Speculative Futures Amsterdam Meetup - Workshops & Open Space

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Speculative Futures Amsterdam is a component chapter of the global Speculative Futures community, hosted at the Digital Society School.

Speculative Futures is an international community of meetups focused on Speculative & Critical Design, Design Fiction, Futurism, and Strategy & Foresight and any vision or approach which involves using design as a vehicle to speculate about potential or alternate futures. Speculative Futures is an effort steered by the Design Futures Initiative.


We will be back for another meetup on the 25th of September!
We will explore different techniques for hosting and participating in speculative design workshops.

18:00 - 18:30
Doors open & Walk in

18:30 - 18:35
Welcome by Digital Society School (Mick Jongeling & Theo Ploeg)

18:40 - 19:45
Workshop (Tbd)

19:45 - 20:30
Drinks + Networking


