A hundred newsletters later... 💯

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Most community members on this platform find their way via the Weekly Update which we send out every week. This week the 100th edition will be out, what a number! This means 100 weeks of great content, active community and you who read, comment and share the writings of smart city topics.

Did you know ...

Did you know...

1. That the first newsletter was in August 2016?

Once a week for two years makes 100 weekly updates! The weekly update started together with the formation of the online smart city community. The Amsterdam Smart City program has been running since 2009, but we are an open collective, so with this community everybody can join! We now have over 5000 people connected to our network.

2. Our first newsletter was sent to 384 people?

The first newsletter was called "the latest news" and was sent to 384 people. Now the updates are sent to 4233 people all over the world!

3. The best read articles are about open data and startups

There is high interest in articles about the open use of data by governments, such as the open data portal of Amsterdam at data.amsterdam.nl. Also startups are a hot topic, and the startup ecosystem in Amsterdam is something to keep an eye on! Of course the job openings are clicked a lot too! Did you know we are currently looking for an intern?

4. That you can be in the newsletter too?

Everything you read in the newsletter comes straight from the platform! So you can upload your update, request, eventor project, and get a chance to be featured in next week's Weekly Update! We don't receive advertising money or let something else influence our editor's pick.

You can find our Weekly Update archive here: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=a88e1cb79a0eb3c0b0dc7ff5a&id=91cba1912c

And tomorrow number 100 in your mailbox!

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