Subsidie voor collectieve duurzame initiatieven
Bewoners, ondernemers en maatschappelijke organisaties die met elkaar initiatieven ontwikkelen om de stad duurzamer te maken, kunnen vanaf donderdag 12 mei subsidie aanvragen bij de gemeente.
Het gaat om initiatieven die passen binnen de thema’s uit de Agenda Duurzaamheid: duurzame energie & energiebesparing, circulaire economie, slim & schoon vervoer en de klimaatbestendige stad.
De subsidie is bedoeld om initiatieven voor te bereiden, bijvoorbeeld om samenwerking tot stand te brengen, te onderzoeken welke maatregelen het meest effectief zijn, voor de financiële onderbouwing of om draagvlak te realiseren voor de uitvoering.
Als collectieve initiatieven slagen brengen ze de stad in beweging en maken ze duurzaamheid concreet. Iedereen kan zo een bijdrage leveren om de eigen omgeving te verduurzamen.
De subsidie
Voor dit jaar is € 125.000,- beschikbaar. De subsidieregeling maakt onderscheid tussen kleine aanvragen (tot € 5000,-) en grote aanvragen (tot 15.000,-).
U kunt bijvoorbeeld denken aan het voorbereiden van een gemeenschappelijke, decentrale energievoorziening (zon, warmte) in een buurt of het realiseren van het principe 'Afval is grondstof' op een bedrijventerrein. Initiatieven die zich alleen richten op onderzoek en het verwerven van kennis komen niet voor subsidie in aanmerking.
Wilt u een mogelijke aanvraag bespreken? Stuur dan een mail naar <>.
PS You might like to see the new technique I have invented. It is perfectly suited for the circular economy and is part of a large business concept that I would like to discuss with you.
Hi Sladjana,
I have a business concept for Amsterdam that meets several of its stated needs.
My name is Jim Bowes. I helped establish the natural-media industry when I started my company in Amsterdam called GreenGraffiti. We created sustainable outdoor advertising using water, sand, grass, moss, milk, chalk and clay paint. We won the Amsterdam Nieuwe West Dam Prijs, were named the 53rd most innovative MKB and received world wide brand exposure appearing on both Fox and ABC news and featured in the New York Times not to mention many Dutch media channels. However, what we did was so new it bumped up against old rules and though for 7 years gementen were our largest client group providing 20% of our business (total revenue generated 1.4 million euro) our industry which has now grown to over 100 companies world-wide, 15 in the Netherlands, was left in a grey legal zone. I have since declared bankruptcy in much part due to the unclarity of the laws and my desire to respect the laws of this wonder country. But I am not giving up! I still beleive deeply in natural-media.
I recently have learned the Amsterdam has decided to ban this very innovative and sustainable form of outdoor communication while continuing to let the very unsustainable large media companies operate freely.
Amsterdam will allow what it now calls "green graffiti" (that's right our name has become a sort name) to be used for it's communication purposes. I guess what is good enough for Amsterdam is not good enough for businesses.
I am an industry expert and pioneer. I have learned a lot from the mistakes I made and I see a great opportunity to pivot and restart. My company will be a social enterprise with the purpose of creating well paying low, skilled jobs while reducing the impact of advertising on our environment.
Here is a link to my TedX talk. It was the dream then and the core theme which is that our undervalued public space is a huge untapped public asset.
TedX Warwick (UK)
However, I am not sure I will be allowed by Amsterdam to start a new business because I still have a personal debt from GreenGraffiti (I had to sign for growth capital personally because the Netherlands was not willing to make a decision as to the legality of our business model). We had over 800 requests for international licensing partners, expanded into 22 countries and produced over 650 campaigns. Companies want to use this form of media but governments are standing in the way though it is allowed in France and tolerated in others. Therefore, I do not want to waste you valuable time discussing a great idea that will not be allowed to be fulfilled. I will not stop but I do understand it might put you in an awkward position. That would not be good.
Warmest regards,