Last summer it was all over the newspapers: Amsterdammers are tired of trash. With over 200 trash notifications per day it is time for a change. How can we best map and collect waste to reduce and prevent pollution?
Event in Dutch
Amsterdam Smart City, Pakhuis de Zwijger en PostNL bundelen de krachten! Op 8 februari gaan we in gesprek met de gemeente, een startup, corporate en een bewonersinitiatief over hoe we de afvalproblematiek samen kunnen aanpakken!
Afgelopen zomer kopten de kranten: de Amsterdammer is de troep zat. Met meer dan 200 afvalmeldingen per dag in de eerste vijf maanden van 2017, is het hoog tijd om anders met straatvervuiling om te gaan. Hoe kunnen we afval het beste in kaart brengen en verzamelen, zodat we vervuiling in de stad niet alleen oplossen, maar zelfs voorkomen? In deze eerste sessie van Amsterdam Smart City, kijken we naar een aantal initiatieven die de stad schoner proberen te maken, met en voor de Amsterdammers. Wat voor een stappen onderneemt de gemeente? Welke rol spelen private partijen en startups? En wat kunnen burgers zelf doen?
16.00: Start
PostNL, Verbeterdebuurt en de Gemeente Amsterdam zijn een samenwerking gestart om het ophalen van afval te verbeteren.
Dirk Groot van De Zwerfinator doet metingen van het afval. Zo brengt hij precies in kaart waar afval een groot probleem vormt.
Middels de app van Richard Severin, Recyq, wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt hoeveel afval bewoners in Amsterdam Zuidoost scheiden. De app stimuleert de gebruikers bovendien om dit nog vaker te doen.
17.30 uur: Borrel
@nancyzikken Thanks for the message. I thought it was very interesting. It was a good opportunity to meet people and discuss different smart city solutions.
@govertwittenboer very nice you were there! How did you like the session?
@lotteduursma Thanks for the invite we will be there. Hopefully we can also contribute to the success of this initiative. @richardseverin what great to see you connected to this. Hope to catch uo at the event. Greatings from Mycleancity App team.
Thanks Lotte.
@geraldlindner I think you could avoid to pay by using gloves so you don't leave fingerprints? But I do agree that change is needed. Let's discuss this further at the event next week!
Lotte, in answer to your question: simply why not? If the costs worry you: hold the principle, the polluter pays these costs too ( in money or in kind - cleaning up). Then there is the very powerfull preventive effect. If you know you can be caught easily you really will think twice before trashing. Google Broken windows theory. Fairness and full enforcement were key elements to tipping the negative balance. Afterwards it becomes common practice / shared culture (aka selfcontrol) and very little to no enforcement needed.
If you want to live in high densities (something Amsterdam wants) then you need good and very effective rules in public space. And effect them. Singapore knows this. Without this in place the quality of life for everybody goes into a negative spiral.
Exactly like what is happening now in the Amsterdam city centre. Have a look at the Damstraat at 11pm on a Friday night (or any other nigh really). It's totally unbelieveable that we as Amsterdam citizens allow this to even happen. Even worse: we pay every day 365 days a year to have this horrible mess cleaned up every single morning. To me this is totally crazy and in-effient. Or would you want to disagree? :)
@lotteduursma Hi Lotte, I would love to attend but I will be at the Fruitlogica conference in Berlin at this time. Would be very happy to meet afterwards privately, or invite a group to talk about Ozarka!
@bethmassa , I would love to hear more about your approach, will you join the event? And @geraldlindner would it really be efficient to collect fingerprints from trash?
I think you will be interested in this event! @metinzdralla @govertwittenboer @lucadoran @prashantshukla @samvantil @remcowagemakers @simonderijke
The principle "the polluter pays" is the ONLY socially acceptable solution. By far. So, either seriously fine the culprits (fingerprints...most pasports hold them, so, if we want, we know who is responsible) or charge extreme depositis on all packaging. If you trash you are making someone else very very happy...
Society should have the nerve and self respect to address the core of the problem by upholding its fundamantal principles. So why in gods name waste any time and valueble resourses on alternative trivial solutions.