#Public participation

Topic within Citizens & Living
Amy Kurver, Master student , posted

Wat is de invloed van COVID-19 op de beleving/waardering van groen in Amsterdam? Fill in our questionnaire!

Link to questionnaire: https://forms.gle/Mi9jBJ3dvTtw3Foe8

De wereld wordt op dit moment hevig beïnvloed door alle COVID-19 gevolgen en maatregelen. Hoe ervaart u deze intelligente lockdown? Heeft u moeite met het binnenblijven en wilt u eigenlijk van de zon genieten? Of blijft u graag binnen vanwege drukte in de parken of om jezelf te beschermen tegen een mogelijke besmetting?
Voor ons onderzoek vragen we zo veel mogelijk Amsterdammers om deze enquête in te vullen en uw ervaringen t.o.v. COVID-19 en de groene openbare ruimtes in Amsterdam te delen. De antwoorden worden alleen gebruikt voor educatieve doeleinden en zijn volledig anoniem.
De enquête is voor alle inwoners van Amsterdam en voel je vrij deze te delen met buren, collega’s, familie of vrienden. De vragenlijst vraagt 7 minuten van uw tijd en uitleg op vragen mag in Nederlands of Engels. Vanwege dataverwerking staan keuze antwoorden in het Engels.

Alvast hartelijk dank!

Justine, Titus, Jesse en Amy
Students Master Program Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering
Wageningen University & Research, Delft University of Technology and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions

Amy Kurver's picture #Citizens&Living
Siddharth Venkatachalam, Graduate, MSc MADE AMS institute at AMS Institute, posted

Looking for interviewees for Master thesis project.

Hi all! I am Siddharth, a master student at the AMS Institute. For my thesis, I am researching how citizen engagement can contribute to evaluation/assessment of smart city and smart city projects with respect to quality of life. Quality of life is a basic compnent of the smart city but evaluation for quality of life does not happen successfully. How can citizen engagement fill the gap in assessing the smart city and smart projects for quality of life?
If you are a citizen, researcher, project developer, innovator or public official who has any insights or interest in this topic and would like to contribute to my research project please do contact me. I look forward to talking to you!

Siddharth Venkatachalam's picture #Citizens&Living
Emilio Costales, PhD Candidate , posted

Social Entrepreneurs willing to contribute to research

I am conducting research to examine the extent to which social entrepreneurs leverage resources to meet the needs of the groups they set out to serve. I would be very interested to interview any entrepreneurs who set out to achieve social change.

Emilio Costales's picture #Citizens&Living
Zuzana Kapustíková, Student , posted

Looking for interview participants for my research

Warm greetings to everyone!

My name is Zuzana and I am doing my bachelor thesis about the impact of civic hacking on government transparency. If you are working for the municipality of Amsterdam or you identify yourself as a civic hacker than I have an interesting offer for you!

What I need from you as a participant:
- You either work for the municipality of Amsterdam or identify yourself as a civic hacker and
you have been involved in a project where the mutual collaboration took place.
- You are willing to do an interview with me and answer questions like how the collaboration itself looked like, what was the input of civic hackers, and in what ways this input helped to achieve effective outcomes, i.e. improve the information exchange between citizens and the municipality.

What you get from me as a participant:
- You will have a chance to share your experience over a nice cup of coffee or tea
- You will help me with my research and eventually contribute to creating more understanding of how the public sector can benefit from collaboration with civic hackers.

In total, I am looking for 10 participants. If you are interested or know someone who can help me, please send me a message on zuzka.kapustikova@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from you!


Zuzana Kapustíková's picture #Citizens&Living
Eva van Dijk, Co-founder & Owner at Amsterdam Odyssey, posted

Broodfondsleden gezocht

Beste allen,
Wij zijn bezig met het opstarten van een broodfonds. Gemeenschappelijke factor van de leden: duurzaamheid, bewust leven, maatschappelijke verbinding. Op het moment zijn we met ongeveer 20 mensen. Er zijn minstens 25 mensen nodig om van start te kunnen gaan. We sluiten ons aan bij de Broodfondsmakers. Voor meer informatie: www.broodfonds.nl
Voertaal is Nederlands!
Mocht je interesse hebben mee te doen, dan horen we graag van je. Stuur dan een mailtje naar tours@amsterdamodyssey.com

Eva van Dijk's picture #Citizens&Living
Anuradha Sharma, Management Consultant , posted

Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation

I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,

Anuradha Sharma's picture #DigitalCity
Juan Manuel Cancino Pérez, CEO , posted

Know the water treatment system and urban infrastructure

Hi Community, I'm helping Tepic Nayarit Municipality (México) to improve public services and they want to visit Amsterdam (Mayor and Water System Director) to know how the public services works there (mainly water distribution and treatment).. Which is the best way to coordinate a visit with local authorities?.. Thanks

Juan Manuel Cancino Pérez's picture #Citizens&Living
Valerie Bos, Program Director at Economic Development Board Almere, posted

Looking for sleep experts / fanatics / startups!

Short nights, long days, yawning, snoozing, blue light, espresso popping, one more episode - than one more. We get less sleep than we need. And that is a shame because sleeping contributes to good health. To our productivity, our vitality and our enjoyment of life. And, indirectly, also to our economy. We, therefore, dare to say with confidence that becoming rich sleeping is not such a crazy statement: a healthy, sleepy city is a productive city after all.

We are looking for companies, individuals, startups etc. that are interested in this topic or doing great things and are ready to share that with the rest of the region (world).

The program starts the 7th of January till 25 March 2019.

Valerie Bos's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted

Amsterdammers gezocht voor onderzoek naar stadsnatuur

De universiteit Nantes zoekt Amsterdammers voor een onderzoek naar de impact van stadsnatuur op de gezondheid en het welzijn van stadsbewoners. Dit onderzoek maakt onderdeel uit van Nature4Cities (www.nature4cities.eu) een project gericht op klimaatverandering in de stad. Nature4Cities onderzoekt de mogelijkheden om de effecten van klimaatverandering aan te pakken door meer stadse natuur te creeeren (Nature-based Solutions).
Jouw bijdrage wordt zeer op prijs gesteld!

De link naar de vragenlijst: https://lnkd.in/gU2VbRs

Samantha Yannucci, posted

Looking for connections to start an Urban Living Lab that facilitates integration for refugee communities

Hi all, my name is Sam and I have an idea for an urban living lab that facilitates the social and cultural integration of refugee communities. I am seeking practical steps for where to start.

The purpose of this project is to understand the potential for intentional cultural enclaves to facilitate the integration of immigrants and members of the host society by catalyzing meaningful relationships, interactions, and cultural exchange through culturally specific businesses, services, and activities. Through experimentation, analysis, and refinement, the model would ultimately be replicable in any city and serve as an epicenter for meaningful cultural exchange, ultimately leading to true integration (not to be confused with assimilation) and a more culturally rich city as a whole.

The concept is an alternative to contemporary integration policy and programs, such as the Dutch dispersal policies, that force citizens of a different racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds to live in a single residential area. I do not believe these contemporary policies contribute to the highest degree of social and cultural integration.

Any information, advice, and partnership recommendations to develop on this urban living lab concept is much appreciated.

Additionally, I have not gotten to talk to many people about this concept, so if I have no explained clearly, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions and I will happily provide clarification!

Thank you and all the best,


Samantha Yannucci's picture #Citizens&Living
Maulo Lumleod, posted

Studens are looking to do business research

Beste connecties

Mijn naam is Maulo Lumleod, een vierdejaarsstudent bedrijfskunde aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Samen met mijn teamgenoten Rutger van den Hoek & Janneke Methorst, zijn wij op zoek naar een organisatie die graag een professioneel bedrijfskundig onderzoek wil laten uitvoeren.

We hebben vanuit de Hogeschool een aantal sectoren meegekregen zoals Health, FinTech, Smart Cities & Mobility.

De opdracht voor het onderzoek mag volledig door jullie organisatie worden bepaald. Zo zorgen we ervoor dat we een onderzoek uitvoeren wat voor de organisatie relevant en nuttig zal zijn. Het onderzoek zal volledig worden begeleid door twee onderzoeksdocenten die vanuit de Hogeschool zijn aangesteld. Zij zullen de controle en begeleiding uitvoeren op het onderzoek. Meer informatie over het project kunt u vinden op: https://lnkd.in/dnaGpiT.

Het project zal gedurende de periode september tot december worden uitgevoerd. Het zal voor de organisatie geheel kosteloos zijn om het onderzoek door ons te laten uitvoeren. Wel vragen wij om tijd en medewerking om de nodige informatie te kunnen verzamelen.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Maulo Lumleod

Maulo Lumleod's picture #SmartCityAcademy
William Reed, secondary teacher , posted

USA school teacher: opportunities to learn about Dutch climate mitigation/adaptation strategies Jun28-July7

Hello! I'm hoping (at the very last minute) to connect with some folks who might be interested in sharing their work with me through a brief informal tour or interview while I'm here in the Netherlands for the next 8 or 9 days. I'm here with the help of a small, self directed grant to develop a unit of study for my students in Chicago that will inspire them to better understand climate change as a global issue with which they can engage in creative ways in their local context. I'm interested in more or less any and all work happening around Amsterdam (or Utrecht, where I'll be from July 3-July 5, or Wageningen, July 5- July 7) that relates to the effects of climate change or mitigation/adaptation strategies. This could include any climate relevant public or private work in the electricity, transportation, building, industrial, agricultural, tech, or education sectors. For example, if you are involved with a start up that does circular economy work that reduces emissions, have a perspective to share on regional transportation, know something about zero emission architecture, or work in education and are interested in developing collaborations in terms of sustainability/climate curriculum, I'm interested in hearing from you and (in an ideal world) chatting for 30 minutes or an hour. My students are typically low income, racial minority teenagers who I believe need to be empowered to make the future as much as their economically well off and culturally "mainstream" peers. Most of my students are also soon to be voting eligible citizens of the USA, which seems relevant. Anyway, I appreciate you considering my vague request! I am of course thrilled about the wealth of resources available through Smart City Amsterdam (including the very cool new Amsterdam Innovation Tour app), and I've booked, for example, a standard tour on Friday through architour. But unfortunately my dates of travel did not align with WeMakeTheCity, the ASC Open House is not happening this Friday, and many of the other tour options are out of my price range as an individual traveling on a small grant. Thanks for any and all input. Cheers!

Marco Marechal, Strategic (Communication) advisor (CEO) , posted

Adding knowledge towards your project in the area of the enduser...

Adding knowledge towards a project you have (City level) in the area of water or smart city and smart mobility. To actively envolve the end- user, citizens engagement and participation;. We have large survey results in the area of smart city and smart mobility to actively involve the end user in the project you have. To make your project more succesfull because people actually use it.

Looking for a project and / or partnership in a city or area of the city to conduct further study in the area of citizens engagement and to add the human factor within the project or city for you.

Marco Marechal's picture #Citizens&Living