Rolinka Kok


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Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

TOMAS CONNECT#4: Invest in the local tech talent pipeline

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Have you been in a room where all the possible solutions to your recruitment and CSR needs are in one place, tailored to your company?

Whether you are looking to hire juniors (software engineers, data scientists, security specialists etc), diversify your recruitment pipeline, upskill your employees or you are at the stage where you would like to contribute to solving talent and skills shortages, TOMAS will make sure you find your answers.

There are 69 ways in the region of Amsterdam to benefit from the local tech talent ecosystem. Finding the right talent, project or partner is time and resource consuming. TOMAS creates opportunities for businesses to meet the key educators, programs and projects that fuel the ecosystem with (diverse) tech talents.
Within 2.5 hours you will get the most recent picture of the local talent development ecosystem, have the opportunity to pitch your needs to a wide range of (pre-selected) talent development initiatives, engage in the strategic discussion and have 1-on-1 matchmaking with the local heroes.

Some of the TOMAS initiatives: Codam, Techgrounds, DeeploAI, Codaisseur, Equals, Make IT Work, Hack Your Future, Techionista, BIT, Code to Change, Iron Hack, TechMeUp, HelloMentor

Rolinka Kok's picture Meet-up on Oct 7th
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Life Sciences Café: Biotech Booster en Neogene

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The Life Sciences Café is back! Organised by Amsterdam Economic Board and EY. The theme of this edition is the valorisation of biotech ideas and technology, entrepreneurship and biotech innovation ecosystems and scaling up from a life sciences startup to scale-up.

Dr. Sanne Weijzen, VP Corporate Strategy at Neogene Therapeutics, talks about the growth of this American/Dutch biotech scale-up. Prof. Davide Iannuzzi, Chief Impact Officer of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam), will update you on the Biotech Booster program that was recently awarded 250 million euros in funding by the Groeifonds.

Rolinka Kok's picture Meet-up on Oct 4th
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

TOMAS CONNECT #1: Diversity in my tech team

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Diversity & Inclusion has become a key objective for successful businesses of today. Companies are facing multiple challenges implementing diversity strategies in their daily operations and culture. Where can I find tech talent from diverse backgrounds? Who is working on making the local talent pool more diverse? How can I find a partner that meets my needs?

TOMAS Connect #1 is an interactive matchmaking between companies and a number of talent development initiatives in the Amsterdam region that stimulate diversity and inclusion in tech.

In just 1,5 hours, you will meet the key educators, initiatives and programs that have a proven track record in contributing to the tech sector and could therefore help you diversify your hiring pipeline. Take the opportunity to learn what’s out there, how they can help you and what you can do to support them.
* Ecosystem overview: who is working on diversity and inclusion in talent development?
* Pitches: meet 8 different initiatives
* Breakout areas: connect & ask questions

Rolinka Kok's picture Online event on Apr 14th
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Digitalisering in de stadslogistiek - GDZES in de MRA Meet-up#6

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Op dinsdag 23 maart organiseren we de Green Deal ZES MRA Meetup #6 en zetten we samen vervolgstappen op weg naar slimme en schone stadslogistiek in de regio in 2025. Deze keer staat digitalisering in de stadslogistiek centraal. Of je nu actief bent als verlader, logistiek dienstverlener, voertuigproducent, ontwikkelaar van logistieke concepten, onderzoeker of beleidsambtenaar; om digitalisering van de stadslogistiek kunnen we niet langer heen!

Het belooft een interessant programma te worden waarin we opnieuw kennis en ervaring kunnen delen, we van elkaar kunnen leren en we je een netwerk bieden om nieuwe coalities te smeden.

Vraagstukken die in elk geval aan de orde komen, zijn:

  • Hoe kunnen we door digitalisering in de stadslogistiek de doorstroming van voertuigen optimaliseren?
  • Hoe kunnen we de stadslogistiek slim en duurzaam inrichten door vracht(data) onderling uit te wisselen?

Deze vraagstukken en mogelijke oplossingsrichtingen zullen worden ingeleid door Walther Ploos van Amstel, lector City Logistics aan de HvA.

Rolinka Kok's picture Meet-up on Mar 23rd
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Event report: State of the Region AMA

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The ambition is clear: the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area must become a high-class region. How? ‘Only together'

Rolinka Kok's picture #Citizens&Living
Rolinka Kok, Event Manager at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Slim, groen en gezond: Een verantwoorde digitale stad – van èn voor iedereen

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Samen met partners uit de regio heeft de Board het manifest ‘Tada – duidelijk over data’ opgesteld, met daarin de belangrijkste uitgangspunten voor een digitaal verantwoorde stad. Met deze bijeenkomst willen wij het manifest een stap verder brengen. Hoe kun jij binnen je organisatie deze waarden consequent toepassen en écht bewust omgaan met data?

Rolinka Kok's picture Event on May 29th