Recap of Demoday #20

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Our 20th Demoday was a great success! A lot of familiar and new faces gathered at A Lab Amsterdam for an afternoon full of inspiration, exchange and connection with each other. In this article, we give you a quick overview of the Knowledge Session, pitches and worksessions. Interesting in learning more? Read the full reports by our Programme Managers Sophie, Patricia and Pelle (linked below).

About our Demodays

The Demodays are one of the tools we use to stimulate innovation and encourage connection between our partners and community. The purpose of the Demodays is to present the progress of various innovation projects, ask for help, share dilemmas and involve more partners to take these projects to the next level. More information about the Demodays can be found here.

Knowledge Session: Power in Transitions

We started the Demoday with a workshop about ‘Power in Transitions’. When working together on transitions, it is important to be aware of and sensitive to the impact of power and systemic oppression in participatory processes. Within the Amsterdam Smart City network, the question of inclusion and civic participation, is often brought up in worksessions and discussions. However, we often lack the tools to find the bottlenecks and really include all important beneficiaries. Our partners Kennisland and DRIFT taught the participants more about power in transitions, based on the Power Literacy Framework and Field Guide from Kennisland. Read all about it here.


After the Knowledge Session, we continued with four inspiring pitches. Arjen Hof (WeCity) explained how Pientere Tuinen is creating a greener, healthier living environment by raising awareness and motivation among garden owners, while Wouter Tebbens (PublicSpaces) promoted their event and discussed the question; how to build an internet that works for everyone. Marlies Veld (municipality of Amsterdam) presented their plans with the innovation pavilion Marineterrein, and Hidde van der Maas (Over Morgen) discussed the question; will all petrol stations be our future charging stations?


Digital | ChatGPT and the Government: Opportunities and challenges, by Jeroen Silvis and Martijn Veerman (Province of North-Holland)
Are language processing tools powered by AI, such as ChatGPT, revolutionising the way we work and live together? How should governments, such as the province of North Holland, deal with this? What is the impact as the technology behind ChatGPT evolves and is used more and more prominently, outside and within their own organisations? This session’s participants identified potential opportunities and threats, read more about these insights in this report by Programme Manager (Digital) Sophie.

Mobility | Urban Air Mobility, by Kerry Rohrmeier (San Jose State University)
When considering the future of (urban) mobility we often limit ourselves to urban mobility options we’re used to, like our road- water- and railway networks. But what if we think outside of the box. What if we extended our urban transportation system with sustainable aviation options? Kerry Rohrmeier asked our network for input on Urban Air Mobility considerations. Read more in the report by Programme Manager (Mobility) Pelle here.

Energy | Upscaling ATELIER Buiksloterham, by Danijela Šijačić and Mark van Wees (HvA)
the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences asked the Amsterdam Smart City network to discuss how we can learn from ATIELIER’s Buiksloterham project to support replication and upscaling of local smart energy systems. Read through the most valuable outtakes from this session in this report by Jessica.

Circular | Plastic: We’re loving it! How to break through our plastic addiction, by Marten Boels (MRA)
(Dutch) Technically, all solutions are available to drastically reduce our plastic use in both production processes and the prevention and/or removal of microplastics in nature. Yet in practice, almost nothing changes. Read more bout this session on the reduction of plastic usage and waste in this recap article by Patricia.

Our next Demoday will take place on Tuesday October 10. Do you have an inspiring story or project you want to pitch to the Amsterdam Smart City network? Let us know via

