How much urban green can you find in the 10 most populated cities of the Netherlands? Esri Nederland, specialist in maps technology, has created a StoryMap in which the green areas are made visible. Top of the list is the southern city of Breda (61% ‘green'), followed by Almere and Tilburg (54% ‘green’). The numbers 8, 9 and 10 are The Hague (31%), Amsterdam (29%) and Rotterdam (with only 19%).
Cities are growing in numbers of residents, so let's start to make them greener. Last year in the UK a movement was founded that actively campaigns to make London ‘the world’s first National Park City’. The metropole should become a “city where people and nature are better connected. A city that is rich with wildlife and every child benefits from exploring, playing and learning outdoors”. The movement consists of crowdfunders, an advisory board, friends and other supporters. The way in which this Greater London National Park City initiative is rounding up the support of the Londoners is very inspiring. Citizens who sympathize with the #NationalParkCity idea, are asked to write to their local councillors to declare that their ward should support this initiative. The London mayor Mr. Sadiq Khan and the London Assembly have promised their backing. Already 239 wards (London has in total 654 wards within 32 boroughs) have declared their support. The charity is a success since it touches people's hearts and minds.
In order to visualise the urban green and to inspire more Londoners to give their support, Dr. Daniel Raven-Ellison, a famous guerrilla geographer & creative explorer, embarked upon a 500km walk across all 32 boroughs and the city of London. Het started his walk (a giant spiral around the city) on June the 23rd June; next week in on Wednesday, the 26th of July, his journey will come to an end. You can follow him on the website of the charity and the social media (#bigwalkaroundLondon). We are certainlly doing it.
We think it is a wonderful idea if other cities also start their own movement. Let be Amsterdam the first one to also become a National Park City. Thursday 20 July 2017 we are organising a simultaneous walk. Daniel Raven-Ellison in London & Nature Desks in Amsterdam. We call this experiment #WalkAroundAmsterdam. It’s a start in order to realize other green plans. Join us online or live.
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