Serena Weaver


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Serena Weaver, Founder at Table Sage, posted

Seeking partnerships to mitigate restaurant packaging waste

Hello ASC community!  We are a local start-up working to increase Conscious Dining through a new way of searching for and rating restaurants.  It is also our goal to go beyond the digital by working on local impact projects.

Recently, we surveyed the 150+ restaurants in our database on the effects of Corona on their sustainability practices, specifically in regards to the increase in packaging waste brought on by takeaway/ delivery services, and published an article on our findings here:

We would love to collaborate with larger players, either 1) in further quantifying these effects, and/ or 2) in helping restaurants move to ecopackaging on a wider scale.  Are you or someone you know interested in partnering to make moves in this space?  We have a team of 6-8 able to support; more about us can be seen on

Serena Weaver's picture #CircularCity