career Architect and, Urban and Regional Planner. I recently graduated with a second master's (MSc.) from IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a Specialization in "Infrastructure and Smart Cities". My MSc. thesis research topic was based on Circular Economy concepts including the Circular Business Model and High-value reuse of material and components.
I am very passionate about smart cities and sustainability, and I am highly inspired by all the work in the smart city area that is being done in the Netherlands, where I hope to contribute and make a positive impact.
Previously, in addition to planning and project management roles, I have worked in relevant areas of smart mobility, ICT Infrastructure, renewable energy, and waste to energy, among others as part of consulting firms.
I am looking for possible work opportunities in the Smart City area in the Netherlands. I will appreciate any reference, resource, and mentorship that could be offered to me.
Anoop Jha
Application of technology to increase disposable income in the household (also by unlocking the potential of the neighbourhood)

Hello there,
Do you know about initiatives, projects, groups that are working to decrease the cost of living of a Dutch household? Energy, rent, food, care, etc, all those field could be interesting for our research. Successful or less, is not important, I am looking for lessons learnt.
We are an innovation studio funded by PostNL and Dasym looking into Application of technology to increase disposable income in the household (also by unlocking the potential of the neighbourhood).
Let me know if this resonates or rings any bell!
Crowd Monitoring Summer Survey (1 min.)

For those of you who know, Marineterrein Amsterdam has been a test area to explore responsible counting of crowds (big and small) in a living lab environment. Summer temperatures are bringing large numbers people to the Marineterrein to cool off - but earlier this winter / spring, the crowd monitor revealed some fun facts about how people made use the inner-city living lab during the Covid19 lockdown.
This summer we’re collecting feedback from the Marineterrein community and the general public. Have you ever been to the Marineterrein? If so, how do you feel about counting people in public space? In this 1 minute survey we ask 5 simple yes/no questions to help us improve your experience on the smart city campus.
Your help is appreciated!
Enquête (1min): Internationaliseren als MKB tijdens en na een crisis
Veel MKB-ers willen zich uit de crisis innoveren. Internationaal actief worden is kansrijk en vraagt voorbereiding en energie. Amsterdam Trade and Innovate en PIM Noord-Holland (Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB Noord-Holland) willen ondernemers helpen dit goed en succesvol aan te pakken. Ben jij een MKB-er in de MRA die actief is op de thema's van smartcity? Vul dan de enquête in zodat ons aanbod goed aansluit bij wat jij nodig hebt. Hou onze media in de gaten, in q1 organiseren we onze eerste event gericht op internationalisering.
Call for Cities to test the Responsible Sensing Toolkit

As societal values change and the deployment of sensing technology becomes more ubiquitous, what are our digital rights in a 21st-century city? This dilemma is forcing municipalities to make difficult decisions about practice versus the policy of collecting data from public space. In collaboration with the City of Amsterdam, The City Innovation Exchange Lab (CITIXL) has created the Responsible Sensing Toolkit - a six-step process to help navigate this new landscape in a fast and effective way. The toolkit was co-designed by experienced city innovators to empower municipalities, organisations, and communities to implement open and inclusive sensing solutions for our 21st-century cities.
We are currently seeking cities to test the step-by-step process to guide the design and implementation of crowd sensing pilots in public spaces. For complete details about the Toolkit and how your city can participate please visit or contact CITIXL co-founder Paul Manwaring at
Ecodam, circulair economie education hub, is looking for partners and a location for a pilot lab

Ecodam is a young initiatief aimed at creating a place where young people will learn about and help build the circular economy. Ecodam is not highbrow and elitair but inclusive, hands-on, fun and accessible. We use design thinking principles, letting visitors operate as designers and makers. Thinking of new solutions for real problems and making new, circular, products.
Ecodam is currently looking for partners to help us realise our dream and a location for a pilot lab.
ideas and tips are welcome!
Knowledge Quest: Submit Your Example of a Great High Density Environment
Do you know a great example of high density living environments built within the last 30 years? Share your knowledge and contribute to the creation of an open repository via Crowd Creation. To be truly exemplary, the area should include a mixture of functions (at least some of them high-rise) where the physical fabric retains a human scale at street level despite the high density.
You may wonder who's asking for and compiling this information: the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is committed to building an open-access repository. Sharing best practices across the globe is becoming increasingly vital, especially as many of our western cities are on the eve of unprecedented densification. As a humble thank you for helping to guide this societal challenge, they've allotted 12 rewards for contributors. Click here to submit a project.
Societal Context
Like many of our Western cities, Amsterdam is on the brink of intensive urban densification. The metropolitan area of Amsterdam plans to add 100,000 new dwellings, mostly within the existing urban fabric. Compact studio apartments and new situational typologies of high-rises are part of the program, which will increase the densification even further. How are we to retain a human scale in these new high-density environments, especially at the street level where our social fabric is shaped? This calls for a new array of examples and precedent studies of successful existing "Great High Density Environments." What are their design properties and how are they programmed? How do they succeed in retaining a human scale?
Amsterdam - Image Courtesy of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Sensing Streetscapes Project
These questions are central to the Sensing Streetscapes Project initiated by the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). In a consortium of spatial design offices and clients of large scale projects, action research is explored along three lines. First, building on the classic works of Allan Jacobs, Jan Gehl and the like, six of the most-used reference locations for these new environments are deconstructed by research through design. Second, neuro-architectural technologies (eye-trackers) are deployed to uncover the visual impact of the applied design principles: What are the patterns? Do these design solutions indeed mitigate the high density and intensity to a human scale on the level of the streetscape? Finally, an algorithm is developed to trace the most suitable best practices via AI. That’s where you come in.
Cassilis Road, London - Image Courtesy of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Repository of Great Examples by Crowd Creation
Some high profile examples of great high density environments are well known, like in Vancouver, Toronto, London, Manchester, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Manhattan. Yet what lesser-known examples of Great High Density Living Environments are out there for us to learn from? Share your knowledge and contribute to the creation of an open repository via Crowd Creation.
In order to frame the search, a list of desired characteristics:
- Residential environment in an inner city area
- Built within the last 30 years – or about to be 'opened' soon
- Built for High Density with some high-rise buildings
- Success in creating a human scale at eye-level on the street
- Some level of mixed functions, green design, etc. - anything that increases the livability of the environment
Click here to submit a project.
Hardman Street, Manchester - Image Courtesy of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
You are, of course, allowed to offer one of your own projects as an example. The deadline for submissions is January 29th, 2021 and as a modest gesture of thanks for helping address this societal challenge, 12 rewards are available to contributors. Out of the projects that fit the characteristics, consortium members will select the contributors who delivered either multiple great examples, surprisingly interesting examples, or in-depth descriptions and pictures. 12 entrants will be randomly selected to be rewarded:
- 2 will receive personalized book selections on this topic (favorites of the Chair)
- 6 will receive an Amazon gift card with a value of €50
- 4 will receive a ticket to the Media Architecture Biennale 2021
- Winners will be notified personally
Visit the results at The website will remain open afterwards, so feel free to keep sending your examples!
We want visit Amsterdam smart city.
My name is Seyoung Yu from South Korea and I am a student University of Ulsan majoring in Management.
I am interested in Smart City in different cities and countries, and my team is now working on a project on that topic,
"The development of a Smart City in Amsterdam."
Currently, we are under the school project called, "Global Chanllger", My university support groups of student
who want to visit other Universities and institutions to reseach and gather information regarding topics such as "Study on the Development of Smart city in Amsterdam."
We would like to visit Amsterdam from January 27 to 31, 2020.
We would like to attend the I want to visit Amsterdam Smart City.
Is there a place where I can visit for free or get some information about Amsterdam Smart City for a small fee?
We would like to ask for your permission for us to visit so that we
could have an opprtunity to obtain knowledge and various experience for "Smart City".
If it is possible to for the us to get your approval, please feel free to contact me. via email
Thank you for taking
the time to review our request :)
Job offer: operations officer Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (16-24 hours)
Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is een samenwerking tussen de partners AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Amsterdam Smart City, Amsterdam Economic Board, NEMO Science Museum en Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam. Het belangrijkste doel van Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is het realiseren van opschaalbare innovaties die steden leefbaar maken en houden. Om dat te bereiken, brengen de partners hun expertise en netwerk op het gebied van onderzoek, innovatie, stedelijke ontwikkeling en experimenteren samen op deze unieke plek in Amsterdam.
Voor het komende half jaar (september 2019 - maart 2020, mogelijk met uitloop) zoeken we een gedreven operations officer die het Living Lab operationeel gaat maken, aanvragen toetst, start met het runnen van de experimenten en zorgt voor verdere ontwikkeling van het Living Lab in samenwerking met de partners.
Interesse? Bekijk de vacature hier:
Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation
I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,
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