Opportunity to run a pilot project with Shell Ventures

Hi! I am looking for startups active in the energy sector for a business opportunity to run a pilot project with Shell Ventures or to enter the Game Changer programme.

Together with Get in the Ring, Rockstart and YES!Delft, Shell is looking for startups and scaleups active in the energy transition. The goal of the New Energy Challenge is to help support the transition to an energy economy with a lower use of hydrocarbon by working together with innovative companies active in this field.

Over the coming decades, the world will need much more energy to meet the growing demand, to enable a decent quality of life for people across the globe. However, we also need to produce all that energy while emitting less CO2. Our industry could play a crucial role in powering this progress. Therefore, we need to accelerate new business models and enable new innovative technologies. We invite start-ups and scale-ups to present us their ideas and –if there is a match- we want to work together with the companies with the most promising initiatives.

You can find more info at: https://getinthering.co/nec/ or give me a call at 0646081753. Let me know if you need more info!


Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

Hi Jorinde, how is the Game Changer programme going? Did you found some relevant startups?

Cornelia Dinca's picture
Cornelia Dinca

Hi Jorinde, perhaps you can connect with the energy startups selected in the recent Academic Startup Competition http://academicstartupcompetition.nl
@jarhalevi @melchiorkanyemesha1 @florijndegraaf @adriaanvaneck @tomvanarman @evabandelj @joostbrinkman @salehmohammadi -- maybe this opportunity is of interest to you or your network?
