#CO2 neutral living

Topic within Energy
Anoop Kumar Jha, Architect Planner, MSc. (Infrastructure & Smart Cities) , posted

Request: Seeking guidance and possible work opportunities in the smart city domain.

I am a mid-career Architect and, Urban and Regional Planner. I recently graduated with a second master's (MSc.) from IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a Specialization in "Infrastructure and Smart Cities". My MSc. thesis research topic was based on Circular Economy concepts including the Circular Business Model and High-value reuse of material and components.

I am very passionate about smart cities and sustainability, and I am highly inspired by all the work in the smart city area that is being done in the Netherlands, where I hope to contribute and make a positive impact.

Previously, in addition to planning and project management roles, I have worked in relevant areas of smart mobility, ICT Infrastructure, renewable energy, and waste to energy, among others as part of consulting firms.

I am looking for possible work opportunities in the Smart City area in the Netherlands. I will appreciate any reference, resource, and mentorship that could be offered to me.

Anoop Jha

Anoop Kumar Jha's picture #DigitalCity
A. Hutanu, Engineer , posted

Replacing short car trips with LEV's may reduce CO2 emissions, study suggests

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Smart mobility and LEV’s: a general introduction

 #Smart-Mobility is an important aspect for daily life and commuting/recurrent transportation needs and in this day&age there are many potential solution(s) for smart-mobility in Amsterdam. Today some of these new vehicles types are mostly restricted on city streets and Amsterdam citizens cannot grasp the potential of this vehicles. These devices can go up to at least 20km of range for short trips and with vehicle speeds ranging from 20, 25, 45 km/h (e-scooter, e-bike, moped respectively) and some as far as 90km/h (micro-car 90), etc.

Potential CO2 emission reduction research

There is a study regarding CO2 potential emission reduction by the use of light electric vehicles (LEV's) in contrast to short car trips usage. LEV's CO2 emissions is averaged at 24g CO2 eq/km compared with conventional vehicles (including EV's) averaged at 203g CO2 eq/km. The findings are quite relevant since it could reduce CO2 emissions as much as 44% = 57 million tones CO2 eq per year. The full study can be found at URL link below.


If the Gemeente Amsterdam would lift the ban on LEV’s, this would be beneficial for Amsterdam citizens since they would have less noise (silent devices), cleaner air (by the study analysis) and maybe more fun alternative to ICE-scooters and cars.

A. Hutanu's picture #Mobility
Dave van Loon, Onderzoeker / adviseur stedelijke vraagstukken at Kennisland, posted

Teken het manifest voor een Burgerberaad Klimaat & Milieu

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Begin dit jaar is het ‘Manifest Burgerberaad Klimaat en Milieu’ gelanceerd. Een coalitie van burgers en organisaties roept de politiek op een ambitieus burgerberaad in te stellen, waarin burgers maatregelen bedenken om de klimaatcrisis te bestrijden en biodiversiteitsverlies tegen te gaan. Ik ondersteun dit manifest van harte omdat ik erin geloof dat een grotere betrokkenheid van burgers bij deze grote uitdaging leidt tot betere en eerlijkere oplossingen. Jij ook? Teken het manifest!

De opwarming van de aarde raakt alles en iedereen. Om de aarde leefbaar te houden zijn snel grote veranderingen nodig. De Nederlandse overheid (gemeenten, provincies en Rijk) lijken nog onvoldoende in staat om tot een toereikende, integrale aanpak van de klimaatcrisis te komen. Een belangrijke barrière is dat moeilijke keuzes (bijvoorbeeld rondom de plaatsing van windmolens of het inperken van de intensieve landbouw) uit de weg worden gegaan. Ook worden burgers onvoldoende en vaak veel te laat betrokken bij de voorgestelde oplossingen, wat leidt tot vertraging en weerstand.

Waarom een burgerberaad?
Een burgerberaad is een onafhankelijk georganiseerde werkwijze waarbij een gelote dwarsdoorsnede van de Nederlandse bevolking zich laat informeren door experts en belanghebbenden. Vrij van lobby en verkiezingsdruk ontwikkelen zij maatregelen die eerlijk en toereikend zijn, en bovendien gesteund worden door de samenleving. Onder andere dit rapport van de OECD laat zien dat deze democratische methode in het buitenland goed werkt om hete hangijzers aan te pakken. Een belangrijke voorwaarde is dat het proces transparant wordt ingericht.

Lees en teken het manifest

Dave van Loon's picture #Energy
Roel Bruinsma, posted

Enquête (1min): Internationaliseren als MKB tijdens en na een crisis

Veel MKB-ers willen zich uit de crisis innoveren. Internationaal actief worden is kansrijk en vraagt voorbereiding en energie. Amsterdam Trade and Innovate en PIM Noord-Holland (Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB Noord-Holland) willen ondernemers helpen dit goed en succesvol aan te pakken. Ben jij een MKB-er in de MRA die actief is op de thema's van smartcity? Vul dan de enquête in zodat ons aanbod goed aansluit bij wat jij nodig hebt. Hou onze media in de gaten, in q1 organiseren we onze eerste event gericht op internationalisering.

Roel Bruinsma's picture #Energy
Serena Weaver, Founder at Table Sage, posted

Seeking partnerships to mitigate restaurant packaging waste

Hello ASC community!  We are a local start-up working to increase Conscious Dining through a new way of searching for and rating restaurants.  It is also our goal to go beyond the digital by working on local impact projects.

Recently, we surveyed the 150+ restaurants in our database on the effects of Corona on their sustainability practices, specifically in regards to the increase in packaging waste brought on by takeaway/ delivery services, and published an article on our findings here:  https://www.table-sage.com/content/articles/amsterdam/restaurants-need-support-to-continue-sustainability-efforts-during-covid-19

We would love to collaborate with larger players, either 1) in further quantifying these effects, and/ or 2) in helping restaurants move to ecopackaging on a wider scale.  Are you or someone you know interested in partnering to make moves in this space?  We have a team of 6-8 able to support; more about us can be seen on www.table-sage.com.

Serena Weaver's picture #CircularCity
Petra Guerieri, Sales assistant , posted

Smart City projects in Netherlands/Amsterdam

Hello! I do some research for my company and I have to find out who (companies) are the players in the Smart City market (Netherlands/Amsterdam) who have successfully implemented projects without specializing in just one solution - so here I'm looking who offer complete smart city offers that combine several solutions (e-waste, e- bike, e-mobility, smart bench, smart light, smart parking….)? Thank you!

Rolf Steenwinkel, Directeur at Amsterdam Energie, posted

Vacancy: Campaign Manager

As a campaign leader, you ensure that the story of Amsterdam Energie is heard in the city, you build our network and inspire even more Amsterdammers to join our cooperative. You devise campaigns and make them a success. You work independently and proactively, ensuring that ideas lead to concrete results.

- Your main task is to develop and execute campaigns for the growth of Amsterdam Energy in the number of members, our green energy generation, and our network in the city.
- You strategically use both online and offline communication tools. You are responsible for communication via our own website, newsletter and on social media. You maintain contact with (local) press, develop promotional material for the cooperative together with designers and organize events.
- You involve members in the (campaign) activities of Amsterdam Energie. The cooperative has a large network in the city. Our members come from all parts of Amsterdam and have a multitude of backgrounds. That is the strength of the cooperative. You mobilize members and involve them in our campaigns.
- You support the director in project development. Amsterdam Energy has various solar roofs in the city. That should be much more. In collaboration with the director, you recruit new roofs, draw up business cases for interested parties and advise and guide them in the development process.
- You support the board in organizing events such as the general meeting of members.
- You are the contact for members and partners of the cooperative, including the sustainable network 02025 and the municipality of Amsterdam. Good cooperation with our cooperative energy supplier to | new energy is very important in this.

- Relevant work experience, for example as a campaign employee
- You have experience in designing, starting and leading campaigns
- You like variety and enjoy performing different tasks
- You have experience with writing texts and creating content
- You are familiar with Wordpress, Mailchimp and the use of social media
- You have an affinity with sustainability, for example in the field of energy transition or urban development

- Relevant work experience, for example as a campaign employee
- You have experience in designing, starting and leading campaigns
- You like variety and enjoy performing different tasks
- You have experience with writing texts and creating content
- You are familiar with Wordpress, Mailchimp and the use of social media
- You have an affinity with sustainability, for example in the field of energy transition or urban development

- Entrepreneurial, independent, a go-getter and you can work well together
- You have good communication skills and are good at networking
- You like to actively promote your campaigns and the cooperative
- You like to come up with new plans, and you want to realize them yourself
- You can plan your work well, and it works quickly and accurately
- Good oral and written expression skills in the Dutch language.

- Freelance function for 2 days a week at € 1500 per month.
- assignment for half a year, with a chance of extension
- The opportunity to make a concrete contribution to the energy transition in Amsterdam

For more information visit: https://www.amsterdamenergie.nl/amsterdam-energie-zoekt-een-campagneleider/

Rolf Steenwinkel's picture #Energy
Soile Motsakov, Business Development Manager , posted

Looking for a construction company to test our products in Amsterdam

instagrid - we are a start-up with new technology for the world's most advanced battery-driven portable power supply. Our products can replace mobile diesel generators, that are still largely used on construction sites, reducing local emissions to zero and improving the air quality in the city. We would like Amsterdam to be one of the pioneering cities to test and implement this new technology.

Soile Motsakov's picture #Energy
Miriam Kamhoot, HR advisor , posted

Vacancy Volgroen BV

Volgroen B.V. is looking for motivated professionals: Business Controller, remote job! (upward of 24 hours/week)
Online Marketeer , remote job! (upward of 24 hours/week)
Business Analyst , remote job! (upward of 24 hours/week)
Product Manager , remote job! (upward of 24 hours/week)

More info at volgroen.nl
You can send your application to hr@volgroen.nl

Miriam Kamhoot's picture #Energy
William Reed, secondary teacher , posted

USA school teacher: opportunities to learn about Dutch climate mitigation/adaptation strategies Jun28-July7

Hello! I'm hoping (at the very last minute) to connect with some folks who might be interested in sharing their work with me through a brief informal tour or interview while I'm here in the Netherlands for the next 8 or 9 days. I'm here with the help of a small, self directed grant to develop a unit of study for my students in Chicago that will inspire them to better understand climate change as a global issue with which they can engage in creative ways in their local context. I'm interested in more or less any and all work happening around Amsterdam (or Utrecht, where I'll be from July 3-July 5, or Wageningen, July 5- July 7) that relates to the effects of climate change or mitigation/adaptation strategies. This could include any climate relevant public or private work in the electricity, transportation, building, industrial, agricultural, tech, or education sectors. For example, if you are involved with a start up that does circular economy work that reduces emissions, have a perspective to share on regional transportation, know something about zero emission architecture, or work in education and are interested in developing collaborations in terms of sustainability/climate curriculum, I'm interested in hearing from you and (in an ideal world) chatting for 30 minutes or an hour. My students are typically low income, racial minority teenagers who I believe need to be empowered to make the future as much as their economically well off and culturally "mainstream" peers. Most of my students are also soon to be voting eligible citizens of the USA, which seems relevant. Anyway, I appreciate you considering my vague request! I am of course thrilled about the wealth of resources available through Smart City Amsterdam (including the very cool new Amsterdam Innovation Tour app), and I've booked, for example, a standard tour on Friday through architour. But unfortunately my dates of travel did not align with WeMakeTheCity, the ASC Open House is not happening this Friday, and many of the other tour options are out of my price range as an individual traveling on a small grant. Thanks for any and all input. Cheers!
