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Zero Emission Urban Logistics Challenge
From January 1 2025, a zero-emission zone will be introduced in the centre of Amsterdam, with the aim of improving air quality and making the city healthier and more liveable. This policy helps achieve climate goals and supports the ambition of becoming climate neutral by 2050. It encourages zero-emission urban logistics, which contributes to reduced pollution, noise, and traffic congestion. And cleaner air also has positive effects on the health and well-being of residents. With this initiative, Amsterdam - and other Dutch cities implementing such zones this year - aim to set an example for other cities and stimulate innovation in sustainable mobility. The so-called "zero-emission zone" is therefore an essential measure in the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable city.
This transition will only succeed through collaboration. Therefore, considerable attention is being paid to the experiences and needs of small business owners in the city. Think of; market vendors, house painters, and local greengrocers. What kind of support do they need to transition to zero-emission vehicles, and how do entrepreneurs creatively adapt to the transition and new rules? Other cities and municipalities are closely observing and there is a strong need for knowledge sharing. It is important that the experiences and lessons learned from Amsterdam, as one of the pioneers, are well-documented and shared on a national and international scale.
Smart City Expo World Congress | Barcelona 2024 | Personal highlights
In early November, I travelled to Barcelona for the third time to attend the Smart City Expo World Congress. Together with the Amsterdam InChange Team, some of our network partners, and the Dutch delegation, we put together a strong content-focused programme, gained inspiration, and strengthened both international and national connections. In this article, I’ll briefly share some of my personal highlights from this trip.
International Delegations: Building International Connections and Knowledge Exchange at the Expo
During the congress, I organised several guided visits from the Dutch Pavilion in collaboration with the DMI-Ecosystem. The aim of these visits was to connect the Dutch delegation with international colleagues and facilitate knowledge exchange. At the busy expo, full of companies, cities, regions, and conference stages, it’s really appreciated to join planned meetings on specific themes. It’s also a great chance to meet many international representatives in just a few days, since everyone is in the same place at the same time.
We visited and connected with the pavilions of EIT Urban Mobility, Forum Virium (Helsinki), the European Commission, and Catalonian innovations. Topics such as The Future of Mobility, Digital Twins, and Net Zero Cities were central to the discussions. It was a good opportunity to strengthen existing networks and establish new connections. For myself, for Amsterdam InChange, and for the participants joining the meetings.
A few aspects of the visits particularly stood out to me. At Forum Virium Helsinki we met with Timo Sillander and Jaana Halonen. I was impressed by their work with Digital Twins. They focus not only on the technology itself and the efficiency of urban systems, but also on the social dimensions a digital simulation can play into. Think of; unequal distributions of risks related to climate change and extreme weather conditions.
I also appreciated the efforts of the European Commission. They are working to make it easier to navigate research topics, funding opportunities, and findings related to themes like energy-neutral cities. With their new marketplace, there is more focus on small and medium-sized cities across Europe, helping them to benefit from innovations that are often developed in larger urban areas.
Collaborating Internationally on a Regional Challenge: Zero-Emission Zones and City Logistics
On Tuesday, my colleague Chris and I organised a session on zero-emission city logistics. We brought together representatives from Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Munich, and EIT Urban Mobility, as well as the Dutch municipalities of Haarlemmermeer and Amsterdam.
The session built on connections we made during other events on Sunday and Monday, bringing together an international group of stakeholders interested in this topic. During the discussion, we compared how different cities are approaching zero-emission zones and identified shared challenges, particularly in policymaking and working with logistics companies and local entrepreneurs.
It was interesting to see how this topic lends itself so well to international comparison and exchange. For instance, while Amsterdam will be one of the first to implement a strict ZE zone in the city centre, other cities are already ahead in areas like charging infrastructure and the transition to cargo bikes. The group was eager to keep the discussion going, and we’re already planning a follow-up online meeting to continue learning from one another.
Future-Proof Sports Fields, International Dinners, and Bicycles
Finally, a few other topics worth mentioning: I joined an international session hosted by the City of Amsterdam about future-proof sports fields. It was inspiring to reflect on the value and potential of sports fields for neighbourhoods, as well as their use as testing grounds for sustainable innovations. For me, the session reinforced how important these spaces are for local communities in cities, and sparked a new personal interest in this subject.
I also really enjoyed both our own international changemakers’ dinner and another international dinner hosted by Drees & Sommer (thanks for the invitation!). Bringing together an international network — whether as individuals or in small groups — and mixing them at the table sparked meaningful conversations that felt different from those during the formal congress sessions or workshops.
Lastly, it’s great to see more Superblocks and bicycles in the city every year! Go Barcelona!
Demoday #25: Scenarios for Smart Mobility in the Province of North Holland 2050
During our Knowledge and Demo Day on 10 October (2024), Guus Kruijssen and Rombout Huisman (Province of North Holland) led a working session on their recent scenario studies – Smart Mobility North Holland 2050. In this report, I will share the four ‘Context’ scenarios they developed, the process, and the discussions with the session participants.
Objectives of the Scenario Study
What do we actually mean by future visions and scenarios? What are the different types, and how can they be used? A discussion among the participants quickly highlighted the many different motivations, forms, and use cases. Rombout and Guus began by explaining their aim for this study.
The province of North Holland plays various roles in the field of mobility as a policymaker, road manager, and concession provider. Given the major challenges related to housing, CO2 emissions reduction, and road safety, their perspective on the future of mobility revolves around Reducing (travel), Improving (travel options), and Changing (travel behaviour). This perspective forms the basis for developing, operationalising, and maintaining their strategy – a cycle that spans approximately 50 years. However, digital developments and innovations are making the world change faster than ever, necessitating greater awareness of possible contextual changes. The key question is: how do the choices we make now relate to the different possible futures?
To explore this, a team of colleagues embarked on developing four challenging context scenarios. Working with internal and external experts, they moved from an environmental analysis and contextual factors to scenarios and strategic insights. The process and outcomes were kept administrative and had no political or policy-driven focus. The result is not a set of visions to choose from but rather a representation of various developments and challenges that may arise, to which you can assess your own projects and actions against.
The Four Scenarios
Four distinct context scenarios were developed. Here is a summary and a few key aspects of each:
- Steady Traffic (Doorgaand verkeer) A slow shift towards a green economy, benefiting only the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (MRA). The population grows to 3.7 million. Cars remain dominant, transitioning gradually to electric, but roads and trains stay congested. Digitalisation and innovation progress slowly, with limited impact on efficiency and accessibility.
- Turbulent Weather (Rukwinden) Ongoing shocks and international instability, with the US leaving NATO and significant climate change. The population increases to 3.1 million. Fuel crises accelerate electrification, but investment focuses on priorities like the navy. Technological scepticism grows due to data breaches, impacting accessibility.
- Our Own Path (Eigen weg) The Netherlands withdraws from international cooperation and leaves the EU, focusing on healthcare, circularity, and local production. The economy contracts due to trade restrictions and brain drain, and the population decreases to 2.6 million. Fewer traffic jams, but cars remain significant alongside increased regional public transport. Distrust in innovations and sustainability rises, with informal sharing preferred over commercial options.
- Transition (Overstappen) Climate change accelerates transition and AI development. The population stabilises at 3.1 million. Non-sustainable sectors disappear, and reduced traffic results from digitalisation and virtualisation. Space is primarily used for energy infrastructure, and circular processes increase. The EU and the national government push for innovations like autonomous transport and shared mobility. Ownership is limited to the wealthiest, and digital infrastructure becomes a priority.
Outcomes and Follow-Up
Rombout and Guus guided the group through the process and results of these scenario studies. We discussed the developments and contextual factors used in the study, and considered if anything was missing. They openly shared their approach and how they plan to use these insights to assess their own policies and projects, and welcomed questions and suggestions from the group. There was also room for discussing the challenges. Because, while people can easily align on scenarios, opinions can still vary greatly on how we should act on them now.
Many of our partners are already working with future visions and scenarios. See, for instance, our report on a session with trendwatchers from the Municipality of Amsterdam. The purpose, process, and impact on policy, projects, and actions vary across organisations. However, there was agreement that sharing methods and scenarios is valued, particularly in a neutral setting like our innovation network. It fosters mutual understanding and offers valuable lessons from each other's research methods and practical applications. In the coming period, we will explore how we can contribute to this in our network on various transition themes.
Would you like to know more about this study from the Province of North Holland? Feel free to send me a message, and I will connect you. Interested in brainstorming about how we can approach this more frequently or systematically within the network? Let me know at
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗦𝗥𝗗 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗽𝗮𝗱 for 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆?
A systems approach is key.
Climate transition plans that lack a systemic perspective can unintentionally shift risks, disrupt supply chains, harm human rights, or even contribute to biodiversity loss. For example, switching to a low-carbon product that requires three times more land may address your carbon goals, but jeopardize your biodiversity targets.
Without considering these interdependencies, your climate strategy may become inefficient and require reworking as new issues arise.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼👇
By addressing root causes and considering the ripple effects of climate decision-making in other areas, a systems lens ensures your plan goes beyond regulatory box-ticking.
Together, we can co-create effective action plans with your stakeholders and develop customized decision-making frameworks, accounting for material impacts on climate, nature, and people across your operations and value chain.
How? Learn how our Systemic Transition Suite can unlock your business’s full potential ⬇️
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Waag Open: Alledaags activisme
Dat we met de klimaatcrisis voor een hele grote uitdaging staan, is voor veel mensen geen nieuwe informatie. Maar waar begin je als je hier iets tegen wilt doen? Voor veel mensen voelt het als een probleem dat te groot en lastig is om zelf mee te starten.
In het boek 'Alledaags activisme: van onrust naar daadkracht in het klimaat tijdperk' biedt klimaatfilosoof en activist Chris Julien een perspectief voor precies deze worsteling in onze rol in het grote klimaatvraagstuk. Middels wetenschappelijke, filosofische en persoonlijke inzichten laat hij zien dat we veel meer kunnen dan we denken: juist in het alledaagse zitten tal van mogelijkheden voor systeemverandering. Zo kun je met goede moed vooruit in het klimaattijdperk – of dat nu is op de snelweg, in de vergaderkamer of de sportkantine (of alledrie!).
Tijdens Waag Open zal Julien met een interactieve lezing over het boek en gezamenlijk gesprek ingaan op hoe je alledaags activisme in je eigen leven kunt toepassen.
19:30 - 19:45 uur | opening |
19:45 - 21:15 uur | lezing door Chris Julien & nagesprek |
21:30 - 22:00 uur | afsluitende borrel |
Waag Open
Elke eerste donderdagavond van de maand opent Waag haar deuren! Kom langs om te discussiëren en te doen. Want we gaan niet alleen in discussie over maatschappelijke thema's en de toekomst – je leert daarnaast ook altijd iets praktisch. Iets dat je altijd al hebt willen uitproberen, zoals de 3D-printer in het FabLab, of juist iets dat je nooit had verwacht, zoals uitpluizen hoe DNA in elkaar zit in ons biotech-lab. Waag Open vindt plaats in de maakplaatsen op de eerste en tweede verdieping van het historische Waaggebouw op de Nieuwmarkt.
Mocht je krap bij kas zitten en wel graag aan dit evenement willen deelnemen, neem dan contact op met sanna [@] waag [punt] org.
Trainee Event Slimme en Schone Mobiliteit
Op woensdag 19 juni 2024 vond het trainee event Smart Mobility plaats bij AMS. Verschillende prominente organisaties waren aanwezig, waaronder de provincies Noord-Holland en Utrecht, de Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA), het MRA platform Smart Mobility, de Vervoerregio Amsterdam (VRA), en de gemeente Utrecht. Het evenement richtte zich op verschillende thema’s binnen de slimme en schone mobiliteit.
Doelen van het Evenement
Het evenement had drie hoofddoelen:
· Kennis vergaren: Inzicht krijgen in de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en uitdagingen op het gebied van slimme mobiliteit.
· Netwerken: Verbinding maken met professionals uit verschillende regio’s en sectoren.
· Teamwork: Samenwerken aan oplossingen voor actuele mobiliteitsvraagstukken.
Daniël van Motman (VRA en MRA-platform Smart Mobility)
Daniël van Motman gaf een uitgebreide presentatie over de huidige stand van zaken in de woningbouw, de schaarste aan mensen en grondstoffen, en het belang van duurzame samenwerking. Hij benadrukte dat, ondanks technologische vooruitgang, de mens nog steeds de slimste factor blijft in slimme mobiliteit.
Sander Oudbier (AMS)
Sander Oudbier presenteerde verschillende projecten die momenteel lopen binnen AMS, zoals City Flows, Smart Hubs en Code the Streets. Hij besprak ook educatieve initiatieven zoals MaaS for Elderly en het autovrije marine terrein. Een bijzonder project dat werd uitgelicht was de ontwikkeling van Roboat, dat zal worden ingezet tijdens de Olympische Spelen in Parijs. Daarnaast werd het project Digitale Regie op de Openbare Ruimte (DRO) besproken, dat de komende vijf jaar zal lopen vanuit DMI.
Pelle Menke (Amsterdam Smart City)
Pelle Menke presenteerde de thema’s mobiliteitsrechtvaardigheid en CO2-vrij reizen naar de JC ArenA. Hij benadrukte dat mobiliteit voor veel mensen moeilijker wordt en specifieke subgroepen unieke wensen hebben. Een werkgroep onderzoekt mogelijke oplossingen door kennisdeling en samenwerking met overheden. Ook werd een challenge besproken om CO2-vrij naar de JC ArenA te reizen door fiets, openbaar vervoer en deelvervoer te promoten. Samenwerking met vervoerders, evenementenorganisaties zoals Ajax, en gebiedsontwikkelaars is essentieel, evenals gedragsverandering en aanpassing van reisgewoontes.
Workshop: Crowdmanagement voor Sail 2025
De workshop werd verzorgd door Wouter en Maarten van het MRA-platform Smart Mobility.
“Hoe verzorgen we een goed crowdmanagement tijdens Sail 2025?”
De eerste stap in dit proces was het nadenken over ons eigen reisgedrag. We kregen per persoon een modaliteit aangewezen. De vraag was: als je om 12:00 op een bepaalde plek hebt afgesproken met je groep vrienden, wat heb je dan nodig om daar te komen?
Dit zorgde ervoor dat we nadachten over alle voorzieningen zoals (fiets)parkeerplekken en openbaar vervoer. Voor deze voorzieningen heb je data nodig, zoals inzicht in de beschikbaarheid van parkeerplekken en de status van het openbaar vervoer. Ook vanzelfsprekende dingen, zoals het checken van het weer met bijvoorbeeld Buienradar, zijn belangrijk omdat het weer een grote impact heeft op ons reisgedrag.
Daarna stapten wij in de rol van verkeersmanager. We bedachten welke middelen we konden inzetten om bezoekers zo goed en gemakkelijk mogelijk op hun bestemming te krijgen. We dachten aan elementen zoals éénrichtingsverkeer en het aantrekkelijker maken van het openbaar vervoer en de fiets. Dit konden we bewerkstelligen door bijvoorbeeld entertainment in het OV of het verzamelen van tokens op fietsroutes naar het evenement, die je kon inwisselen voor een gratis drankje. Ook kwamen er vragen naar voren zoals: hoe zorg je dat alles toegankelijk is voor iedereen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen met een beperking ook gemakkelijk naar het event kunnen komen? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen die niet digitaal vaardig zijn, ook alle informatie kunnen krijgen?
Wat vond ik ervan?
Al met al was ik zeer te spreken over dit evenement. Ik heb geleerd dat de wereld van slimme en schone mobiliteit zeer breed is. Er is veel werk te doen in de komende jaren om ervoor te zorgen dat we anders gaan kijken naar mobiliteit. Een belangrijk punt dat ik heb meegenomen, is de filosofie dat de mens nog steeds de slimste factor is in Smart Mobility en dat we de mens echt centraal moeten stellen. Daarnaast is het uiterst belangrijk dat we ervoor zorgen dat de wensen en behoeften van minderheidsgroepen goed worden meegenomen en dat Smart Mobility niet alleen voor de grootste groep mensen is, maar voor iedereen.
Public Mobility: an integrated vision on how public transport and shared mobility should work in Noord-Holland
News from the Province Noord-Holland, the Netherlands
Mobility is a necessity for everybody, to be able to work, shop, recreate, visit friends and family, etc. For those who cannot or do not want to use their own means of transport, the province Noord-Holland recemtly adopted a new vision on Public Mobility. This vision aims to make better and affordable public transport possible, also in small towns. How? By making it easier to switch between different modalities. And by offering sustainable, inclusive mobility without using your own means of transport. This includes trains, buses and local buses, but also shared bicycles and shared cars. The province wants public mobility to be well organized everywhere in the province. This is not about more public transport, but about better public transport. It is important that the entire (chain) journey from door to door works well, including:
the train, pre- and post-transport, shared mobility and regional public transport of the Transport Region and surrounding provinces.
Discover here how this system contributes to accessible and future-proof mobility for everyone: 👉
Or watch the animation: 👉
Innovation Dinner - Duurzaam Produceren
Hoe kun je als organisatie zo zuinig mogelijk werken met het oog op energie – en materiaalverbruik.
Hoe flexibel ben je en van welke slimme producten of diensten maak je gebruik? Tijdens dit diner laten experts zien hoe jouw organisatie sustainable wordt voor de toekomst.
Deelname aan het Innovation Dinner is kosteloos.
Meld je nu aan via onze website of mail voor meer informatie
Exploring Smart Parking Solutions in Amsterdam: The Role of Mobypark in Shaping Urban Efficiency
The quest for parking in Amsterdam presents a unique set of challenges, including narrow lanes, constant vehicular flow, and strict parking policies. This iconic city, celebrated for its canal system, historical buildings, and cultural vibrancy, also faces the modern urban dilemma of parking scarcity. Amidst these challenges, Amsterdam's approach to parking, characterized by a zonal system with variable rates, mirrors its commitment to promoting sustainable urban mobility. Within the bustling heart of the city, parking fees can soar to €7.50 per hour, a pricing strategy designed to incentivize public transport and biking, cherished and eco-friendly travel methods among the locals.
Amsterdam's dynamic parking strategy also paves the way for innovative solutions like Mobypark, a platform revolutionizing parking by facilitating the rental of private parking spots. This initiative not only offers a cost-effective alternative to the traditional parking hunt but also optimizes the use of existing spaces, aligning with the city's sustainability goals.
For those seeking affordability without sacrificing convenience, Amsterdam's Park and Ride (P+R) facilities serve as a beacon. Strategically located at the city's periphery, these parking havens offer reduced rates, encouraging drivers to park their vehicles and hop on public transport to reach the city's core. This system significantly mitigates urban congestion and lowers parking costs for both tourists and daily commuters.
The allure of P+R locations is undeniable, especially when juxtaposed with the exorbitant costs of street parking. To access P+R discounts, users must integrate their parking with public transportation, highlighting the city's efforts to weave sustainability into the fabric of urban travel. Mobypark's P+R options stand out for their simplicity and affordability, offering seamless access to the city center without the usual prerequisites. Examples include:
Amsterdam's strategy to curtail on-street parking availability is a deliberate move towards fostering a more sustainable, pleasant cityscape. By endorsing alternatives like public transport, cycling, and Mobypark's innovative parking solutions, Amsterdam is making strides in reducing traffic jams, cutting down on pollution, and improving urban life quality. These initiatives are testament to Amsterdam's dedication to a sustainable future, highlighting Mobypark's pivotal role in transforming the city into a smarter, more navigable urban space.
Find a link to Mobypark here: Amsterdam parking
Open evenementen voor het testen van innovatie [Innovation wanted!]
Evenementen in de stad willen we verder verduurzamen en toegankelijker maken. Vaak vinden evenementen plaats op centrale plekken waar mensen bij elkaar komen en waar veel afval, drinkwater en consumptievoorzieningen zijn. Dit zijn goede plekken om nieuwe innovaties te testen en verder te ontwikkelen. Tot 29 februari kunnen ondernemers zich inschrijven om hun innovatie te testen via het In Residence programma Open Evenementen.
In Residence programma
Innovatieve ondernemers kunnen zich inschrijven voor het In Residence programma van het stedelijk innovatieteam, waarin open evenementen in Amsterdam worden ingezet voor het testen van innovaties. Het doel van dit programma is om kennis te ontwikkelen voor zowel het verduurzamen van evenementen, als voor het vinden van praktische oplossingen voor een toekomstbestendige stad.
Geselecteerde ondernemers krijgen daarbij professionele begeleiding bij het verder ontwikkelen van hun innovatie en de mogelijkheid samen te werken met ambtenaren en evenementenorganisatoren. Voor het testen van hun innovatie krijgen ondernemers een budget tot €15.000,- toegewezen. Het programma duurt 6 maanden, van mei tot en met oktober 2024. Op 26 april worden de 8 ondernemers bekend gemaakt die dit jaar aan het programma mee zullen doen.
Het In Residence programma Open Evenementen vindt plaats in aanloop naar het jubileumjaar 2025 – het jaar van Amsterdam 750 en SAIL – dat groots gevierd zal worden in de hele stad. Innovaties die de komende tijd op evenementen worden getest en door ontwikkeld kunnen mogelijk een rol hebben tijdens de grootschalige evenementen die dat jaar plaatsvinden.
Evenementen als proeftuin
Meerdere grote evenementen nemen deel aan het programma. De organisaties van onder andere Pride en de Marathon bieden geselecteerde ondernemers mogelijkheden om innovaties op thema’s als duurzaamheid, circulair, mobiliteit, inclusie en toegankelijkheid te testen tijdens deze evenementen. Kansrijke innovaties krijgen hierdoor de mogelijkheid om door te ontwikkelen en een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan de opgaven van de stad.
Innovatieve ondernemers kunnen innovaties opgeven binnen de volgende thema's:
- Voedsel
- Circulaire materialen
- Circulaire verpakkingen
- Mobiliteit
- Inclusiviteit en toegankelijkheid
- Extreem weer
- Digitale veiligheid
Er is ook een wildcard voor een kansrijke innovatie die buiten deze categorieën valt.
De Inschrijving verloopt via: en sluit op 29 februari.
Meer informatie over hoe wij samenwerken met ondernemers vind je Op 6 en 8 februari vinden er twee informatiewebinars plaats waarin meer verteld zal worden over het In Residence programma en de selectieprocedure. Ook is er dan ruimte om vragen te stellen.
The Netherlands: country of cars and cows
Last months, 25 facets of the quality of streets, neighbourhoods and cities have been discussed on this spot. But what are the next steps? How urgent is improvement of the quality of the living environment actually?
I fear that the quality of the living environment has been going in the wrong direction for at least half a century and in two respects:
Country of cars
Firstly, the car came to play an increasingly dominant role during that period. Step by step, choices have been made that make traveling by car easier and this has had far-reaching consequences for nature, air quality, climate and environmental planning. Our living environment is designed based on the use of the car instead of what is ecologically possible and desirable for our health. At the same time, public transport is rarely a good alternative, in terms of travel time, costs and punctuality.
Country of cows
A second structural damage to the quality of the living environment comes from the agro-industry. About one half of the surface of our country is intended for cows. These cows make an important contribution to greenhouse gas emissions that further destroy the remaining nature. But this form of land use also leads to inefficient food production, which also results in health problems.
In the next months I will explore two themes: 'Are 'self-driving' cars advantageous ' and the 'The merits of the 15-minute city'. These themes are case studies regarding the quality of the living environment and in both cases mobility and nature play an important role.
After the publication of these two miniseries with zeven posts each, the frequency of my posts on this site will decrease, although I will continue to draw attention on the fundamental choices we have to make regarding environmental issues.
Meanwhile, I started a new blog 'Expeditie Muziek' (in Dutch). I have always neglected my love for music and I am making up for it now. I think readers who love music will enjoy my posts in which pieces of text alternate with YouTube videos as much as I enjoy writing them.
Curious? Visit the link below
22. Nature, never far away
This is the 22st episode of a series 25 building blocks to create better streets, neighbourhoods, and cities. Its topic is the way how the quality of the living environment benefits from reducing the contrast between urban and rural areas.
Photos from space show a sharp contrast between city and countryside. Urban areas are predominantly gray; rural areas turn green, yellow, and brown, but sharp contrasts are also visible within cities between densely built-up neighborhoods and parks. Even between neighborhoods there are sometimes sharp transitions.
The division between city and country
Large and medium-sized cities on the one hand and rural areas on the other are worlds apart in many respects and local government in municipalities would like to keep it that way. For a balanced development of urban and rural areas, it is much better if mutual cohesion is emphasized, that their development takes place from a single spatial vision and (administrative) organization and that there are smooth transitions between both. The biggest mistake one can made is regarding the contrast between city and country as a contradiction between city and nature. Where large-scale agriculture predominates in the rural area, the remaining nature has a hard time. Where nature-inclusive construction takes place in cities, biodiversity is visibly increasing.
The idea that urban and rural areas should interpenetrate each other is not new. At the time, in Amsterdam it was decided to retain several wedges and to build garden villages. Some of the images in the above collage show such smooth transitions between urban and rural areas: Eko Park, Sweden (top right), Abuja, Nigeria (bottom left), and Xion'an, China (bottom center). The latter two are designs by SOM, an international urban design agency that focuses on biophilic designs.
Pulling nature into the city
Marian Stuiver is program leader Green Cities of Wageningen Environmental Research at WUR. In her just-released book The Symbiotic City, she describes the need to re-embed cities in soil, water and living organisms. An interesting example is a design by two of her students, Piels and Çiftçi, for the urban expansion of Lelystad. The surrounding nature continues into the built-up area: soil and existing waterways are leading; buildings have been adapted accordingly. Passages for animals run between and under the houses (see photo collage, top left). Others speak of rewilding. In this context, there is no objection to a small part of the countryside being given a residential destination. Nature benefits!
Restoration of the rural area
The threat to nature does not come from urban expansion in the first place, but mainly from the expansion of the agricultural area. Don't just think immediately of the clearing of tropical rain woods to produce palm oil. About half of the Dutch land area is intended for cows. Usually, most of them are stabled and the land is mainly used to produce animal feed.
The development of large-scale industrialized agriculture has led to the disappearance of most small landscape features, one of the causes of declining biodiversity. Part of the Climate Agreement on 28 June 2019 was the intention to draw up the Aanvalsplan landschapselementen . Many over-fertilized meadows and fields that are intended to produce animal feed in the Netherlands were once valuable nature reserves. Today they value from a biodiversity point of view is restricted and they are a source of greenhouse gases. Nature restoration is therefore not primarily focusses at increasing the wooded area. Most of the land can continue to be used for agricultural and livestock farming, provided that it is operated in a nature-inclusive manner. The number of farmers will then increase rather than decrease.
Pulling the city into nature
There are no objections against densification of the city as long this respects the green area within the city. So-called vertical forests by no means make up for the loss of greenery. Moreover, space is needed for urban agriculture and horticulture (photo collage, top center), offices, crafts, and clean industry as part of the pursuit of complete districts. Nature in the Netherlands benefits if one to two percent of the land that is currently used to produce animal feed is used for housing, embedded in a green-blue infrastructure. Some expansion and densification also apply to villages, which as a result are once again developing support for the facilities, they saw disappearing in recent decades.
Finally, I mentioned earlier that nature is more than water, soils, plants, and trees. Biophilic architects also draw nature into the built environment by incorporating analogies with natural forms into the design and using natural processes for cooling and healthy air. The 'Zandkasteel' in Amsterdam is still an iconic example (photo collage, bottom right).
Follow the link below to find an overview of all articles.
17. A sociable inclusive neighborhood
This is the 17th episode of a series 25 building blocks to create better streets, neighbourhoods, and cities. This post is about the contributions of sociability and inclusivity to the quality of the living environment.
Almost everyone who is going to move looks forward with some trepidation to who the neighbors will be. This post is about similarities and differences between residents as the basis for a sociable end inclusive neighborhood.
"Our kind of people"
The question 'what do you hope your neighbors are' is often answered spontaneously with 'our kind of people'. There is a practical side to this: a family with children hopes for a family with playmates of about the same age. But also, that the neighbors are not too noisy, that they are in for a pleasant contact or for making practical arrangements, bearing in mind the principle 'a good neighbor is better than a distant friend'. A person with poor understanding often interprets 'our kind of people' as people with the same income, religion, ethnic or cultural background. That doesn't have to be the case. On the other hand, nothing is wrong if people with similar identities seeking each other's proximity on a small scale.
All kinds of people
A certain homogeneity among the immediate neighbours, say those in the same building block, can go hand in hand with a greater variety at the neighbourhood level in terms of lifestyle, ethnic or cultural background, age, and capacity. This variety is a prerequisite for the growth of inclusiveness. Not everyone will interact with everyone, but diversity in ideas, interests and capacities can come in handy when organizing joint activities at neighborhood and district level.
Variation in living and living arrangements
The presence of a variety in lifestyles and living arrangements can be inspiring. For example, cohousing projects sometimes have facilities such as a fitness center or a restaurant that are accessible to other residents in the neighbourhood. The same applies to a cohabitation project for the elderly. But it is also conceivable that there is a project in the area for assisted living for (former) drug addicts or former homeless people. The Actieagenda Wonen “Samen werken aan goed wonen” (2021) provides examples of the new mantra 'the inclusive neighbourhood'. It is a hopeful story in a dossier in which misery predominates. The Majella Wonen project in Utrecht appealed to me: Two post-war apartment complexes have been converted into a place where former homeless people and 'regular' tenants have developed a close-knit community. It benefits everyone if the residents of these types of projects are accepted in the neighborhood and invited to participate.
Consultation between neighbours
It remains important that residents as early as possible discuss agreements about how the shared part of life can be made as pleasant as possible. This is best done through varying combinations of informal neighborhood representatives who discuss current affairs with their immediate neighbours. A Whatsapp group is indispensable.
Mixing income groups is also desirable, especially if the differences in housing and garden size are not too great. It does not work if the impression of a kind of 'gold coast' is created.
If functions are mixed and there are also offices and other forms of activity in a neighborhood, it is desirable that employees also integrate. This will almost happen automatically if there is a community center with catering.
Most of what is mentioned above, cannot be planned, but a dose of goodwill on the part of all those involved contributes to the best quality of living together.
Follow the link below to find an overview of all articles.
11. Nature inclusivity
This is the 11th episode of a series 25 building blocks to create better streets, neighbourhoods, and cities. In this post, I wonder whether nature itself can tackle the environmental problems that humans have caused.
Ecosystem services
According to environmental scientists, ecosystems are providers of services. They are divided into production services (such as clean drinking water, wood, and biomass), regulating services (such as pollination, soil fertility, water storage, cooling, and stress reduction) and cultural services (such as recreation, and natural beauty). In case of nature-inclusive solutions ecosystems are co-managed to restore the quality of life on the earth in the short term and to maintain it in the long term, insofar as that is still possible.
The green-blue infrastructure
The meaning of urban green can best be seen in conjunction with that of water, hence the term green-blue infrastructure. Its importance is at least fourfold: (1) it is the source of all life, (2) it contributes substantially to the capture and storage of CO2, (3) 'green' has a positive impact on well-being and health; (4) it improves water management. This post is mainly about the third aspect. The fourth will be discussed in the next post. 'Green' has many forms, from sidewalk gardens to trees in the street or vegetated facades to small and large parks (see collage above).
Improving air quality
Trees and plants help to filter the water itself. They have a significant role to play in managing water and air pollution. Conifers capture particulate matter. However, the extent to which this occurs is less than is necessary to have a significant impact on health. Particulate matter contributes to a wide range of ailments. Like infections of the respiratory system and cardiovascular disease, but also cancer and possibly diabetes.
Countering heat stress
Heat stress arises because of high temperature and humidity. The wind speed and the radiation temperature also play a role. When the crowns of trees cover 20% of the surface of an area, the air temperature decreases by 0.3oC during the day. However, this relatively small decrease already leads to a 10% reduction in deaths. Often 40% crown area over a larger area is considered as an optimum.
Reduce mental stress and improve mood
According to Arbo Nederland, 21% of the number of absenteeism days is stress-related, which means approximately a €3 billion damage. A short-term effect of contact with nature on stress, concentration and internal tranquility has been conclusively demonstrated. The impact of distributing greenery within the residential environment is larger than a concentrated facility, such as a park, has.
Strengthening immune function via microbiome
The total amount of greenery in and around the house influences the nature and quantity of the bacteria present. This green would have a positive effect on the intestinal flora of those who are in its vicinity and therefore also on their immune function. The empirical support for this mechanism is still rather limited.
Stimulate physical activity
The impact of physical activity on health has been widely demonstrated. The Health Council therefore advises adults to exercise at least 2½ hours a week. The presence of a green area of at least ¼ hectare at 300 meters from the home is resulting more physical activity of adults in such areas, but not to more activity as a whole.
Promoting social contact
Well-designed green areas near the living environment invite social contacts. For instance, placement of benches, overview of the surroundings and absence of traffic noise. The state of maintenance are important: people tend to avoid neglected and polluted areas of public space, no matter how green.
Noise reduction
Vegetation dampens noise to some extent, but it is more important that residents of houses with a green environment experience noise as less of a nuisance. It is assumed that this is due to a mechanism already discussed, namely the improvement of stress resistance because of the greenery present.
Biophilic construction
For years buildings made people sic. A growing number of architects want to enhance the effect of 'green' on human health by integrating it into the design of houses and buildings and the materials used. This is the case if it is ensured that trees and plants can be observed permanently. But also, analogies with natural forms in the design of a building
The 'Zandkasteel', the former headquarters of the Nederlandse Middenstandsbank in Amsterdam, designed by the architects Ton Alberts and Max van Huut, is organically designed both inside and outside, inspired by the anthroposophical ideas of Rudolf Steiner. The (internal) water features are storage for rainwater and the climate control is completely natural. The building has been repurposed for apartments, offices and restaurants.
Green gentrification
Worldwide, there is a direct correlation between the amount of greenery in a neighborhood and the income of its residents. Conversely, we see that poorer neighborhoods where new green elements are added fall victim to green gentrification over time and that wealthier housing seekers displace the original residents.
The challenge facing city councils is to develop green and fair districts where gentrification is halted and where poorer residents can stay. Greening in poor communities must therefore be accompanied by measures that respect the residential rights and aim at improving the socio-economic position of the residents.
Follow the link below to find an overview of all articles.
Forum The Mobility Sphere | October 4, Amsterdam
The Mobility Sphere Forum is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam on October 4th, 2023 - a gathering of high-level experts across the public and private sectors aimed at rethinking mobility to disrupt the status quo, foster new perspectives, and craft innovative solutions.
Created in 2023, The Mobility Sphere by Transdev is a European think tank aimed at envisioning and providing a comprehensive outlook on the future of mobility. Our approach to mobility is firmly rooted in the concept of transition — whether environmental, social, economic, or territorial. We champion mobility as the cornerstone of inclusive, sustainable, and resilient cities and society.
Centered around the theme ‘Decarbonized mobility, mobility for all: transforming the way we move’, the upcoming Forum will gather approximately 100 mobility stakeholders from various European countries (France, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, etc.) for a half-day in the heart of Amsterdam. The discussion will be moderated in English by François Gemenne, Scientific Advisor of The Mobility Sphere.
Panel 1 - Desirable and decarbonized mobility: How to anticipate and adapt to uses?
- Karima Delli, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (EU)
- Katarína Cséfalvayová, Director of the Institute for Central Europe & Executive Lead of the Danube Tech Valley Initiative, Former Member of Parliament (Slovakia)
- Zeina Nazer, Co-Founder of Cities Forum (United Kingdom)
Panel 2 - Desirable mobility for all: How to foster an inclusive shift towards decarbonization?
- Charlotte Halpern, Researcher at Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (France)
- Madeleine Masse, Architect Urban Planner, Founding President of Atelier SOIL (France)
- Brian Caulfield, Professor in Transportation & Head of Department at Trinity College Dublin, Expert to the Irish National Transport Authority (Ireland)
Three keynotes:
- Antoine Grange, CEO Europe of Transdev, Chairman of The Mobility Sphere
- Elke Van den Brandt, Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Mobility, Public Works and Road Safety (Belgium)
- Samah Karaki, Neuroscientist – Transitioning towards Sustainable Mobility: Cognitive Biases and the Impact of Social Environment.
To find out more about the forum and the programme, follow this link.
Places at the forum are limited, you can register by sending an e-mail before 25 September 2023 to
Evenement: Unesco Werelderfgoed & Klimaat
Werelderfgoed & Klimaat
Ook wel eens gedroomd van zwemmen met schildpadden op de Galápagoseilanden? Of van een tripje naar Yellowstone? Overal in de wereld is prachtig Werelderfgoed te zien, maar reizen daarnaartoe heeft een keerzijde. De klimaatcrisis zorgt ervoor dat ook Werelderfgoed het steeds lastiger te verduren krijgt. Kijk bijvoorbeeld naar het unieke en onvervangbare Great Barrier Reef in Australië waarvan de toekomst onzeker is. En het is maar de vraag of je over dertig jaar nog droge voeten houdt tijdens een vakantie in Venetië.
Praat mee op 28 september 2023 met onder andere klimaatambassadeur Kiki Boreel en spoken word-artiest Zaïre Krieger over het klimaat en Unesco Werelderfgoed. We gaan het hebben over hoe we bijzondere plekken in de wereld kunnen beschermen tegen klimaatverandering en hoe jij zelf in actie kunt komen. Zo hopen we samen tot een oplossing te komen zodat we door middel van duurzaam reizen nog steeds de mooiste plekken van de wereld kunnen bezoeken.
Over Unesco Werelderfgoed
NEMO organiseert deze bijeenkomst in samenwerking met de Unesco Jongerencommissie, de Nederlandse Unesco Commissie en Stichting Werelderfgoed. De organisaties zetten zich onder meer gezamenlijk in om Werelderfgoed te beschermen en te behouden.
- Korte pitches door Ginger Weerheim (Nederlands Bureau voor Toerisme en Congressen) en Tom van Nouhuys (Forteiland Pampus).
- Spoken word door Zaïre Krieger.
- Panelgesprek door Ginger, Tom, Emmeline van der Leen (Jonge Klimaatbeweging) en Annemieke Visser (Tienskip).
- Tips voor duurzaam toerisme door de Unesco Jongerencommissie, over wat jij zelf kan doen.
Voor een bezoek aan dit evenement in De Studio reserveer je een apart ticket.
- Toegangsprijs regulier: € 7,50
- Toegangsprijs met CJP pas, college- of studentenkaart: € 3,75
Tickets zijn inclusief een bezoek aan de tentoonstelling Energy Junkies én een gratis drankje.
*De Studio van NEMO is een extra locatie van NEMO Science Museum op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam. De programmering is speciaal voor volwassenen.
foto: Belle Co op Pexels
Master thesis about smart mobility solutions, also in Amsterdam
Hi everyone!
I'm currently writing my thesis on smart mobility solutions and their (expected) impact in the fight against climate change. As I'm also looking at cooperation between cities, I'd be very grateful if through posting this, I could get answers to the following questions.
- Does Amsterdam cooperate with other cities in the development of smart mobility solutions, like Roboat, Vehicle-2-Grid, or eHubs?
- Do other cities contact Amsterdam for advice and expertise with their smart mobility initiatives?
Thank you all and have a nice week ahead!
Online CIRCO sessie | Circulair ondernemen in de bouwsector
Ben jij werkzaam in de bouwsector en wil je kennismaken met circulaire business modellen die toegespitst zijn op jouw bedrijf of product? Meld je dan aan voor de gratis online kennissessie van CIRCO op 10 mei om 10 uur. In deze sessie zetten we uiteen hoe CIRCO bedrijven helpt met de eerste stappen in circulair ondernemen.
In de bouwsector krijgen we steeds meer te maken met grondstoffenschaarste, leverings- en prijsonzekerheid, hoge transportkosten en veranderende wet- en regelgeving. De nieuwe situatie vraagt om nieuwe ontwerpen én nieuwe business modellen.
CIRCO Nederland verzorgt workshop trainingen om de eerste stappen te zetten in circulair denken en ondernemen. Hierbij wordt gewerkt met alle stakeholders in de keten. Door middel van CIRCO Tracks leer je als bedrijf dan ook samen met andere partners in de waardeketen hoe je grip kunt krijgen op de sterk veranderende omgeving en welke stappen voor jouw bedrijf nodig zijn om aan alle eisen te blijven voldoen.
Creëer meer stabiliteit voor je bedrijf, krijg grip op de kosten en ga actief aan de slag met duurzaam en toekomstbestendig ondernemen.
Voor wie?
Aannemers, bouwbedrijven, architecten, woningbouwcorporaties, leveranciers en constructeurs.
Ga aan de slag
Meld je hier aan voor de gratis online kennissessie van CIRCO. Of schrijf je al direct in voor de CIRCO Track Bouw die start op 20 juni.
Credits Afbeelding: AM Project Kwartier Bajes
Mobility Challenge: How do we make Carbon-neutral mobility to large events the norm?
The climate is changing and Amsterdam is getting busier and busier. We are faced with the task of keeping the city, including Southeast, liveable, safe and accessible at the same time.Various events, concerts, sports competitions attract millions of visitors to Southeast every year. To bring all these visitors to the city in a more sustainable way, the municipality of Amsterdam, Johan Cruijff ArenA, Ajax, NS, GVB, Transdev, Transport Region Amsterdam and Amsterdam Smart City have joined forces. Their ambition is to make CO2 neutral travelling to and from large events the norm by the end of 2023.
Alternating travelbehaviour requires a diverse coalition
The car is currently still the most widely used means of transport in Southeast. The transition to sustainable mobility requires cooperation between (semi)public and private parties and the strengthening of sustainable alternatives to the private car. While reducing car- and parking accessibility, and placing bycicle parking options lays within the power of the municipality, the public transport providers posess all travel data and have the power to expand their transportcapacity. Moreover, to convince the supporters and fans to change their behaviour, you need the direct communication power from Ajax (Football Club) and the Johan Cruijff ArenA. Hence, you could say the challenge within the challenge is to find new forms of collaboration, data sharing, and fine-tuning the alignment of measures.
Short and long-term measures
The coalition of partners have developed an action plan and analysed crowd-and travel behaviour. During 2023, these findings initiated the shaping of first measures to influence the mobility choices of visitors. During the first pilot event at the end of May, bike parking facilities will be expanded and group transportation will be aranged for those living in so called 'public transport desserts'.
When speaking of long(er)-term measures, one could think of time-adjusted public transport supply, personal (digital) travel advice, and campaigns through Ajax and its supportersbase to raise awareness and appreciation of car-alternatives.
Hubs: hét alternatief voor autobezit?
Hoe houden we de stad leefbaar en bereikbaar voor iedereen? En hoe kunnen mobiliteitshubs hieraan bijdragen? Kom op donderdag 6 april naar de presentatie over de BuurtHubs pilot in Amsterdam. Projectleider Diederik Basta vertelt hier meer over de resultaten en geleerde lessen van BuurtHubs in Amsterdam: mobiliteitshubs in de buurt met elektrisch deelvervoer.
Hoe zijn de BuurtHubs gebruikt en wat is het effect op de openbare ruimte? Hoe is de buurt betrokken geweest bij de inrichting en realisatie? En welke effect op autobezit zien we? Je hoort er meer over tijdens deze presentatie. Verder wordt je meegenomen in de werkwijze van het Stedelijk Innovatie en R&D team van gemeente Amsterdam, waar vooronderstellingen en ethische afwegingen een belangrijke rol spelen.
Datum: donderdag 6 april 2023
Tijd: 16:00-17:00
Locatie: DataLab Amsterdam, Weesperstraat 113 BG, 1018 VN Amsterdam
Meld je nu aan via
Over de BuurtHubs
Als onderdeel van het Europese eHUBS project zijn er de afgelopen 4 jaar 17 BuurtHubs gerealiseerd in de stad. In een BuurtHub wordt elektrisch deelvervoer aangeboden. Denk aan een fiets, bakfiets, scooter, of auto. Allemaal schoon, elektrisch en gebruikt door Amsterdammers uit de buurt. Met de BuurtHubs is onderzocht of deze bijdragen aan:
· het verbeteren van de bereikbaarheid van een wijk of buurt
· het stimuleren van gebruik van schoon deelvervoer
· de luchtkwaliteit
· het vergroten van de leefbaarheid
· het verlagen van de CO2-uitstoot in de stad
Alvast meer weten?
We delen de geleerde lessen en handige tools van het BuurtHubs project graag met andere steden, organisaties en bewoners die aan de slag willen met zo’n mobiliteitshub of er meer over willen weten. Lees hier de Handreiking eHUBS:
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