suggestions on how smart cities can be made more sustainable?

I'm doing a summer project with Sterlite (power transmission infrastructure and telecom cables company) in India on smart cities.

I'm doing a summer project with Sterlite (power transmission infrastructure and telecom cables company) in India on smart cities. Sterlite telecom division also won the smart city bid to build 2 of the 3 cities in India that asked for proposals. I am working with the power division and my project is to identify best practices, technologies and challenges with regard to smart cities, especially with a focus on power infrastructure.

Currently, smart cities concept is focused more on using new technology & developing ICT infrastructure rather than making cities sustainable and livable. I am trying to figure out how smart city solutions could be focused more on sustainability and apply the insights to develop solutions focused on sustainability.

Does anyone have suggestions on how smart cities can be made more sustainable?



Dear Ram,
I work for Alliander Sustainable Area Development and we are specialized in the
development of infrastructures for the transportation of sustainable local energy. This includes heat, cold and steam networks, biogas and CO2 pipelines, energy exchange and energy storage. You might be interested specifically in our 3D 'decision-making' solution HEAT ( If you would like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Bram Sieben

Dear Ram,
In response to your question perhaps it is worthwhile to look at our website of Alliander ( to find some great examples related to smart cities and the power infrastructure. Another example could be, integrating Demand Response and Decentral flexibility in the existing energy syste. Furthermore, there are many examples of companies looking at energy efficiency throughout the whole value chain, within for example buildings, electrification of pulbic transport and/or city logistics, charging EV's, all different topics within Smart City scope. If you have further questions, please let us know (but perhaps a bit more detailed/specific?)?

Ram Chaitanya's picture
Ram Chaitanya

Thank you for your suggestions, Nancy. I am looking at it mostly from an energy perspective. Do you have any recommendations on hat are the different things that can be done to improve energy efficiency apart from building a smart grid?

Also, in Amsterdam, is there any company that provides end to end energy management solutions for smart cities?
