European Commission publishes new subsidy calls on energy and smart cities

The EU subsidizes innovations in the Horizon 2020 programme. Recently, new calls for the period 2018-2020 were published.
Topics vary from research and education in energy transition to consumer pull for a new energy market, from CO2-conversion to modelling and social aspects of the energy transition.
Find the topic that interests you by scrolling the EU Horizon 2020 participant portal via the link below.

Expect at least 6 months of preparation time for an EU-innovation project that can face the fierce competition for subsidy. Projects generally consist of more than 10 partners from at least 3 European Member States, and have a budget of 5-30 million Euro, depending on the call. Please make sure you read the whole call text before thinking of applying. And newcomers are strongly advised to join a consortium of experienced Horizon 2020 partners to make a good chance.

