Daily webinars during EU Sustainable Energy Week

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The My Smart City District cluster of 25 cities in 13 countries is putting on a series of online seminars – the Lunch Academy – set to take place 11:30-12:15 every day of the EU Sustainable Energy week 13-17 June. And all for free! On the MSCD Lunch Academy menu, you’ll see five topics about which international projects will deliver their own real-world insights and key tips challenged and enhanced by an expert commentator.

Programme- FINANCE: Monday 13 June. Economic aspects of retrofitting, balancing limited financial resources and how to produce replicable models with examples from ZenN, EU-GUGLE & expert input from CITYnvest/ Climate Alliance

  • CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT: Tuesday 14 June. A valuable opportunity to learn more about linking smart cities with smart citizens with input from CITyFiED,CITY-ZEN and expert commentator EngageCitizen
  • RETROFITTING: Wednesday 15 June. Designing, implementing and ultimately delivering smart retrofitting at district level courtesy of CITY-ZEN, R2CITIES, and invited experts of ECTP
  • DISTRICT HEATING & COOLING: Thursday 16 June. A seminar on district heating and cooling solutions for the future with examples from READY,CELSIUS and expert challenger from EuroHeat & Power
  • REPLICATING @ SCALE: Friday 17 June. How to get cities smarter and more energy efficient faster, with less risk: replication and achieving scale in smart cities with SINFONIA, CITyFiED, and invited experts of BPIE

