Smart City Academy

Are you interested in the experiences of others working in smart city projects and organizations? The Smart City Academy provides available knowledge about smart city projects and can help you with project development. This Smart City Academy page provides you with information and researches about the impact and conditions of smart city projects. Professors, teachers and students study the initiation, management, collaboration and scaling of smart city projects and would like to share these results with you. They do so by organizing events and masterclasses, by developing smart city tools and methodologies and by making research and outcomes accessible. You can find everything here. And the good news is.... You can add your knowledge too! Are you working on Smart City research? Please feel free to share your knowledge in the Academy section, under ‘Other research and theses’. The Smart City Academy is powered by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. If you have any questions, you can contact

V C, posted

Feedbacks wanted: ChargeOn Bike - Clean Energy Challenge for Amsterdam City

Hello folks,

I have joined What Design Can Do's clean energy challenge, and now is at the concept stage. My product is called ChargeOn Bike: using a dynamo to charge smartphones with clean energy from cycling, and a mobile app to raise awareness about energy transition.

Could you let me know your thoughts on it?
Do you see the need of it as a citizen and what I could improve to fit your needs?

Any feedbacks are very much welcome.

V C's picture #Energy
Barbora Kudzmanaite, posted

Looking for innovative and impactful IT solutions for public administrations

Do you want to become the next public sector digital champion? Submit your solution for the World Sharing and Reuse Awards by 28 February 2019!

On 29 November, Mariya Gabriel, ​​the Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society officially launched the Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019. The contest will highlight the most innovative and impactful IT solutions for public administrations (both open source software and IT shared services).

The prizes that can be won are € 15 000 for the first team and € 10 000 for the runner-up in each of these 4 categories:
Most innovative open source software
Open source software with the biggest impact on citizens or businesses
Most innovative shared IT services (commonly developed or shared)
Shared IT services (commonly developed or shared) with the biggest impact on citizens or businesses

The Sharing and Reuse Awards will take place on 29 June, 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. If you would like to become a contestant in the awards, you can submit your solution before 28 February 2019.

Read more and propose your solution here:

Alicja Kepka, Student , posted

Looking for interviewees for a thesis project

My name is Alicja Kepka and I am a 3rd-year student of Media & Information programme at the University of Amsterdam. I am currently working on my thesis which focuses on the development of smart cities. I'm looking for people working on interesting projects, companies, or organizations that might help me with my project.

The main goal of my research is to take a closer look at the discourse around smart cities in the Netherlands and explore the role of citizens in the decision-making and implementation processes. I am especially interested in investigating how companies and organizations involve citizens and how they deal with more vulnerable groups in the society (for example, computer illiterate or older generations) when thinking about smart city technologies.

Would you be interested in giving a short interview to answer a few questions about your organization, the development of smart cities, and the involvement of citizens?
The interview could take place in person, over the phone, or through the internet. It shouldn’t last longer than 1 hour. It would be also recorded and transcribed at the later stage. Your valuable input would be later used in the final publication, with all relevant acknowledgments.

Please don't hesitate to contact me via if you have any questions!

Alicja Kepka

Alicja Kepka's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Valerie Bos, Program Director at Economic Development Board Almere, posted

Looking for sleep experts / fanatics / startups!

Short nights, long days, yawning, snoozing, blue light, espresso popping, one more episode - than one more. We get less sleep than we need. And that is a shame because sleeping contributes to good health. To our productivity, our vitality and our enjoyment of life. And, indirectly, also to our economy. We, therefore, dare to say with confidence that becoming rich sleeping is not such a crazy statement: a healthy, sleepy city is a productive city after all.

We are looking for companies, individuals, startups etc. that are interested in this topic or doing great things and are ready to share that with the rest of the region (world).

The program starts the 7th of January till 25 March 2019.

Valerie Bos's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted

Amsterdammers gezocht voor onderzoek naar stadsnatuur

De universiteit Nantes zoekt Amsterdammers voor een onderzoek naar de impact van stadsnatuur op de gezondheid en het welzijn van stadsbewoners. Dit onderzoek maakt onderdeel uit van Nature4Cities ( een project gericht op klimaatverandering in de stad. Nature4Cities onderzoekt de mogelijkheden om de effecten van klimaatverandering aan te pakken door meer stadse natuur te creeeren (Nature-based Solutions).
Jouw bijdrage wordt zeer op prijs gesteld!

De link naar de vragenlijst:

Sabrina Zaini, posted

Digi.Bio is offering several internships

Digi.Bio is a biotech startup with big dreams. We are looking for a young and ambitious team to join us in our mission to reprogram biology. We have three internship positions open:
- Design
- Engineering
- Business/Finance
Read more about the vacancies and sign up:
Design -



Sabrina Zaini's picture #CircularCity
Samantha Yannucci, posted

Looking for connections to start an Urban Living Lab that facilitates integration for refugee communities

Hi all, my name is Sam and I have an idea for an urban living lab that facilitates the social and cultural integration of refugee communities. I am seeking practical steps for where to start.

The purpose of this project is to understand the potential for intentional cultural enclaves to facilitate the integration of immigrants and members of the host society by catalyzing meaningful relationships, interactions, and cultural exchange through culturally specific businesses, services, and activities. Through experimentation, analysis, and refinement, the model would ultimately be replicable in any city and serve as an epicenter for meaningful cultural exchange, ultimately leading to true integration (not to be confused with assimilation) and a more culturally rich city as a whole.

The concept is an alternative to contemporary integration policy and programs, such as the Dutch dispersal policies, that force citizens of a different racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds to live in a single residential area. I do not believe these contemporary policies contribute to the highest degree of social and cultural integration.

Any information, advice, and partnership recommendations to develop on this urban living lab concept is much appreciated.

Additionally, I have not gotten to talk to many people about this concept, so if I have no explained clearly, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions and I will happily provide clarification!

Thank you and all the best,


Samantha Yannucci's picture #Citizens&Living
Giovanni Stijnen, Senior program & business developer at NEMO Kennislink, posted

Looking for: Digital City Experts for Inscience Festival

NEMO Kennislink verzorgt dit jaar een NEMO City Lab evenement tijdens het Inscience festival in Nijmegen. Jaarthema van Inscience 2018 is AI. Inscience is een kwalitatief hoogstaand festival met (inter) nationale gasten en sprekers.

We zoeken experts - bij voorkeur op het gebied van AI in de stad – die willen deelnemen in onze activiteiten. Dat kan zijn als spreker in onze mini colleges of expert bij verschillende interactieve discussie formats. NEMO City Lab is laagdrempelig, speels en gericht op het betrekken van burgers bij stedelijke vraagstukken.

Inscience 2017 aftermovie

Wat we vragen
Je gaat als expert onder begeleiding van ons team met bezoekers van het festival in gesprek over AI in de stad. Dat gebeurt op zaterdag 10 en zondag 11 november. Het programma duurt 4 uur en loopt naar verwachting van van 12 – 16 uur. Je bent niet 4 uur continue bezig, er is voldoende ruimte voor pauzes.

Wat we bieden
Wij voorzien je van lunch, koffie en thee. Je krijgt een festival pas waarmee je toegang hebt tot het festival. We bieden geen gages, wel een klein bedankje, reiskosten vergoeding en mocht het nodig zijn kunnen wij overnachting in Nijmegen voorzien.
Verder zorgen wij voor vermelding van alle deelnemers en hun organisaties in promotie uitingen en reportages.

Heb je interesse? Stuur dan vóór 8 okt. een mail o.v.v. Expert AI Inscience naar Giovanni Stijnen:

Wat is NEMO City Lab: bekijk hier een sfeerimpressie van een eerdere editie.

Giovanni Stijnen's picture #DigitalCity
Sanne Mylonas, Impact Entrepreneur & COO , posted

Looking for: futuremakers for the “Growing Green Bridges” Hackathon

Heb je ervaring met (circulaire) bouwmaterialen, energie neutrale & eco-positieve innovaties, life cycle analysis, verbinding maken tussen infrastructuur en de omliggende omgeving, water(management) of het onderhoud van bruggen? Kortom: ben jij een ‘bruggenbouwer’?

Op 18 oktober brengen de provincie Flevoland en de gemeente Almere een selecte groep van 100 toekomstmakers bij elkaar om mee te denken over de te ontwerpen en te bouwen innovatieve bruggen voor het nieuw te ontwikkelen Floriade gebied.

AANMELDEN: Meld je vóór 1 oktober aan via:

ONTMOET inspirerende sprekers over (circulaire) innovatie; neem deel aan interactieve workshops waarin jij gaat brainstormen over, en bouwen aan, jouw ideale Floriade gebied; netwerk met 100 toekomstmakers die zich inzetten voor circulaire infrastructuur, duurzame innovatie en GREEN BRIDGES!

WANNEER: 18 oktober 2018 van 09.00 tot 21.00
WAAR: op een nader te bepalen inspirerende locatie in Almere en omstreken

Deelname is exclusief en gratis.
PARTNERS: Provincie Flevoland & Gemeente Almere

Sanne Mylonas's picture #CircularCity
Susan Vermeulen, posted

Looking for start-ups with awesome mobility concepts

How will smart mobility transform the last mile?
The municipality of Amsterdam, the Vervoerregio and the Province Noord-Holland organize a congress Smart Mobility: Just do it! (Smart Mobility: Gewoon doen) on the 1st of November. We want to inspire guest with new, innovative, smart last mile solutions. A part of the guest will travel by public transport and we want various start-ups to be able to show their products for the last mile. It will be from train station Zaandam to our event location. This is about 2.9 kilometres. It would be ideal if you have a MVP to transport guests from the train station to our event location. You get the opportunity to meet various policy makers regarding (smart) mobility to expose your product and inspire them.
Are you interested? Contact me at

Susan Vermeulen's picture #Mobility
Maulo Lumleod, posted

Studens are looking to do business research

Beste connecties

Mijn naam is Maulo Lumleod, een vierdejaarsstudent bedrijfskunde aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Samen met mijn teamgenoten Rutger van den Hoek & Janneke Methorst, zijn wij op zoek naar een organisatie die graag een professioneel bedrijfskundig onderzoek wil laten uitvoeren.

We hebben vanuit de Hogeschool een aantal sectoren meegekregen zoals Health, FinTech, Smart Cities & Mobility.

De opdracht voor het onderzoek mag volledig door jullie organisatie worden bepaald. Zo zorgen we ervoor dat we een onderzoek uitvoeren wat voor de organisatie relevant en nuttig zal zijn. Het onderzoek zal volledig worden begeleid door twee onderzoeksdocenten die vanuit de Hogeschool zijn aangesteld. Zij zullen de controle en begeleiding uitvoeren op het onderzoek. Meer informatie over het project kunt u vinden op:

Het project zal gedurende de periode september tot december worden uitgevoerd. Het zal voor de organisatie geheel kosteloos zijn om het onderzoek door ons te laten uitvoeren. Wel vragen wij om tijd en medewerking om de nodige informatie te kunnen verzamelen.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Maulo Lumleod

Maulo Lumleod's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Ellen Hu, Student , posted

Respondents needed: Export support provided by the Gemeente Amsterdam

Dear sir or madam,
I am currently writing my thesis for the Gemeente Amsterdam (CTO office) to research how the local government can support SMEs to export their solutions for urban challenges to China. It would be highly appreciated if you could help me out by filling the following survey:

You are:
- A company who is interested in exporting to China
- A company who is currently trying to enter China
- A company who is successfully established in China

Again, thank you so much in advance!

Adrian Tavaszi, Smart city activist , posted

Need expert and/or literature on smart city architecture Amsterdam

My name is Adrian Tavaszi , I am founder of the citizen initiative for democratic smart city in Heidelberg, Germany ( We are looking for policies and guidelines to establish a democratic process of digital transformation. I would like to get in contact with a team member or expert from Amsterdam with some insight into the the basic opearting principles of Amsterdam smart city, the process of establishing the platform and what makes it democratic!

Adrian Tavaszi's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Marco Marechal, Strategic (Communication) advisor (CEO) , posted

Adding knowledge towards your project in the area of the enduser...

Adding knowledge towards a project you have (City level) in the area of water or smart city and smart mobility. To actively envolve the end- user, citizens engagement and participation;. We have large survey results in the area of smart city and smart mobility to actively involve the end user in the project you have. To make your project more succesfull because people actually use it.

Looking for a project and / or partnership in a city or area of the city to conduct further study in the area of citizens engagement and to add the human factor within the project or city for you.

Marco Marechal's picture #Citizens&Living
Martijn van Velzen, Startup Scout , posted

Startup applications on KPN's 5G network

KPN is working hard for our future 5G network which will offer all new possibilities like massive machine communications and an ultra reliable, low latency as explained in this video

We’re looking for new applications benefiting from the new possibilities. Do you want to earn a spot in our 5g showcase in Amsterdam and access to our 5g field labs? Then, sign up for our challenge on June 13th.

Martijn van Velzen's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Jennifer Kammerer, Student , posted

Interview - Smart City Amsterdam

Hello Everyone,
my name is Jennifer Kammerer and I'm writing my bachelor thesis about smart cities at the moment. I really like the strategies of the smart city amsterdam and would like to interview the smart city team for some more questions and opinions. The Topic of my thesis is: Wie smart sollten Bürogebäude sein? Immobilienwrtschaftliche Analyse von Smart City Konzepten auf die Entwicklung von Büroimmobilien. (How smart should an office building be? A analysis of smart city concepts on the development of office buildings from a real estate business point of view). I would really appreciate if I get the chance to get an interview. I would like so send the questions written and you can answer them also as a team or in the community. You can of course also use the interview material from the thesis!
I would be very thankful for a feedback! Dank u wel!

Jennifer Kammerer's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Jan Pieter Mulder, Pre-master Student Human Geography , posted

Definition of Smart City

Hello everybody! My name is Pieter and I'm writing a bachelor thesis about finding 'the best' or 'most suitable' definition for the Smart City concept in Amsterdam. I study Human Geography at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Smart City is in my opinion a broad, interpretative concept and there is not a single definition suitable for every system. I am very curious about your experience and view on the concept.

My question is: How would you describe the concept of Smart City for the city of Amsterdam? And for initiators (initiatiefnemers) of projects: what is your experience with participating in-, or setting up a smart city project in Amsterdam?

You would help me a lot and maybe we could start a discussion!
Thank you in advance for reading this request and I would like to hear from you.

Kind regards, Pieter Mulder

Jan Pieter Mulder's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Igneta Skliaustytė, posted

Startup Weekend Future Cities Amsterdam 2018

Startup Weekend is a global initiative where professionals and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products and launch startups.
This year Startup Weekend focuses on Future Cities - finding solutions for urban issues. Teams will present their smart solutions and solve cases provided by governments. In the meantime, governments will have a chance to 'adopt' proposed ideas.
We want to build partnerships with Smart City Amsterdam & receive support for the event.

Igneta Skliaustytė's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Suzanne Ketelaar, Assistent Projectmanager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Research into wishes and needs of the customer in the field of SmartHome

For my graduation assignment at PostNL I do research into the wishes and needs of the consumer in the field of SmartHome and then mainly focused on the installation of this. It is important for me to know what your wishes and needs are! The survey takes up to 6 minutes. (Please note that the survey is now only available in Dutch. If you are only English-speaking and would like to participate in the study, I am of course willing to translate the survey into English. )

Click on the link to go to the survey:

Suzanne Ketelaar's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Erik Bibo, CEO , posted

Big Data

My name is Erik Bibo, co-owner of In2Content. For a webinar we are looking for a Amsterdam based company/store that is already using Big Data. We want to make a short video of that company/store.
