Motivating people to engage with more pro-environmental behaviour....anyone with any infomation/opinion on this?

I am a masters student studying at Abersytwyth University in Wales. My dissertation research is investigating how motivational theory and personal motivation can be used to encourage more significant levels of pro-environmental behavior.

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If anyone has any information, thoughts or opinions on the subject they would be willing to share please don't hesitate to contact me via email (



Rebecca Yates's picture
Rebecca Yates

Thankyou very much, that should be really useful. Much appreicated!!

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture
Annelies Van der Stoep

Hi Rebecca,

In City-zen (search on the projects page with this term or check out TU Delft is researching societal acceptance of innovation and sustainability. You're welcome to contact Rick Fransman to learn more. He might be able to share some intermediate results with you. Good luck with your research!
