Employers and HR managers: share your ideas on the future labor market!

Finding skilled talent within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA) is one of the key factors for success in regional economy. That is why we need to know about your needs in hiring future talent. With your insights we enhance the adaptivity of the labor market.
To gain these insights, the Amsterdam Economic Board, together with Randstad, the Free University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences started to investigate the ‘Jobs of the Future’.

Your input in this research is of high relevance. What does employment look like in the future according to you? What influence does employment have on future business models, talents and skills? We are looking for HR managers and employers to participate in this research.
Interested? Please send an e-mail to Inge van der Kraan (Amsterdam Economic Board), i.vanderkraan@amecboard.com.
By sharing information, we together increase the adaptivity of the labor market!



yes you can!

Mirko van Vliet's picture
Mirko van Vliet

@peterbruun1 Thank you Peter. In our view it would be very interesting if you could participate in the research. If so, A student from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam will reach out to you in March to schedule a structured interview of approximately half an hour to an hour to receive your input. In case you would like more information - https://www.amsterdameconomicboard.com/projecten/jobs-the-future - Or I'm available for any questions at m.vanvliet@amecboard.com or +31614381119 . I've noted your contact details. Can I confirm your participation?


I do have some ideas on this. Eventhough I am no HR manager, i have had the challenge to find and recruit new hires (which is not easy). I have a background in I&O psychology (assessments) and work for a IT testing company now. Feel free to contact me at 0624455199 if you want my input.

Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

@peterbruun @nielslauwers as specialists in IT, you might have some ideas about this!
