Labour Games Game Jam

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Work together with interdisicplinairy on and offline games for your future jobs

Do you have an idea for a smart labour solution? Always wanted to work on a board game or an online game? Labour Games Game Jam is looking for you!

How can we think about labour and the possibilities of the market in a creative and fun way? What kind of games can we create to map failures and successes on our way to the marketplace and ease the road for others? Together we will discuss challenges and opportunities and think of new ways to tackle those through gameplay, creating games or playable prototypes. Let us inspire you with inspirational talks, great food and a good crowd.

We invite developers, designers, experts, entrepreneurs, employers, jobseekers and everyone who wants to join us in creating games that give us new insights.

When and where?
Gamejam Labourgames will take place on November 23 and 24 at Refugee Company from 10:00 tot 17:00 at Wenckebachweg 48 Amsterdam.

Will you join us? Please register here or send an email to corline(at)
Deadline to apply: November 14

The Labourgames game jam is a collaboration between Open State Foundation, University of Amsterdam, USG people and game developers to create games exploring how playful design and data analyses can help people find their way on the labour market and part of the European program Labourgames.

