OPTICITIES Urban ITS Study Visit Birmingham - 8 July 2016

Following the successful OPTICITIES study visits and tutorial sessions in Bordeaux, Lyon, Madrid and Glasgow, registration for the study visit of 8 July in Birmingham is now open via http://bit.ly/1UARS21

The event is organised at the Innovation Birmingham Campus and will combine expert presentations and live demonstrations focusing on innovative urban ITS services:

* Introduction to OPTICITIES project
* Transport policy: Birmingham Connected / WMCA
* Data management / open data platform / Multimodal datasets / Potential for C-ITS
* Use of traffic prediction in OCR
* Freight journey time reliability and driver assist services

The study visit is limited to 35 persons. Registration is mandatory and participation is free of charge. City delegates could get EUROCITIES support for their travel costs, please contact the Eurocities contact person in your municipality for that. Please register as soon as possible and before 1st July 2016.

Cities that are interested in applying for financial support through the Connecting Europe Facility in order to introduce the OPTICITIES multimodal dataset and open ITS architecture are invited to sign the New Mobility Services Memorandum http://bit.ly/1MiTJuy published by the Smart Cities Action Cluster on Urban Mobility.

By signing up for the OPTICITIES Stakeholder Platform - http://www.opticities.com/stakeholder-forum/online-forum - you can download our latest technical reports and deployment guidelines on multimodal data integration in large cities, road works data collection, contractual arrangements between public and private stakeholders, Multimodal Urban Mobility Database model and architecture, assessment methodology for Transport policies in urban areas and more.


