Looking for players in the sharing & platform economy interested in travelling to a sharing economy exhibition in Japan!

On November 20-22 the Japan Management Association is organizing a sharing economy exhibition. The idea is to combine an exhibition (with booths from Japanese and international companies) with a conference. A total of 5000 visitors and 100 exhibitors are expected. The Dutch Embassy in Japan is actively looking for companies that wish to speak at the conference or that wish to exhibit their company. There are a growing number of Japanese corporates in the Energy, Transport, Real Estate and Consumer Goods as well as Employment Agencies, that are interested in incorporating (foreign) sharing concepts. This makes the Japanese market very interesting for companies active in the Sharing economy. If you are interested, let me know and I'll bring you in contact with the Dutch Embassy.


Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra

Dear Kaz, Thank you for your comment! Very interesting book that you are writing. I myself am not the expert on the sharing initiatives and companies that we have in Amsterdam. I will do my best to get you in touch with the person at the City of Amsterdam that is. Kind regards, Florentine


Great initiative Kazumitsu

Kazumitsu Yoshida's picture
Kazumitsu Yoshida

Hi Florentine and all! I am very interested in you and your activity. I am Japanese who live and work as a creative director in the Netherlands. Now I am writing a book in Japanese about "Amsterdam as a sharing city". Could I interview with you? I will be back to japan on November 20-22, and maybe my friends will organize that conference. Best, Kaz / kazumitsu.yoshida@neuromagic.com


Hi Florentine, we are a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform for combined shared mobility. We are in contact with a Japanse organization for collaboration on MaaS technology and AI. This could be a great opportunity. E-mail maarten@beamrz.com Thnx!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture
Amsterdam Smart City

@nataliagarcia Is ShareNL interested in this exhibition? Or do you know nice parties interested in the Japanese market?

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra

@guidosteusel @lauryzwart thanks for your replies! I will contact the organization in Japan shortly and will let you know what the possibilities are!

Laury Zwart's picture
Laury Zwart

Hi Florentine, we're very interested in joining the exhibition organized by the Japan Management Association. FLOOW2.com is an international B2B Sharing Marketplace on which every business nd organizations worldwide can share its underutilized assets, waste, materials, services, facilities and knowledge with other companies. We're currently exploring the opportunities for FLOOW2 in Japan, together with a Japanese organizations. So, the timing would be great for us to speak at the conference and/or exhibit our company. You can contact me on laury.zwart@floow2.com. Thank you in advance.
