
Erik Bos, MSc student Urban Environmental Management at Wageningen University and Research, posted

Top 5 projects of September on Amsterdam Smart City

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Are you curious to know more about some projects on our community? Here you can find an overview of the 5 most viewed projects of Amsterdam Smart City of September. Do you have a project you want to show to the innovative community of Amsterdam Smart City? Share it!

Are you curious to know more about some projects on our community? Here you can find an overview of the 5 most viewed projects of Amsterdam Smart City of September. Do you have a project you want to show to the innovative community of Amsterdam Smart City? Share it!

1 Smart Lighting

Smart lampposts on the ‘Hoekenrodeplein’ contribute to a safer public square and it saves energy by regulating the lightning intensity trough sensors. For example, lighting can be dimmed or adjusted according to the weather. The saved energy is used to measure air quality or generating WiFi. This concept will be further spread over the city of Amsterdam, like in the port. Read more on Smart Lighting.

2 Smart Traffic Management

By a collaboration between traffic managers from the municipality, province and country, the percentage of vehicle loss hours in the Amsterdam area has declined by 10 percent. The traffic management system of Amsterdam is connected with the system of the national government. Both centres can see what is going on, on just one screen. This is how the centres can jointly and automatically manage traffic within the region. Read more on Smart Traffic Management.

3 TransformCity: Pilot in Amsterdam

With so many different people living and working in cities, why not include all their dreams, their ideas and their ambitions, to create our cities of the future – together? That’s where TransformCity comes in. TransformCity is an online urban transformation dashboard. Citizens, businesses, organizations and the government can directly exchange information and ideas and collectively plan, make and own their city or neighbourhood. One of the examples is a neighbourhood in Amsterdam Southeast: ZOCITY. Check out TransformCity

4 City-zen: Virtual Power Plant

In Amsterdam Nieuw-West 50 households have PV-panels on their rooftop in combination with a home battery. With the use of the home battery it is possible to store energy during low electricity prices and discharge the battery during high prices. This closes the gap between the availability of (renewable) energy and the actual energy demand. Do you have PV panels or do you plan to install them in 2016? You can still participate in this project, read more!

5 The Green Living Lab

How can nature be integrated with the urban environment where we work, live and play in a sustainable way that benefits our health? In The Green Living Lab in Amsterdam, scientists, entrepreneurs and creatives meet to explore, stimulate and promote healthy urban living. For instance the possibilities of making compost out of the organic waste in Amsterdam are investigated. Check out The Green Living Lab.

Erik Bos's picture News
Carlien Roodink, Independent Consultant , posted

Blockchain & The Smart City

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Chinese Auto Giant announces that it will use blockchain technology as part of its $30 billion smart cities initiative.

I had the pleasure to be invited to give a presentation during the first Amsterdam Tech City event in July 2016. This kick off meeting focused on Blockchain & the City. City officials gathered with external experts in the City Hall of Amsterdam. For me, as a former member of the City Council, this was a familiar spot. In my presentation How the blockchain became mainstream I gave examples of the fast growth of serious interest for the blockchain among established financial institutions in the past 2 years.

Continue reading here:

Carlien Roodink's picture News
Rogier Havelaar, General Manager City Logistics at PostNL, posted

Across Europe, the postman helps to overcome loneliness

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In a few days the "week against loneliness” ends. The question naturally arises: what's next? The topic loneliness has been a ‘hot topic’ for a long time. Not surprising, because the urbanization on the one hand and the shrinking areas on the other hand cause an increase in loneliness. How can postmen help? European countries know!

In a few days the Week against Loneliness ends. The question naturally arises: what's next? The topic loneliness has been a ‘hot topic’ for a long time. Not surprising, because the urbanization on the one hand and the shrinking areas on the other hand cause an increase in loneliness. Combined with budget cuts taking place in the social domain, you get shocking figures: 3.5 million people in the Netherlands are lonely, more than 1 million are very lonely.

There are many initiatives to find a structural solution to this problem. Consider initiatives of the Red Cross and the National Fund for Elderly People or commercial initiatives such as hiring a student to do a walk or a professional caregiver at home with whom you can play a game of scrabble.

Even large companies are looking at their possible contributions to solve this problem. I zoom in on activities carried out by postal companies in Europe. In France, the postman keeps an eye on the elderly. Many elderly people live remote and the postman is their only social contact. For € 4.40 per week, the French Post offers the elderly a visit of the postman. The German Post has previously developed similar services. The Belgian post offers intake questionnaires at the doorstep so municipalities and institutions get a good picture of the elderly. The Finnish Post offers several "home services" for the elderly because they are often left behind in the countryside while their children move to the cities. In short: Across Europe, the postman helps to overcome loneliness.

Also at PostNL we are working on this theme. We do this for two reasons. First, we see that our postmen play an incredibly important role in the neighborhood. For example, in May this year, a man of seventy was found dead in his home. Both local residents and the postman reported the address to the municipality. Because of situations like this, we participate in Rotterdam in the project "Report Isolation", to allow postmen to report worrisome situations.

Secondly, the postman is a familiar person in the streets. Because the mailman is often working in a district for a longer period of time, he knows the area and its residents. That's why we did a second trial in Rotterdam: mailmen were requested by the municipality of Rotterdam to take interviews with elderly people.

The results of both projects are interesting. Postmen can pass on signals of possible 'unsafe' situations to the social teams of the municipality. Obviously, in compliance with privacy laws. Our extra eyes and ears on the street already reached a number of people in the city of Rotterdam. These people were socially isolated or needed some help. The trial with interviewing seventy-five elderly at home learns us that the elderly were satisfied about the conversations and our deliverers saw the service as a useful addition to their work.

Although we do not know where the two tests will lead us on the long term, we see that the postman can play a valuable role in this type of social activities. In a society where more and more people are lonely and neighbors don’t know each other anymore, the postman can play a role in bringing them together.

Other blogs of Rogier:

Measuring public opinion in the public space

Having a good webcare team is not being a good government

Managing the public space using daily insights: the mailman collects data

How to evaluate Smart City innovation: Wildcard for roundtable on September 14th

Twenty-Seven Pink Potential Smart City Nodes in Amsterdam

Bpost uses cars to measure air quality - Bright future for postal organizations!

Santander City Council and Correos signed an agreement to promote initiatives "Smart City" and encourage innovation

Rogier Havelaar's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted

Testing apps on all devices

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These are all the different Android devices. Do you know if your app works on all these devices? We help you answer this question.

Aik Eemeren, programmamanager Future Gov at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

OMOOC Urban Innovation by Technology

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Open data, big data, smart applications of algorithms, Blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence: what does it mean for the government? Does it make us more capable responding to the wishes and requirements of citizens and the private sector? De MOOC Urban Innovation by Technology gives insights in the technologies that change our cities and what it means for our way of living, working and learning. (Article in Dutch)

Find the MOOC here: <>

Open data, big data, slimme toepassingen van algoritmes, Blockchain, Internet of Things, kunstmatige intelligentie: wat betekent dit voor de overheid? Zijn we in staat daarmee beter in te spelen op wensen en eisen van burgers en bedrijfsleven? De MOOC Stedelijke innovatie door technologie geeft inzicht in welke technologieën onze steden veranderen en wat dat betekent voor onze manier van leren, werken en leven.

> ‘Wat is de impact van […] technologieën op stedelijke innovatie? We zien dat verantwoordelijkheden van overheden, burgers en bedrijven radicaal anders gaan worden de komende jaren’ – Yuri van Geest

In zes inzichten kijken we naar thema’s als: slim en duurzaam stedelijk vervoer, een gezonde groene stad, de stedelijke energietransitie en de klimaatadaptatie van steden. Deze thema’s worden benaderd vanuit het perspectief: hoe kunnen we data en slimme technologie inzetten voor stedelijke innovatie?

> ‘In de stad komen deze vernieuwingen in alle heftigheid samen en beïnvloeden hoe wij leven en omgaan met elkaar’ – Agnes van Ardenne

Hoe ziet een circular and sharing city eruit?

Wat als een streetbump-app standaard in een vervoersmiddel zit en data open deelt? Wat zijn technologische remedies voor politieke imperfectie? Al deze vragen komen aan bod in de MOOC Stedelijke innovatie door technologie.In het eerste inzicht Digitale revolutie in de hoofdstad, dat donderdag 29 september online gaat op spreekt Ger Baron, eerste CTO van de gemeente Amsterdam. Wat zijn de grote ontwikkelingen? Wat kun je als overheid met die nieuwe technologie en welke nieuwe vraagstukken en dilemma’s roept het op?


De overige inzichten

Inzicht 2 Gijzeling in de digitale infrastructuur, door Digicommissaris Bas Eenhoorn

Inzicht 3 Urgentie, waarden en afwegingen, door voormalig lid Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur en voorzitter DBC Agnes van Ardenne

Inzicht 4 Klaar voor exponentiële technologieën? door Singularity-deskundige Yuri van Geest

Inzicht 5 Future Gov in de praktijk, door Sigrid Winkel en Aik van Eemeren van de Chief Technology Office van gemeente Amsterdam

Inzicht 6 Van data naar maatschappelijke waarde, een interview van directeur-generaal Bereikbaarheid (ministerie van IenM) Mark Frequin met Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, directeur-generaal van het CBS


MOOC: <>

Over de initiatiefnemers

De MOOC Stedelijke innovatie door technologie is mogelijk gemaakt door de gemeente Amsterdam, Programma Ambitie en het A+O fonds Gemeenten in samenwerking met Vereniging voor OverheidsManagement, Public Cinema en Publiek Denken.

Aik Eemeren's picture News
Rogier Havelaar, General Manager City Logistics at PostNL, posted

Measuring public opinion in the public space

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The knowledge network CROW organized a meeting on measuring public opinion on the public space. How do you ensure that people feel comfortable there? PostNL mail deliverers Geerly and Ton and team leader Albert shared their experiences in the different pilots of PostNL with the participants – all professionals in the work field of public sphere management - in the meeting.

The knowledge network CROW organized a meeting on measuring public opinion in the public space. How do you ensure that people feel comfortable there? PostNL mail deliverers Geerly and Ton and team leader Albert shared their experiences in the different pilots of PostNL with the participants – all professionals in the work field of public sphere management - in the meeting.

What experience?

The meeting participants were particularly interested in the various PostNL projects in managing public space. For example, photographing weeds or litter, or taking interviews with residents. The participants wanted to know what kind of information the postman can give. Geerly: "I see more potential than before I came to this meeting. People were genuinely interested and looking for new resources. The advantage that we already have 22.000 mailmen, every day of the week in every street, is bigger than I imagined before I attended the meeting."

An impression of the conversation

The participants are policy officials of the municipality, representatives of service providers, consultants and designers. They had several questions for Geerly, Ton and Albert:

• How does the mailman combine the added services with delivering the mail? Ton: "It is totally not burdensome to do. We divide the extra work over several postmen and everyone carries out the tasks in his own district, it is a piece of cake..." Team leader Albert: "Postmen respond positively. Of course there are differences, but as soon as the mailmen are involved in a project and start with the extra work, they are very positive about it."

• What are the reactions of local residents when the postmen takes a survey or takes a photo on the street? Geerly: "I run for three years in my neighborhood and I know the people. I ask them simply whether they want to participate in a survey. They are positive, they hope that the municipality does something with the input they give to me. Because I know the people in my district and they know me, it’s easy to ask them some questions." Ton: "For me it is the same. At all spots where I have to take pictures I have been approached by residents. When I tell them that we, for our customer Twente Milieu improve the removal of weeds, people are immediately positive. Moreover, one resident asked me if I could pass on to the message that the road really needs to be improved."

• Would residents be able to reports on the public space? Rogier (yes, that’s me ;-)): "That depends on what the customer wants. I think the mailmen will be capable of having this kind of function, but I can also imagine that municipalities themselves want to have this contact with residents. It is important to know what kind of residents live in a certain district. In districts where residents go to the municipality with their complaints, the added value of the mailman is lower than in districts where residents don't do that.”

Was the meeting useful?

Ton: "This was a very useful meeting. As a mailmen, I now see what issues play a role for municipalities and other agencies. I see that we can be useful in certain subjects, such as the measurement of perception. Furthermore, it was fun and a nice afternoon to have this kind of talks."

This type of reaction also came from the participants of the meeting. When you think about the potential of 22,000 eyes and ears, being on the street for five days a week, with a dedicated smartphone app, then all kinds of ideas come up.

Other blogs of Rogier:

Having a good webcare team is not being a good government

Managing the public space using daily insights: the mailman collects data

How to evaluate Smart City innovation: Wildcard for roundtable on September 14th

Twenty-Seven Pink Potential Smart City Nodes in Amsterdam

Bpost uses cars to measure air quality - Bright future for postal organizations!

Santander City Council and Correos signed an agreement to promote initiatives "Smart City" and encourage innovation

Rogier Havelaar's picture #Citizens&Living
Ammar Takla, CMO at ChillySpaces, posted

Press Release - ChillySpaces

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PRESS RELEASE Start-up ChillySpaces

There’s much talk about ‘the crowded city’, ‘the growing number of freelancers’, ‘the new way of working’, and ‘social tolerance and acceptance’. ChillySpaces, a new start-up in Amsterdam, sees opportunities in these modern-day challenges. ChillySpaces transforms some of the most stylish restaurants in Amsterdam into distinctive, flexible coworking spaces during the day. With ChillySpaces a closed restaurant can be a productive and creative workspace.

PRESS RELEASE - Start-up ChillySpaces

There’s much talk about ‘the crowded city’, ‘the growing number of freelancers’, ‘the new way of working’, and ‘social tolerance and acceptance’.ChillySpaces, a new start-up in Amsterdam, sees opportunities in these modern-day challenges.

ChillySpaces transforms some of the most stylish restaurants in Amsterdam into distinctive, flexible coworking spaces during the day. With ChillySpaces a closed restaurant can be a productive and creative workspace.

“Re-thinking the city”

Four young entrepreneurial people from foreign decent, who have always felt welcome in The Netherlands, are eager to get started with this new concept that they are creating with their fresh set of eyes.

Ammar Takla – Syria. 3 years in The Netherlands

Maryam Safa – Iran, 7 years in The Netherlands

Bruno Grosso – Portugal, 1 years in The Netherlands

Richard van Schaik – UK / NL, raised in The Netherlands

Ammar Takla: “Basically, there are three possibilities for a freelancer to work. From home, but there inspiration quickly dries up out of loneliness. In a coffee shop. However, the crowds can be distracting, especially when trying to meet with business relations. And the third option is a coworking space like WeWork or Tribes. With ChillySpaces we’ve created a very affordable alternative. For EUR 120.- per month you have unlimited access to all our workspaces in affiliated restaurants. Starting with one restaurant, this number will grow rapidly, and not only in Amsterdam. The restaurants are selected for their location, the number of seats, the presence of bar and / or lounge area and of course their style. Only members of ChillySpaces have access which means that you can work undisturbed, gathering new contacts and you can invite business relations in a quiet, elegant and professional environment. Fast WiFi connection is also being provided by ChillySpaces”

Chilly Spaces is proud to announce the first collaboration with Cedars restaurant in Amsterdam. This will be celebrated on Monday, October 3, 2016 with a 'grand' opening from 12:00 to 15:00. Cedars, Libanees restaurant, Heemstedestraat 80, 1058 NP, Amsterdam.

You or a colleague are most welcome to join us! Registration at With kindest regards,

Ammar Takla

Contact details:

Ammar Takla – marketing +31 6 1486 8893

Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / Instagram

Amsterdam – September 26, 2016

Ammar Takla's picture News
Anonymous posted

Here we present you the finalists of the Accenture Innovation Awards 2016!

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Today, innovative Dutch people showed their best sides again. More than 800 innovations applied for the Accenture Innovation Awards 2016. On 26 September, some of the most innovative people in the Netherlands came together in B. Amsterdam to nominate the most attractive, disruptive and actual concepts for the finale of the Awards. Who convinced the jury during the pitch and will attend the finale on 28 October during the Accenture Innovation Summit? (Article in Dutch)

Vandaag heeft heel innoverend Nederland zich weer van haar beste kant laten zien. Uit alle meer dan 800 innovaties die zich ingeschreven hebben, zijn dé beste concepten genomineerd voor de finale van de Accenture Innovation Awards. Op 26 september kwam de top van innoverend Nederland samen bij B. Amsterdam om de meest opvallende, baanbrekende en nieuwste innovaties van Nederland te nomineren voor de finale van de Accenture Innovation Awards. Wie-o-wie heeft zijn of haar innovatie het beste weten te pitchen ten overstaan van de jury en is aanwezig bij de finale op 28 oktober tijdens de Accenture Innovation Summit?

Manon van Beek – Country Managing Director van Accenture Nederland – en Pieter Paul van Oerle – Initiator van de Accenture Innovation Awards – verwelkomden de juryleden en benadrukten nogmaals de rol die innovatie speelt in Nederland en het belang van ons innovatie-ecosysteem. Een passende introductie in aanloop naar hét belangrijkste moment van de avond: de pitches van de halve finalisten en de opvolgende Q&A-sessies van de jury. De halve finalisten ontmoetten de juryleden bij B. Amsterdam met maar één doel: hét overtuigen van de jury via een one-minute-pitch, om zo een plaats in de finale in de wacht te slepen.

Wie dé finalisten van de Accenture Innovation Awards 2016 zijn geworden, lees je hier:

Hoe verbeteren we zorg en welzijn nu we steeds langer leven? Maak kennis met de Health & Wellbeing finalisten:



MOMALA: Mobile Malaria Labs


Plasmacure: Elektronische pleister voor genezing chronische wonden

Hoe kunnen we de groeiende wereldbevolking op een duurzame manier blijven voeden? Dit zijn dé finalisten binnen het thema Fair Food:


De Verspillingsfabriek – Hutten

FoodforCare – Foodinnovatie in de zorg

Scelta Taste Accelerator – Scelta Mushrooms

SoilCares Scanner

Hoe creëren we de ultieme shopping ervaring? Maak kennis met de finalisten van het thema Seamless Shopping:

Dreszcode Size Matching Service


Plugify: dé online marktplaats voor het boeken van live muziek optredens


TicTag: New Interface Technology based on Screen recognition

Hoe optimaliseren we het vervoer van mensen en goederen? We stellen de finalisten van het thema Easy Travel & Transport graag aan je voor:

Delft Hyperloop

Energy distribution and consumption system for railway station – Hedgehog Applications B.V

EU Truck Platooning Challenge

Predictive E-Commerce Delivery – Parcify

Propeaq lichtbril en app

Hoe zorgen we er voor dat snel groeiende steden leefbaar blijven? De finalisten van het thema Perfect Cities hebben hier wellicht het antwoord op:

Lightwell: Lightmotion

Nowi: WiFi powered Internet of Things sensors

ParkEagle: Smart Parking Solutions


ZEP zonneceldakpan: ZEP Sun Roof Tiles

Hoe kunnen we talent aanboren en toerusten om succesvol te zijn in de digitale toekomst? Ontmoet hier de finalisten van het thema Skills to Succeed:

Be more you: Flowyu-Module Track & Trace



Mr. Chadd

Switch: Mellon Medical B.V.

Hoe creëren we een maximale persoonlijke ervaring in een digitale wereld? Maak kennis met de finalisten binnen het thema The Internet of Me:

3D sizing online

MIND Module

Mobile Security Platform – Onegini


Wonderflow – Actionable insights from consumer feedback

Hoe kunnen we onze fysieke en digitale veiligheid waarborgen? Dit zijn de finalisten van het thema Safe & Secure Society:


Cyber Risico Indicator voor MKB – ThreadStone Cyber Security B.V.


ReadID- NFC Passport Reader


Hoe stimuleren we het gebruik en productieproces van duurzame energie? We stellen de finalisten van het thema Clean & Affordable Energy aan je voor:

Elestor BV: Br flowbatterij

Laag verval vortex turbine – Turbulent

Lagerwey Crane – Lagerwey Group B.V.

Solarus Sunpower B.V.

Scalable Nanostructuring: Bringing Nanoscale benefits to Macroscale products

Hoe leidt slimme interactie tussen mens en machine tot een optimale maakindustrie? Dit zijn dé finalisten binnen het thema Smart Industry:

7XE Extractor lastoorts – Translas B.V.

Grow lettuce in the end packaging – ViVi Verte

LGD-MR16 laser lamp – Parhelion B.V.

MetalFAB1 – Additive Industries B.V.

Kite Robotics

Hoe creëren we meer waarde in een economie zonder verspilling? De finalisten van het thema Circular Economy hebben hier wellicht het antwoord op:

Bringing the circular economy to tires

Circulaire PET-recycling

Evolutionary wooden buildings

Grassa bioraffinage

Thermo Acoustic Energy Convertor

We feliciteren de finalisten van de Accenture Innovation Awards 2016 en zien hen snel terug op 28 oktober in DeFabrique te Utrecht, waar de finale tijdens de Accenture Innovation Summit 2016 plaatsvindt en de winnaars bekend zullen worden.


Tom Kools, Business Developper , posted

Call for proposals: projects that bridge economy with nature

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De Gouden Roerdomp 2016 searches for initiatives in Noord-Holland that have a positive impact on the biodiversity, water, natural capital or for example projects that have an innovative business model within the context of nature. Sign up and have the chance to win financial prizes, local media attention and more. For information, check the website (in Dutch):

Tom Kools's picture #Energy
Young on Board, The ROAST , posted

Head over to the circular ROAST! (Dutch)

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The ROAST, an initiative from Young on Board (Amsterdam Economic Board), is an event that matches start-ups to experienced professionals to lift their companies to a higher level. How? The start-ups pitch their concept and conclude with a question for help. The public of experts (you!) gives scharp criticism and after that, feedback and answers on the question they ask.

Join the ROAST on 6 October 2016! Together with partner ABN AMRO we graps the theme 'Circular economy' and help start-ups grow their business. The location for the event is Clean Tech Playground 'De Ceuvel', catering organization will be Instock and the beer is made of potatoes.

Claim your (free) ticket via
The event will be in Dutch.

Young on Board's picture #CircularCity
Malou Brantjes, project manager , posted

The whole world has their eyes on smart cities!

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15-17 November 2016 the world of smart cities gather to join forces in Barcelona at the worldwide leading event for smart cities: SCEWC 2016 Barcelona.
An Amsterdam based smart city delegation will vist the event. The Netherlands at the congress. Join our delegation and explore innovative projects, network and forge new partnerships, acquire knowledge, engage with hot topics and see cutting edge ideas

15-17 November 2016 the world of smart cities gather to join forces in Barcelona at the worldwide leading event for smart cities: SCEWC 2016 Barcelona.

An Amsterdam based smart city delegation will represent The Netherlands at the congress. Join our delegation and

> explore innovative projects, network and forge new partnerships, acquire knowledge, engage with hot topics and see cutting edge ideas

Smart Cities EXPO –City to City business exchange

Amsterdam is also in touch with the cities of London, Berlin, Paris and Barcelona, all attending the congress with a business delegation. At least 50 businesses from these four cities will attend the congress alongside representatives of their governments. The business delegations from these cities are very keen to meet the business delegation from Amsterdam.

Date: 15th November 2016 (maybe 17th) The objective of this event is for SME’s from each city to find out more information about other cities opportunities and also to find partners and friends to enable their expansion into that city


Amsterdam Trade...

exists to support businesses that aim to broaden their horizon and want to explore doing business abroad. Are you interested in the themes of smart cities, circular economy, data and technology, mobility and society, and what it has to offer your business? Or are you ready to expand your network globally?

Then join Amsterdam Trade to the SCEWC 2016 Barcelona and reach a global audience. Together we set up a program and expand our network in the name of Amsterdam.

Step one: Outreach to explore business interest in the congress

Step two: Draw up a goal oriented program together

Step three: Let’s go

Contact Amsterdam Trade via :

Malou Brantjes's picture News
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Inspiring! Dutch province launches cycle path made of toilet paper! (Dutch text)

In Holland 180.000 tons of toilet paper are flushed away on a yearly basis. The Province of Friesland, a water board and some private parties cooperated to give this paper a new life. They win paper fibers out of the waste water and turn them into asphalt. Unique form of recycling! Article in Dutch

Nancy Zikken's picture #CircularCity
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Self-Driving Car Study Group

Another example of new economic development driven by innovative smart developments that can contribute to more social inclusion.

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Mobility