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Are you interested in the experiences of others working in smart city projects and organizations? The Smart City Academy provides available knowledge about smart city projects and can help you with project development. This Smart City Academy page provides you with information and researches about the impact and conditions of smart city projects. Professors, teachers and students study the initiation, management, collaboration and scaling of smart city projects and would like to share these results with you. They do so by organizing events and masterclasses, by developing smart city tools and methodologies and by making research and outcomes accessible. You can find everything here. And the good news is.... You can add your knowledge too! Are you working on Smart City research? Please feel free to share your knowledge in the Academy section, under ‘Other research and theses’. The Smart City Academy is powered by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. If you have any questions, you can contact
Deel jouw ervaring en breng Amsterdam dichter bij de Donut!
Werk jij aan één of meerdere initiatieven of ondernemingen die bijdragen aan een Amsterdam met voor iedereen een eerlijke, sociale basis maar binnen veilige ecologische grenzen. Dat noemen wij een 'Donut Pionier': iemand die de Donut Economie in regio Amsterdam een stapje dichterbij brengt.
Om deze transitie naar een circulaire economie te versnellen willen we het belang en de impact laten zien van initiatieven, belangrijke drempels wegnemen en zoeken naar praktische oplossingen om initiatieven te laten groeien. Daarvoor hebben we jouw kennis en ervaring nodig.
Hieronder leggen we meer uit over dit onderzoek, de resultaten, wat je hieraan hebt en de tijdlijn. Wil je meteen de vragenlijst invullen? Deze vind je hier:
[]( "") De deadline hiervoor is 4 september.
Dit onderzoek
Je bent bij het werken aan jouw initiatief of onderneming vast uitdagingen tegengekomen. Denk daarbij bijvoorbeeld aan regelgeving die niet lijkt aan te sluiten bij je initiatief. Maar ook aan andere drempels die groei van jouw initiatief in de weg staan zoals ruimte, financiering, mensen, middelen, capaciteit, kennis of vooroordelen. Misschien heb je ook geleerd over oplossingen die daarbij werkten, of juist niet. Ten slotte zijn we nieuwsgierig naar de impact die je maakt. Deze vragen staan centraal in dit onderzoek. We richten ons op de succesvolle initiatieven, maar ook op die initiatieven die de drempels en problemen niet hebben kunnen overwinnen en uiteindelijk niet succesvol waren. Van beide valt veel te leren.
De resultaten
Op basis van dit onderzoek kunnen we de grootste uitdagingen agenderen en de beste oplossingen ontwikkelen of delen. Daarvoor analyseren we de reacties op deze vragen in september, met een aantal experts. We delen relevante inzichten met andere Donut Pioniers, maar vertalen het ook door naar beleidsmakers, het onderwijs en de arbeidsmarkt. Daarvoor werken we samen met onder meer de gemeente Amsterdam, Kennisland, Olympia, de HvA en de UvA. Ook werken we aan een Europees vervolg van dit onderzoek waarin verschillende steden worden vergeleken, om lessen te delen en samen te werken aan oplossingen.
What’s in it for you?
We realiseren ons dat je tijd beperkt is. Daarom proberen we je zoveel mogelijk terug te geven.
- De uitdagingen en oplossingen van andere pioniers delen we, met hun goedkeuring, ook met jou. Hopelijk helpt dit je om je doelen te halen.
- Je verhaal kan als voorbeeld worden opgenomen in publicaties in het kader van de 750 verjaardag van Amsterdam, of het internationale onderzoek. Dit ter lering en inspiratie voor iedereen die een stap wil zetten in het maken van positieve impact.
- We agenderen belangrijke concrete drempels bij de relevante partijen zoals de gemeente en werken met hen aan gerichte oplossingen. En daar betrekken we jou bij, als je interesse hebt.
Het vinden van de belangrijkste uitdagingen is één. Het belangrijkste is dat we hiervoor gerichte oplossingen ontwikkelen en de transitie naar een circulaire economie kunnen versnellen.
De tijdlijn
- 4 september - Deadline voor de vragenlijst.
- Eind september - We analyseren de resultaten in een workshop, oa. met Donut Pioniers. In de vragenlijst kun je je hiervoor opgeven.
- 13 november - We presenteren de resultaten op de Donut Dag.
Het invullen van deze vragenlijst kost 15 a 20 minuten. Het zou geweldig zijn als je hier wat tijd voor vrij wilt maken.
De vragenlijst vind je hier: []( "")
Alvast heel erg bedankt voor je tijd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Namens het Leren & Integreren team
Rosa Tibosch
Master thesis about smart mobility solutions, also in Amsterdam
Hi everyone!
I'm currently writing my thesis on smart mobility solutions and their (expected) impact in the fight against climate change. As I'm also looking at cooperation between cities, I'd be very grateful if through posting this, I could get answers to the following questions.
- Does Amsterdam cooperate with other cities in the development of smart mobility solutions, like Roboat, Vehicle-2-Grid, or eHubs?
- Do other cities contact Amsterdam for advice and expertise with their smart mobility initiatives?
Thank you all and have a nice week ahead!
Smart cities/ Urban planning Internship.
Hi everyone,
I am currently in my Final year of of a BSc in City Planning and Environmental Policy in University College Dublin. I am also planning on doing a masters in Urban design and Planning.
I want to pursue an internship opportunity for the summer months of 2023 (June-August). Does anyone have any information on any companies/ projects that are willing to take interns within Europe?
I am super passionate about sustainable development and the urban environment and would love to gain experience in my feild!
Thanks so much in advance!
Looking for local companies
Hello! Let me introduce myself, I am Laetitia, a learner of the Business Team Academy in Switzerland. The Team Academy is a learning-by-doing system, where our goal is to initiate and manage concrete projects, without the help of teachers or courses. I wanted to get in touch with companies in Amsterdam because me and my team will be coming for three weeks to meet the Team Academy in Amsterdam. In order to be able to finance our trip and learn more about the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Amsterdam, we want to collaborate with local companies and come up with ideas together for a possible exchange of services. We are also looking for company visits once we are there. I thank your community in advance for your ideas and suggestions!
Data Science Student Opportunities
I am a fourth year student at UC Berkeley studying data science and sustainable design. I currently live in Berkeley, California but am moving to Amsterdam post-graduation from January 2022. I am interested in volunteer/part-time work opportunities in data analytics for smart cities, given Amsterdam's impressive internet of things ecosystem. I am a motivated, hard worker with the ability to learn new things quickly, and am curious about many topics. Please let me know if there are any positions that are open to a person in my position, thank you!
Thesis Project - Interviewees
Dear Amsterdam Smart City Community,
I am addressing you all with a bit of a broad request, in the hopes of finding the right participants semi-organically. I am currently in the last months of my Master's in Global Business & Sustainability at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and with that comes a very important thesis project.
For my thesis project, I decided to perform a case study on the Bajeskwartier Amsterdam and investigate Amsterdam's smart city approach, the influence this has had on Circular Economy Business Models, Refurbishment Business Models, etc.
For my investigation, I would like to interview participants that have particular knowledge on the aforementioned, or know of others who could possibly help me enrich my data and findings!
Thank you in advance!
For more details do not hesitate to reach out to me via LinkedIn or under this message!
Smart City Amsterdam - Defining the future!
Dear AmsterdamSmartCity,
Today I start my dissertation project for Oxand. Together we will be working towards defining clearer goals for Gemeente Amsterdam's smart city objectives! We will approach this challenge by taking the #SmartCity principles and observing them through the lens of #SystemEngineering.
I am looking for members who are interesting in helping me identify stakeholders, current challenges facing the municipality, developing projects, objectives that must be fulfilled and much more!
Enquête (1min): Internationaliseren als MKB tijdens en na een crisis
Veel MKB-ers willen zich uit de crisis innoveren. Internationaal actief worden is kansrijk en vraagt voorbereiding en energie. Amsterdam Trade and Innovate en PIM Noord-Holland (Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB Noord-Holland) willen ondernemers helpen dit goed en succesvol aan te pakken. Ben jij een MKB-er in de MRA die actief is op de thema's van smartcity? Vul dan de enquête in zodat ons aanbod goed aansluit bij wat jij nodig hebt. Hou onze media in de gaten, in q1 organiseren we onze eerste event gericht op internationalisering.
Open the Blackbox: Do you have a story for us?
Open the Blackbox is een oproep van een brede alliantie van Nederlanders
voor meer democratische grip op de machtige technologieën en
organisaties in onze samenleving. Zie hier de visie video zoals gepresenteerd op Smart Humanity 2020.
We zijn op zoek naar verhalen over technologie en organisaties die je zelf hebt meegemaakt. Kleine of grote gebeurtenissen die jouw blik op dit onderwerp hebben veranderd, en waardoor je misschien ook iets nieuws
over jezelf hebt ontdekt. We zoeken dus niet naar verhalen over iemand anders, of geruchten die je via via hebt gehoord. In deze fase van Open the Blackbox gaat het om persoonlijke ervaringen, om feiten en voorvallen die indruk hebben gemaakt op jou.
Heb jij een verhaal voor ons? Heb je een goede tip en liefst zelfs documentatie om het te onderbouwen? Mail ons dan via (ook versleutelde berichten). We nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.
Zou je ons willen helpen? Ga dan voor jezelf na of je iets hebt meegemaakt op de volgende gebieden:
- Gebruik van informatie door overheid
- Functioneren van tech bedrijven en geheime diensten
- Dienstverlening en besluitvorming van grote organisaties
- Functioneren van autonome systemen en voertuigen
- Werking van Artificial Intelligence
- Veiligheid van gevoelige persoonlijke informatie
- Fraude, belastingontwijking en oneerlijke concurrentie
Open the Blackbox is een initiatief van Frank van Geffen en Joost van de Loo, en wordt gesponsord door KNVI Beroepsvereniging.
Deelnemers aan de pilot video zijn Martijn van der Veen (Privacy First), Hajo Reijers (Utrecht University en Eindhoven University of Technology), Nancy Zikken (Amsterdam Smart City), Frank van Geffen (KNVI), en Rein Mertens (SAS Nederland).
Nieuw platform voor innovatieve ondernemers 👨💻 zoekt feedback. 👇
Ben jij een ondernemer en is het voor jou ook lastig om tot samenwerking met gemeentes te komen? Vind je de (inkoop)procedures ook complex? Denk je ook dat Tenderned makkelijker en duidelijker zou kunnen zijn? En heb je hier ideeën over? Dan zoekt de Gemeente Amsterdam jou! Met jouw hulp kunnen wij aan de slag om dit te veranderen.
Waarom dit platform?
De Gemeente Amsterdam werkt, samen met partners uit de regio, aan een platform voor innovatieve ondernemers met nieuwe business opportunities bij overheden. Voor de grote uitdagingen van de stad (bv mobiliteit, klimaatneutraal) zijn innovatieve oplossingen hard nodig. De gemeente kan dit niet alleen en zoekt partijen met goede ideeën en producten.
We horen vaak van kleinere ondernemingen dat het, door complexe procedures en ingewikkelde platforms, niet makkelijk is om tot een samenwerking met de gemeente te komen. Het nieuwe platform,, heeft als doel om het voor beide kanten makkelijker, eenvoudiger en duidelijker te maken.
Beta zoekt feedback
Onlangs is de beta versie gelanceerd. Voor nu nog even met 1 project maar er komen binnenkort nieuwe projecten bij. Het komende jaar gaan we verder en jouw feedback helpt ons!
Wat vind jij goed aan het platform? Waar zie jij ruimte voor verbetering? Heb je nog andere goede ideeën wat we met dit platform zouden kunnen bereiken? We horen graag van je! Je kunt je reactie achterlaten in dit feedback formulier.
(PS: dit keer wel met een link die werkt 😄)
Dissertation ideas to look into about sustainable festival management in cities
Hey! I am a student from Finland looking to write my dissertation about the way city based festivals can thrive sustainably in a 'post-Covid-19' world and tackle sustainability issues with the support and co-creation of initiatives of the 'smart city' as well as city council.
Essentially I am aiming to argue how 'smart city' initiatives such as seen in Amsterdam and Helsinki could help festival management engage better with tackling sustainability issues cheaply, by for example offering event spaces, expertise, waste management which can be expensive processes...
Any advice is much appreciated, thank you !!
Residents and planners perception of smart city technology in Amsterdam
Hi im currently doing a dissertation on smart city technology in Amsterdam im really wanting to have peoples views on it. How they feel about the tecnology and whether they have liked the changed around roads and bike lanes etc in the past 10 years or so, im really wanting to know if people know about all the tech incorporated into the city. If anyone would like to get intouch if you feel you could help please send an email to or message me on here would love to hear from you all!
Kind Regards
Professionals in local public administration.
The Association of Public Administrators in Romania (AAPRO) was founded in 2010, as a follow-up of a pilot project called“Public Administrator – a success factor for an efficient management at local level” carry out by the Central Unit for the Public Administration Reform (a structure within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior Affairs).
AAPRO is commited to form a national, relevant, elite and professional Body of City Managers, who must have a clear image on the background of this career and become responsible for their professional conduct and self-improvement.
The initiative to introduce the Public Administrator position at each local level in Romania targets an higher lever of professionalism at counties, municipalities, cities and communes staff.
The romanian equivalent of the city manager can be hired upon the Mayor’s proposal or the one of the local council (wich must give the final aproval anyway), after a transparent selection process.
His main responsibilities are to coordinate some of the public administration affairs and services (on an agreed agenda) and to do other specific tasks delegated by the Mayor / President of County Council, all of these concluded in a management contract, based on clear management objectives and performance criteria.
The City Manager is one common thing among the efficient and successful local governments
all over the world. Adopting him in the romanian administration was a step from public adminsitration to public management, focusing on delivery good qaulity services for the citizens.
The Public Administrator, as we call it here, is not another birocrat, but a strategist, a visonary, balancing day-to-day (organizational) problem solving with planning and shaping the future, acording to the adopted local strategy and the community aspirations.
At the local level, the elected body and the technical staff, coordinated by the Mayor or the President of County Council and the Public Administrator, must first find aut and understand what people want, need and hope, then come up with a strategy, an action plan, seek for solutions, means and resources, involve the local actors such as bussines community and civil society, and communicate at any moment what has been done so far, and what is is comming.
In this picture, the Public Administrator has a leading role, he is an communicator, technology facilitator, and can be, if the Mayor delegates him, even budget chief authorizing officer.
Since 2013, the Association of City Managers in Romania, is a member of ICMA (International City / County Management Association), the most important and strong association internationally in terms of management in local public administration.
In 2019, the Association of City Managers in Romania hosted the most important event, the International Regional Conference ICMA, an event attended by over 220 representatives from 15 countries around the world.
Currently, in Romania activate more than 450 Public Administrators (the number varies from month to monyh), as follows :
- out of 41 counties, 26 ocupied positions and 7 vacancies
- out of 103 municipies, 40 ocupied positions and 37 vacancies
- out of 216 cities, 54 ocupied positions and 65 vacancies
- out of 2850 communes, 340 ocupied positions and 350 vacancies
Those above figures makes 459 vacancies in total, with the observation that, in many cases, we are talking about small comunes with scarce budgets.
The Romanian City Managers Association (AAPRO) conducted a survey among its members that identified the needs for training, building local capacities on climate protection, urban regeneration, structural changes and energy policies, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.
Establishing appropriate training structures for the now and future City Managers is essential for supporting the development of the cities and climate strategies (it aims to encourage cities and municipalities to take concrete actions for climate protection in Romania), urban regeneration and structural changes, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.
This project focuses on the competences that the city managers must have in order to achieve a multiplication effect through their contribution.
The nationwide implementation of a systematic local energy management using the City Managers can thus make an important step to tapp existing saving potentials in different regions and to establish a sustainable portfolio management.
We hope that, with your support, that the outcomes of this important project, can be forwarded on an extended scale to the local institutions (schools, hospitals, etc) and communities, as good practices, improving the energy efficiency status and reducing the energy poverty, urban regeneration and structural changes, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.
The pilot group will be composed of 50 to 80 city managers upon their self enrollment and applying few clear selection parameters : level of municipality, experience, english language, etc.
The target group will be afterward authorized to further train other city managers and employees of the local municipalities. This core team is expected to disseminate the information and to act as an experts group in our Association.
As Romania has (at this moment) a deficit of at least 250 city managers, the learning and workshops center will be powerful tool, a public management academy and a testing facility for the ones applying for this position.
How can we help the people who lives In the slums if no budget is allocated by the government?
hi there everyone,
I am Maasoome, Master of Urban Planning, from Iran.
I work in an office in a rural area that has just joined the city (located in east north of Iran). Our job is to help the people who are living in this area to improve the social and economic situation of their lives. Unfortunately, we have faced the problem of a lack of funds to improve the economic situation of this area by the government.
Can you give me a solution or a new idea to change this situation?
The population of this range is equal to: 15560
Thanks for your attention
Speaking opportunity at event 'How to Get People to Actually Use Contact Tracing Apps' - 3rd of September
The wait is almost over. On the 1st of September, the Netherlands will launch its own contact tracing app to combat COVID-19. In a few weeks time, all Dutch people will be able to use the Coronamelder. But, are people really waiting for this app? Usage is voluntary, however, it is often said that 60% of the population should use the app to ensure effectiveness. Will 60% of the Dutch install an app? What can the government and other stakeholders do to ensure high rates of adoption? And what lessons can we learn from other countries already using contact-tracing apps? Join the international exchange!
Amsterdam Smart City is organizing a Data Dilemmas event on this topic on the 3rd of September! More information can be found here:
Have you been involved in the development, testing or roll-out of a contact-tracing app for covid-19 and would you like to share you experience as a user or professional? Get in touch with Nancy via with a short explanation on how you would like to contribute to the discussion!
Master's thesis: Looking for interviewees involved in Schoonschip project
Greetings everyone, my name is Rhea and i am pursuing my master's in Urban Management and Development.
I am currently writing my thesis on decentralised smart energy systems accelerating neighbourhood circularity (through the case of Schoonschip, Amsterdam), aiming for an integrated result in the energy and circularity transition as well as to fill the gap in literature about neighbourhood circularity.
Consequently, I am looking to interview people who were involved in the Schoonschip project, including experts, project developers, community members, municipality etc. The interview would be focusing on conditions such as technological, economic, institutional, socio-cultural and environmental (depending on the interviewee's background) associated with the development of Schoonschip and its energy systems. Your valuable insights will be fully acknowledged in the final publication.
Kindly contact me if you are willing to contribute to my research or if you know someone who could help me out. I would be grateful! Thanks in advance!
Participants required! Travel experience research and data collection
Check the intro/promo video of my research
In my master thesis I examine how people experience their everyday trips in the Netherlands and the parameters that affect their perception. Data is now collected via the UMO Research app ( and you are invited to participate.
The thesis is performed at the Department of Transport & Planning of TU Delft.
Roxani Gkavra
Search for information around smart cities
I'm an MBA student in South Africa, in the last State Of Nation address President Ramaphosa announced development of smart city. Now I want to do treastise on the subject the topic that is on my mind is "smart city impact on citizens" I stand to be correct if I'm bit outside. Its what I think at the moment, I need articles and websites.
Sign up for the beta launch of our reading platform - and upvote on Product Hunt!
We're on a mission to create the best online reading experience ever - and would really appreciate an upvote on Product Hunt if you have time today -
If you like swapping articles with colleagues, friends and other groups, but are tired of a) lots of links in lots of different places and b) not knowing exactly which bit they want to highlight - then this one is for you. A way to share articles cross-platform, in one place, with highlights and comments.
You can also sign up to receive beta access when we launch.
Let us know what you think!
Looking for interviewees for Master thesis project.
Hi all! I am Siddharth, a master student at the AMS Institute. For my thesis, I am researching how citizen engagement can contribute to evaluation/assessment of smart city and smart city projects with respect to quality of life. Quality of life is a basic compnent of the smart city but evaluation for quality of life does not happen successfully. How can citizen engagement fill the gap in assessing the smart city and smart projects for quality of life?
If you are a citizen, researcher, project developer, innovator or public official who has any insights or interest in this topic and would like to contribute to my research project please do contact me. I look forward to talking to you!
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